Date: Fri. Mar 7, 2025 14:02:25
Name: Kent
Country: UK
Ranking: 10
Comments: Thanks for your work.
Sharkman: Thank you.
Date: Mon. Feb 3, 2025 10:56:56
Name:Luma Brisco
Country: Switzerland
Ranking: 8
Comments: Very nice site, I like the colors - Luma was here.
Sharkman: Thanks
Date: Tues. July 23, 2024 19:51:07
Name: Billy Gaster
Country: UK
Ranking: 10
Comments: I love your work.
Sharkman: Thanks
Date: Mon. April 22, 2022, 08:27:29
Name: Bill
Country: United States
Age: 42
Site Rating: 10
Comments: Amazing site man, great job :-)
Sharkman: Thanks.
Date: Mon. December 12, 2022, 07:56:17
Name:Janette Barbara
Country: United States
Age: Old Enough!
Site Rating: 10
Comments: Nice page Alex !!
Sharkman: Thanks.
Date: Mon, August. 26 2019, 16:50:34
Name: Partybra Sarah
Country: United Kingdom
Age: 25
Site Rating: 10
Comments: I've just visited the beautiful island of Malta, Comino and Gozo. I love your website and sharks.
Sharkman: Thank you.
Date: Tues , October. 23 2018, 03:51:47
Name: Irene L Crouse
Country: United States
Age: 67
Site Rating: 10
Comments: ;-) Hi Alex, I just thought i would sign your guest book, thank you.
Sharkman: Thank you for your constant support.
Date: Mon, July. 23 2018, 03:22:17
Name: Diana
Country: United States
Site Rating: 10
Comments: Private Message
Date: Sat, May 6 2017, 21:03:22
Name: Elsebeth
Country: Denmark
Site Rating: 10
Comments:I love this website!
Sharkman: Thank you.
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2016, 21:44:42
Name: Maeve
Country: Canada
Site Rating: 10
Comments:I am absolutely in love with this website!! Lots of quality content and enjoyable information. I am studying to be a marine biologist and I support this expression of passion and interest.
Best of luck to you in future endeavors, and thank you for your inspiration!
Sharkman: Thank you for your comments Maeve.
Date: Thu, Sep 17 2015, 00:38:19
Name: Alana Roets
Country: South Africa
Site Rating: 10
Comments:Dear Alex,
Thank you for the acceptance into your Facebook page. :-)
I look forward to exploring your website!
Wishing you Blue Waters always! :-)
Sharkman: Thank you for your comments Alana.
Date: 2015-01-16 17:50:03
Name: Bob and Clary Allen
Country: USA
Age: 40's
Site Rating: 10
Comments: Greetings Alexander,
You have a great website - we have just discovered it, and have only begun to explore it. We have a question about Ron & Valerie Taylor. We wonder if you know how to get hold of, and purchase, copies of some of their work. We have the Inner Space series and Blue Water, White Death already. We want to buy many more: Blue Wilderness, The Silver Jacket (magazine), Shark Hunters, Playing with Sharks, any footage on the use of the chainmail shark suit, Shadow Over the Reef, Shark Pod, and Shadow of the Shark.
We have written to Valerie herself, but she said she can't help us, because she knows nothing about copying videos, nor exactly where they are. She said Ron Taylor Productions was passed down to their nephew Jonathon, but we don't get a response from him. So, we wonder if you can help. Undoubtedly, we will buy material you have available, too. We love the ocean - sharks in particular.
Bless you this New Year. Hope to hear from you,
Bob and Clary
Sharkman: Hi guys. Thank you for your comments. I am afraid that I cannot be of any much help. The few items that I have that include Ron & Val were either sent to me as gifts or I managed to find in some old bookshops. Their stuff is very hard to come by. With some luck you might try to find a few items on the internet.
Entry Date: 2013-07-18 16:18:40
Name: Tjeeze
Site Rating: 8
Visitor Comments: Keep up your good work
Sharkman: Thank you Tjeeze.
Entry Date: 2012-10-14 12:31:02
Name: Maria hörnqvist
Site Rating: 10
Country: Sweden
Sex: Female
Age: 40
Referred By:
Visitor Comments: Hello Alex ! Love your page!
loved Sharks since I was 8 yrs old. Have two shark tattoos of The Great white. Dived in red sea 2002 to see Sharks for real. Do you know where i can ger information about this question about that Sharks cant get cancer ?
I have one blue shark baby in a can, male, about 84cm long . Got it as a present from My dad-1979. Can i send i The pictures of My tattoos?
Sharkman: Hello Maria. Thank you for your comment. There is a lot of information about the Sharks / Cancer issues on the internet. All you need do is google the question. Recent findings have indicated that sharks do get some types of cancer.
Yes, please feel free to email me your tattoo photos.
Entry Date: 2012-04-24 07:57:49
Name: david "sharkman" dawson
Site Rating: 10
Country: liverpool england
Sex: m
Age: 36
Referred By: old skool user here
Visitor Comments: Hi alex great to see the site still running. i have a few more shark tattoos ill send to you sir to update my pics im getting a new one tommorow so ill wait a week till its healed and post you the new ones i have. you take care buddy and keep up the good work
"peter benchley created a monster we are trying to repair his mess"
Sharkman: Great to see you back. Will be waiting to see your tatts.
Entry Date: 2012-04-16 01:41:01
Name: Frank P. Garrett
Site Rating: 10
Sex: M
Entry Date: 2012-03-08 00:41:39
Name: Ariel
Site Rating: 10
Sex: F
Referred By: Been here Before
Visitor Comments: Alex - Have you been told lately ! How much you are appreciated and how wonderful to have your site back up!
Thank you .. and always in my heart .. SMG!
Sharkman: Thank you.
Entry Date: 2012-02-23 21:16:16
Name: Janette
Site Rating: 10
Sex: F
Referred By: Been here Before
Comments: (Private Message)
Date: 2012-02-07 15:29:31
Name: Shaun Arrigo
Web Site Name: Planetsea
Country: Malta
Sex: M
Age: 45
Referred By:
Site Rating: 7
Comments: :) Looking good m8 - keep it up as always
Sharkman: Thanks Buddy.
Date: 2012-02-05 01:46:03
Name: Mary Shipman
Country: usa
Sex: f
Age: 43
Referred By: Facebook
Site Rating: 10
Comments: Thanks for the invite, I love your pics!! I doubt i ever get to go diving in my lifetime, so, i will live the dives thru your eyes. god bless, stay safe!!!
Sharkman: Thanks. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Date: 2012-02-04 22:45:32
Name: Carina Bastos
Country: USA
Sex: F
Age: 32
Site Rating: 10
Comments: :) Awesome your page.... Great info, Congrats !!!
Sharkman: Thank you.
Date: 2012-02-01 17:01:18
Name: Lara
Country: BG
Site Rating: 9
Visitor Comments: Very glad to see this amazing & useful site is back
Sharkman: Thank you.
Sunday 01/29/2012 2:22:15pm
Name: George Rix
Homepage Title: SeaWitch Artist
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: London, England
Sex: M
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Thank you for creating this extensive and very good website, it's a very good contribution to conservation!
Sharkman: Thank you.
Monday 03/07/2011 10:54:29pm
Name: Bernhard
Referred By: We Dived Together
City/Country: Deutschland
Comments: Hi Alex, many years now, we are not in touch... I need to talk to you.
Please send your mail adress and phone... i am Bernhard from Munich... was at Octopus Garden with my wife Patrizia... 8 or 9 years back...
Sharkman: Hi Bernhard. Nice to hear from you. Will be in touch. Hugs to Patrizia
Wednesday 02/09/2011 1:00:36am
Name: Alex Cooke
Referred By: We Dived Together
City/Country: uk
Comments: hiya mate hows it going? Did you get the flights to the states sorted? Must meet again and sink the eagle. Saw you on utube couldn't understand a word but I know where you're coming from. Love to Jo. Was that a wig you were wearing? lol regards Alex
Sharkman: Hi Alex....I guess you do miss your hair.
Thursday 07/08/2010 11:11:32pm
Name: Adriana Genovese
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I wish there were more people like you out there to speak for sharks. I hope soon enough people start realizing how important they are , not only in the oceans but for us to.
Good luck and keep going!
Sharkman: Thank you.
Monday 06/07/2010 2:03:49am
Name: Robert G. Schreib Jr.
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Toms River, NJ USA
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Dear Sir, I send this question to already, and you should talk to Popular Science magazine about it. That is, if taking the fins off sharks to make shark fin soup my make them extinct, then could cloning scientists who are growing artificial beef and other meat in the lab, then could they commercially grow shark fin meat in the lab to be sold to all Asian restaurants instead of killing sharks to get it?
Sharkman: Not a bad idea. Wish it could work.
Saturday 05/22/2010 7:36:23am
Name: Tony Keepers
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Dorst, Netherlands
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Hello Alex. I presume you know this but if not see this.
I think it is interesting. Nothing to do with which animal is "the KING" , but it's pure nature.
Sent my regards to Adrian please.
Sharkman: Will do
Thursday 02/04/2010 12:49:50am
Name: Grant Currie
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Perth Western Australia
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i also started diving a a early age and have the same passion for White sharks and all of it Family.
the sea is a wonder that will never be fully understood by humans even less than space.
i have not dived with a White (other sharks i have) but i have had a White swim below my boat last year. they are truely one misunderstood Wonder. diving is the one place were i am totaly at peace with medation .
keep up the good work
Sharkman: Thank you. I agree with you Grant.
Friday 11/13/2009 9:15:53pm
Name: Paule, Sabine, Michael und Sven
Referred By: Dived with you in Malta
City & Country: germany
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: heyhooo alex.....big greetz from was fiji??? Do you want to send me some pictures?? at the moment i study to be a teacher in potsdam in the near of my hometown. i live in a beautiful flat with my boyfriend in the city of potsdam! we are very happy! i hope you feel good.
big greetz to your family!
kiss and hug from the sharkgirl and family
Sharkman: Hi Fiji was awesome. Glad to hear from you. Hope to see you again in 2010. Greetings to all of you.
Wednesday 11/04/2009 0:00:39am
Name: aji bagus
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: indonesia
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I like your we..great job
Sharkman: Thanks.
Sunday 09/27/2009 8:17:20pm
Name: James
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Nice one!
Sharkman: Thanks.
Thursday 09/24/2009 9:04:00pm
Name: Ommy I Irizarry
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Mayaguez, Puertorico
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Love the site I always on it
Sharkman: Thanks.
Saturday 08/29/2009 9:41:59am
Name: Monika
Homepage Title: Mein leben in Lviv,Ukraine
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: Lviv, Ukraine
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hallo, tolle HP, gefällt mir so sehr. Ich bin deutsche und leben jetzt in Lviv.
Viele Grüsse aus Lviv, Ukraine sendet
Sharkman: Danke Monika. Viele Grüsse aus Malta.
Sunday 08/09/2009 10:40:49am
Name: shirley
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: sheboygan, wisconsin U.S.A.
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Awesome site. I love sharks. Have since about the age of 9. I am 33 now. My fave is the great white, followed closely by the tiger and mako. My favorite gentle shark is by far the leopard shark. I love reading about sharks, have quite the collection myself of sharks, and find it awesome reading about others who have a great love of sharks too. My one dream is to be in the water with a shark.
Sharkman: Hi Shirley. I sure hope your dream comes true.
Thursday 08/06/2009 4:44:37am
Name: Mark Carrera
Homepage Title: Mark Carrera Photography
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Auburn, Maine-USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Fantastic site, and I would like to support you any way I can. I am a full time (older at 47) student majoring in Project Management. I am an avid ocean explorer in my free time! Contact me!
Sharkman: Thanks Mark. Will be in contact.
Tuesday 08/04/2009 0:02:19am
Name: lauren
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: la quinta, CA USA
Sex: Female
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I love the video of you swimming with the female great white. It brought tears to my eyes to see the two of you sharing the sea in harmony. What a great friend she turned out to be, and you, too...sharkman.
I wish there were more of you and more sharks to swim with.
I love you.
Sharkman: Thanks Lauren....but I think you are mistaken me with Mike Rutzen..The South African "Sharkman".
Friday 04/24/2009 2:03:14am
Name: Wayne
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Elkhart In. U.S.A
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I've visited your site many times and always learn something new. Its one of my favourites. I too love sharks.
Sharkman: Thanks Wayne.
Friday 03/20/2009 9:59:26pm
Name: Annette
Homepage Title: Barnyard Society's Adopt a shark program
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Bismarck, ND USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I always love visiting your page. Come join me at
and show your support for anti shark finning.
Thank you :)
Sharkman: I will Annette. Thanks.
Thursday 03/05/2009 10:28:55pm
Name: thymetraveler
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: usa
Sex: Female
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: WOW!
Just viewed your 2 hour tv show, we literally sat with mouths agape (not in an agressive manner)
Used to live in the Florida keys (where everyone dives everyday), you've opened our eyes to an entirely new concept
Not thinking about trying your technique's, I personally can not imagine, but deeply admire your sense of adventure & bravery
I was ever the one on the boat, tugging the lines you
Sharkman: Thank you.
Monday 11/24/2008 3:01:14am
Name: Dave Buckner
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Illinois U.S.A.
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Very nice site as a fellow PADI Rescue Diver I enjoy visiting and reading about your adventures.
Sharkman: Thanks Dave.
Thursday 11/06/2008 2:53:55pm
Name: Jan C G Ekmalm
Referred By: Shark-L List
City & Country: Åmotfors, SWEDEN
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi, I am a PADI instructor. I have the same intrest of sharks and I have dive a little with sharks. I am also a self learned about sharks, and diver who is very found of sharks. We have not many sharks in sweden, so I have not have the luck to dive with them, and dive tropical waters so mutch that I like. I have also write in many list to protect the shark.
Sharkman: Hi Jan, Keep doing the great work.
Tuesday 10/14/2008 7:52:28am
Name: Jasmin Weirich
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Schiffweiler / Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I already love you even if we don´t know each other.
I send you an email with pictures of my tattoo (two beatiful carcharodon carcharias) our fav. sharks !!!!When the tattoo is complete it shows my greatest dream me free diving with this beauty......
keep going you already got all my respekt-----It would be an honour to meet you someday!
stay sharked Jasmin
Sharkman: H(a)i Jasmin, Thanks for the mail and the tattoo pics. Will add them as soon as possible.
Friday 10/10/2008 4:07:33am
Name: Glynis
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: SF Bay Area, California, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Great page!! Thank you for sending me the link to it! I can't believe all you have done! Love the tattoos!! Good luck with all of your dives!
Sharkman: Thanks Glynis.
Thursday 10/09/2008 7:39:52pm
Name: Erica Hernandez
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Milwaukee, US
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Hi Sharkman,
I know you receive a lot of emails, but I was hoping that you would have the time to write my students a quick email or put one of their entries on your guestbook. They all used my email address and their names are Lizbeth Vidal, Jose Rincon and Jose Clases. We have been researching sharks, and they were very excited when they stumbled upon your website. Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
Sharkman: Hi Erica. Thanks for your message. Will be in contact.
Monday 10/06/2008 7:58:17pm
Name: Lizbeth Vidal
Referred By: Been here before
City & Country: Milwaukee, WI
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Sharkman! I really like your job. Did you have to work really hard to work with sharks? Can you show me how to get the pictures of the sharks that you have on your webpage?
Thank you
Sharkman: Hi Lizbeth. I am sorry but the pictures all have copyrights on them and cannot be copied.
Monday 10/06/2008 7:55:22pm
Name: Jose Rincon
Referred By: Been here before
City & Country: Milwaukee, United States
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I like your webpage because it is fun to look at. The song is kinda sad though. In my class we learned about sharks. I have a shark tooth. I wish you a lot of good luck!
Sharkman: Thanks Jose.
Friday 09/26/2008 10:49:20pm
Name: Jérôme
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Lausanne, Switzerland
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Hi there,
first of all i want to congratulate you for your work and the way you explain things about sharks to a large public with this website.
I'm also fanatic of sharks and i'm actually studying biology at the university to redirect later in oceanography.
Something is still disturbing me about your website, why do you have to put such sort of things on it...
"Total Number of Abortions,
1973 - 1999 = 37,836,648" when you compare it to shark attacks...
And this stupide joke about an atheist in the "cartoon sharks" corner :
[...the atheist screams, "Oh God! Save me!"...]
I respect what you do but please... please... keep your stupids old farts beliefs for yourself... this website is visited by different sorts of people from the all world, you have to respect their convictions.
(I'm atheist and pro-abortion)
Keep in mind that atheists in USA (for example) have the same consideration today that strangers who where victims of racism several years ago or homophobia.
Well, sorry for my awful english and i wish you lot of wonderful other dives.
Sharkman: Hi Jérôme. Thank you for your comments. With reference to your two comments, please note that I am not saying anything against abortion or atheists. In the abortion issue, I am only quoting numbers that are facts. These are not "old Farts beliefs".... this is reality. I do not go into the merits of is it good or not.
As for the Atheist joke...... well its just a joke and it should be taken as one. No one complained because it involves God.
Wednesday 09/24/2008 7:55:58pm
Name: jose R
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: milwaukee
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I love sharks like you shark man!
good luck shark man!!!!!
Sharkman: Thanks.
Wednesday 09/24/2008 7:48:16pm
Name: lizbeth
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Milwaukee
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 7
Comments: i realy like your job i wish you cuold show me to see the sharks and take a picture.i realy like sharks do you like sharks i wish you bet
Sharkman: Hi Lizbeth. There are many places around USA were you can see sharks....but first you have to learn how to dive, unless you wish to see them in some aquarium.
Sunday 09/21/2008 8:41:00pm
Name: Andrea Tinney
Referred By: Been here before
City & Country: medfor Usa
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Private Entry
Wednesday 08/20/2008 9:04:53pm
Name: Kathy
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Bridgewater NJ USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 7
Comments: Hi, great site! Are you familiar with Jack Casey's work? He did a study off the coast of NJ and I can't seem to find it anywhere, could you please help? By the way, my grandfather was from Mosta, I probably still have family there.
Sharkman: Hi Kathy. If you make a google search for Jack Casey + shark, you will get a lot of info. Hope this helps.
Wednesday 08/13/2008 3:21:50pm
Name: in- Nusu
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Birkirkara, Malta
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Bongu! Gr8 site sharkman. I am a real shark fanatic and a fan of yours. I even kept that magazine page. Good work 4 d conservation of sharks. I respect U.
Sharkman: Hi Nasu. Thanks for your comments. What magazine are you talking about?
Saturday 07/19/2008 3:40:45pm
Name: Leo Baal
Homepage Title: Angelsportverein ASV 1971 Ober-Roden e.V
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Rödermark / Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Hello, Excellent website, very enjoyable.
Greetings from Angelsportverein ASV 1971 Ober-Roden e.V.
Sharkman: Thanks Leo.
Sunday 05/11/2008 6:35:45pm
Name: sharky
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: new york
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 6
Comments: not bad this is a pretty decent page. it will show you the basics about sharks. you may not like to use this page if you know a lot about sharks
Sharkman: Thanks. No one ever knows a lot about sharks.
Saturday 04/05/2008 7:00:40am
Name: Fallopia Tuba
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: New York, New York, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: I surfed in on your site this evening, and bookmarked it. It's amazing and comprehensive, and I know I'll learn a lot about sharks I didn't know.
Because I'm a vegan, I don't believe any animals are ours to use or exploit anyway; but I'm blown away by the passion you have for sharks and expect to be using some of the info on this site to try and educate people. Thanks, Sharkman.
Sharkman: Hi Fallopia, Thanks for your kind comments, and if you need help convincing people, just email me.
Friday 01/25/2008 3:54:53am
Name: Gary J Howard
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City/Country: Toronto, Canada
Sex: male
Age: Over:
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: very nice website. Im like you , love sharks and dive with them. I also paint and photograph them
Sharkman: Thanks Gary.
Monday 01/07/2008 3:17:41am
Name: Janette Barbara
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Gastonia, NC USA
Sex: Female: Female
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Private Entry
Sharkman: Thanks Janette.
Wednesday 01/02/2008 1:29:30am
Name: Paige
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: panama city beach usa
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hey its me again, i just wanted to thank you so mcuh for helping me start the organization for the sharks. it is coming along very well. almost all the fishing at the island is prohibited now
Sharkman: That's great news Paige, well done.
Monday 12/03/2007 9:46:22am
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: AUSTRALIA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman: Thanks Dorothy. Please give my love to the family.
Friday 11/30/2007 5:08:48am
Name: Paige
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: panama city beach usa
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hey its me again. i just wanted to inform u tat i got 2gether a group of friends to stop the killing on the island, and my bf dave is gonna get his boss to sponser me and help me start a fundraiser and stuff. thanx for all the advice. ttys.
Sharkman: That's great news Paige. Keep up the good work.
Thursday 11/22/2007 4:11:15am
Name: Sara
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Moscow, United States
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hello,
My name is Sara and I have always been fascinated and humbled by sharks. I actually am going to school for a degree that will allow me to work with these amazing animals. I really want to deal in behavioral studies of the Hammerhead Shark. I have a few questions though. With my research on the web I came across your web page and saw all the experience you have had in this business. I was just wondering if you know of any specific programs I should look into and what type of education might be accepted or wanted in this business. I figure that some measure of biology is needed, but do I need a major or just a minor in biology? I understand that you may not have the answers to these or any of my questions, but any information you could give me to help point me in the correct direction will be much appreciated. Thank you for any help you can give.
Sara Messuri
Sharkman: Hi Sara. nice to hear from you. Well the first thing that you have to do is go for Marine Biology. I am sure that your guidance teacher can lead you in the right directions. Let me know if you need more information. Good luck.
Saturday 11/17/2007 6:45:09am
Name: Greg LaCombe
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Minot, U.S.
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I am finishing a Biology/Secondary Education degree. I am interested in a photo for my high school classroom. I was refered to this site from another photographer site. The photo I had was lost in a computer failure. It was a photo of a man sitting on a surfboard looking into a wave and there was a giant shark in the wave. The previous site thought he had seen the picture but heard that it was a dolphin. Either way it was incredible and would definitely get a high school class interested in Biology and conservation. If you have any ideas or leads please let me know. This is the best site I have ever seen. Incredible.
Sharkman: Hi Greg. I think you are referring to the photo by KURT JONES.
I hope that that is the one. There are many other fake photos going around on the net, but this is a real one and it is a dolphin.
Wednesday 11/14/2007 1:43:50am
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: ENGLAND UK
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman: Thank you for your kind words. Glad you dont mind having these awesome creatures in your home.
Tuesday 11/13/2007 11:42:51am
Name: Carmen
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Tasmania, Australia
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hey Sharkman,
You have an AWESOME site, it is not only informative and educational, but has fantastic pictures and facts for people of all ages. I have dived with Grey Nurses which was an amazing experience and hope to be able to go on a Great White dive in the next few years.
Keep up the fantastic work. You are a good man and I support your cause 100%
Take Care
Sharkman: Thank you Carmen. Make sure you let me know when you do your White shark trip.
Monday 10/29/2007 3:17:47pm
Name: gijsels ann
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: ghent belgium
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: i cant keep the smirk off my face ... even when i dive!!! greetz for a man with a cause !!!!
Sharkman: Keep on smiling Ann.
Wednesday 10/24/2007 11:52:49am
Name: Chua Wei Lim
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Malaysia
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi sharkman, I used to e-mail you remember ... I've changed alot but one thing is certain, I ain't gonna give up on those sharks down there... Don't give up my friend!!!
Wei Lim
Sharkman: Nice to hear from you again Wei.
Thursday 10/04/2007 0:27:08am
Name: Tasia Hatch
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Logan, Utah
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi sharkman,
My name is Tasia and I live in Logan Utah, it amazes me how I have always had this utter obsession with the shark. Your page is truly amazing. I have been looking at it for hours now. I also recently sent you some pictures of my shark tattoo. I am in collage right now at Utah State studying biology, wondering why actually. My life dream has just been to dive and take pictures of this magnificent creature of the sea. Hopefully one day I will be able to do this. If you have any suggestions they would very much appreciated. Or if you just want to get married I am ready! You are a man of my kind!
Sharkman: Hi Tasia. Still have not received your tattoo photos. Please resend. Thanks for your lovely comments ..and your proposal.
Sunday 09/30/2007 9:57:23pm
Name: milen4eto
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: san diego
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: lol..hey alex...u did a prtty good job on yr website..well i just wanted to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE... SHARKS!!!!!! ...i damn love them and people are even wondering why..haha :)) i love em so much.. i have my shrk necalous..not the touth but the shark itself.. its really cute..i read book about thema ll the time..and my dream is to dive in with a white fave,but its way too parents dont le me go cuz of that.. :((
well hope u have a good one..sharks rock my world!!
Sharkman: Hi Milena. Glad you love sharks too. Welcome to the club. Do not give up on your dream. Save your money and you can make it come true.
Tuesday 09/25/2007 11:57:59pm
Name: Raycool497
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: Willowdale, Ontario, Cananda
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Sorry I want to record the music but I know it's copyright but tell me the links to where you got the music from. Thx. Topic now. Sorry but I can't really protect sharks now because I can't create websites because I don't know html or C++. Sorry I won't go to your website but in my heart I still have a shark
Sharkman: You can find the music on the net if you search for MIDI files. You do not need to create websites to save sharks. There are many other things that you can do.
Tuesday 09/25/2007 10:30:24pm
Name: paige
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: panama city beach usa
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i wanted to just drop by and say i took ur advice and im getting together a group of people to help me stop the people at the island from hurting sharks. thanx alot for the advice. im glad i found u and got to talk to u. bye hope to hear from u soon
Sharkman: Glad to hear from you again Paige and to read that you found my advice helpful. Keep in touch.
Saturday 08/18/2007 2:59:32pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: A wonderful way to conserve the most feared predators of the oceans. Sharkman is indeed informative and unique; his works are unique. May his tribe increase!
Sharkman: Thanks Dass.
Thursday 08/16/2007 3:43:09am
Name: Lydia
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Palatine, IL USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: This website has been very informative. I am curious to find out how I may begin shark diving.
Sharkman: Hi Lydia. If you already know how to scuba dive, than just pick out a diving magazine and look at some of the adverts. There are also links from my website. If you do not know how to dive, well than look for a dive club.
Wednesday 08/01/2007 3:50:59am
Name: paige
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: florida usa
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hi i just wanted to say that i love what u are doing and i free dive all the time adn i know exaclty wat u mean by being underwater is so cool. ever since i could swim i would go out to the coral reefs by my house and dive out there. recently, i have been going out further to the island and people there are hurting the sharks. it gets on my nerves. i hate it. so should i just leave it alone or wat? well keep up the good work.
Sharkman: Hi Paige. Thanks for the note. Sad to read that people are hurting sharks at the island were you go. You should try to start a small group of friends that together can work to change the peoples ideas about sharks. Maybe you should also approach some NGO and ask for their help.
Thursday 07/12/2007 12:27:00am
Name: Max Heller
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Cologne Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Hey Mr.Sharkman!
Your page and your project is marvellous! I´m a real shark addict. If only more people would share the wise insight about this great creature like the people on your site...
Keep it up!!!
Cheers from Germany!
Sharkman: Viellen Dank Max
Tuesday 07/10/2007 8:26:47pm
Name: nick
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: USA
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Private Comment
Wednesday 06/27/2007 2:36:18pm
Name: Sharon Linwood
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Birkirkara , Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Good afternoon Mr. Buttigieg / Sharkman,
I just surfed through your website; me and my boyfriend are crazy
about it. Well done. What I wanted to ask you about, was whether you still
give Diving lessons?
Sharon :-)
Sharkman: Yes I still teach Scuba Diving Sharon. I will email you soon.
Wednesday 06/20/2007 8:48:46am
Name: Charlotte
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: Pretoria, South Africa
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Hi Sharkman,
I have a picture that I would like identified, but I can't seem to send it to your email address. Are you still at
Sharkman: Sorry Charlotte but been having a lot of email problems.
Tuesday 06/12/2007 9:12:59am
Name: sid
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Web Ring
City & Country: Republic of Maldives
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Thanks for your site, I am a diving man, I love sharks, I am looking for shark intrested friends, my phone number 009607898277
Sharkman: Thanks Sid.
Saturday 06/02/2007 1:39:09pm
Name: Raycool497
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: North York, Canada
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Sharky hates finners!
People have to stop shark finning in worldwide! Never tasted it before but know it's freakin' tasteless. A comment said on youtube when I was watching a video I luv shark fin soup the sharkfin tastes soo good. And another person said It's the chicken soup thats added inide to made it taste good--I wish they would helling take the sharkfin out! As you can see that I'm in your guestbook for '07.
I'm wondering what would it be like if they made a shark go limp and fin it.
Reply to this shark-mail.
Sharkman: Always say no to shark fin soup. It is tasteless and we need to save the sharks. All Finners should be Finned.
Friday 05/25/2007 0:50:32am
Name: Cristian Zahari
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Fernao Ferro,Portugal
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I'm fascinated with your world! You made a great and hard work with this site! Sharkman, You are one lucky man! Congratulation!
Sharkman: Thanks Cristian
Thursday 05/03/2007 2:00:22am
Name: Sean
Homepage Title: Mothman Lives
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Monroe, New York
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Awesome web site! I also love sharks alot! Reply if you have anything to say.
Sharkman: Thanks
Saturday 04/14/2007 9:58:54pm
Name: Jenny
Homepage Title: jenny
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Bristol uk
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hey you .. am still here looking up those sharks, wish i could help more but i'm honoured to know you xxx
Sharkman: Thanks Jenny.
Friday 04/06/2007 10:37:58pm
Name: Shirley Griscti
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Oshawa - Canada
Sex: Female
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Private Message
Sharkman: Thanks Shirley.
Thursday 03/22/2007 12:28:58am
Name: Jordy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: vld Netherlands
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Just wanted to say, that your site is realy great. I wil sure be back.
I also did a cage dive in SA but only at seal island, it was great and i'm going back this year. if you would like to see the pictures just type:
i wil also email you some of mine shark tattoos.. greeting jordy
Sharkman: Thanks for the Links Jordy. Looking forward to getting your tattoo photos.
Wednesday 03/07/2007 4:01:19am
Name: Dawn
Homepage Title: Great White Shark
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Geneseo, Illinois
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi! Alex. I hope your having a good night. The site is still looking good. Thank you for the link. I will go and sign it. Stay safe.
Sharkman: Hi Dawn. Thanks for signing.
Tuesday 02/06/2007 1:40:00pm
Name: Raymond
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Toronto, Cananda
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Your website is better then exellent! Sharks were my favourite animal when I was 6 1/4 to now. I also want to protect them like you. How could I? I don't want to harm sharks and etc. Am I okay?
Sharkman: Hello again Raymond. You will find the answer below...... i forgot to not eat or bye any shark products.
Monday 02/05/2007 3:06:20am
Name: Raymond
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Toronto, Cananda
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: This website is so darn good. This is how I got so intrested in to sharks: I read a book about them. When I realized that they were endangered. So I started a team called P.P.S. (Please Protect Sharks). But most of the people made and went to the team P.K.S. (Please Kill Sharks). I didn't know what to do.
Sharkman: Hi Raymond. Thanks for your message. I agree that it is not easy to convince people that sharks need to be protected, but don't give up. The best that you can do is learn as much as possible about sharks and why they need to be protected so that you can discuss it with those that do not know the real facts. You can also take part in shark protection campaigns as well. There are many people that are changing their views about sharks so we are not alone.
Tuesday 01/30/2007 7:32:17pm
Name: Amaia
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: San Sebastian, Spain
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Hi Sharkman! Congratulations for your hard work protecting sharks and this informative website. I've always been very interested in great white sharks (I thought this may make you smile: I'll spend the summer studying in Malta University, and I'm planning to take a PADI open water diver course. However, I'm slightly scared now... tell me there's no risk of becoming some incredibly fascinating shark's meal, please! :) I'm really looking forward to my first real diving experience.
Thank you very much, KEEP IT UP!
Kind regards and safe divings,
Sharkman: Hi Amaia. Thanks for your message and the link. Yes I know about that song and the link. The guy studys white sharks in South Africa with my good friend Michael C. Scholl. Now about your diving.... we get many students from the university that learn to dive with us so if you are interested let me know. E-mail me privately and I will give you all the details. Do not worry about risks....there is no way you can be in danger here.
Wednesday 01/10/2007 9:41:23am
Name: Rhonda Sewell
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Australia
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi my Friend Sharky,
Its been awhile since l have been here but, l can see the great man's world is still thriving, to all that come to visit, this is the best man to teach you all about the great white sharks and his fight to help them survive he converted me to see what a great creature, the sharks are, and l still fight for there cause today, keep up your great work luv you heaps Rhonda
Sharkman: Thanks Rhonda, nice to see you back here again.
Sunday 12/10/2006 8:58:22am
Name: Genie H
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Aurora, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: You are doing an excellent thing by promoting awareness and providing amazing information about sharks. Your site is incredible and I enjoy your great white pictures.
Sharkman: Thanks Genie.
Tuesday 11/28/2006 2:52:57pm
Name: Charlene
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Kirkop Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hi alex. you`re fabulous. thanks for the site. i love sharks a lot since i was a small girl. the best book i read since was the jaws of death. my dream in life is that i see and feel a shark. unfortunately i dont have enough resources to go to south africa like you did. can you pls someday bring to malta some sharks. a great white would be enough. i would be the first one to visit and i am sure so many others will do too. i only dived once and i look forward to do it again. this time I`m sure it would be you to guide me. thanx a lot and keep it up. :) xaxa
Sharkman: Hi Charlene. Thanks for your nice comments. Just imagine what would happen if I had to get a white shark to Malta!! First of all it is rather impossible, and secondly, I would get arrested since they are protected by law . I guess it is much easier for you to save some money and join me on one of my next trips to South Africa. It is not THAT expensive.
Also, if you decide you want to try diving again, just email me.
Wednesday 11/15/2006 8:53:31am
Name: Josh Gribens
Homepage Title: Home of Violence
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Annandale, VA, United States of America
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: This website is awesome! I can never stop coming here to learn more info about sharks.
What is the biggest GREAT WHITE ever seen?
Sharkman: Hi Josh. There are many estimates for white sharks sighted or caught but the largest acurately recorded are not more than 6 metres.
Monday 10/30/2006 6:34:32am
Name: Jeremy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Yuma, Az, USA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Your site is awsum. I just wanted to let you know that. I love sharks and hate what people do to em. I don't know why but growin up in the desert I somehow aquired a thing for underwater stuff, and sharks most of all. I think they are the most awsum animals in the world. I even have a shark tattoo I sent u a pic of. I love your site. It's an inspiration dude. Anyway. Keep up the good fight. JJP
Sharkman: Thanks Jeremy.
Sunday 10/29/2006 1:21:45am
Name: Simone Grimm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Dieburg / germany
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: where can i find pictures/ photos from air sharks ?
Thanks for your help
Sharkman: Simone, there is a file with pictures that you can get from my downloads section.
Tuesday 10/24/2006 4:41:04pm
Name: gary d'amato
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country:
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hi sharkman iv seen your site and it is incredible and i like your style including your shark frenzy. i like those pictures and the tatoos. they are incredible. it has a lot information to take of. if i have a project about some thing fimuliar i will copy some info and pictires ok. tanx and well done.
Sharkman's Comment: Thanks Gary.
Saturday 10/21/2006 5:08:49pm
Name: Joshua Jarrett
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country:
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I love this Page Sharks are the most misunderstood animal In the world I love them Because they are magnificent and mysterious Back when the world was nothing but water they truely were the top of the food chain yeah there are shark attacks But thats our falt cause we dress in shit that looks like there maine corse thats not there fault I love this page It is awsome keep the hope alive and maybe some day I can dive with you!
Sharkman: Thanks Joshua.
Sunday 10/15/2006 11:14:46pm
Name: Tristan Donohoe
Homepage Title:
Referred By: E-Mail
City & Country: Homewood, Illinois
Comments: I realy like your site and informashon. I love sharks and every dodle that I do in shcool (when we get a break) are sharks. I don't get why so many people are afred, but usly smile when they cach one.
Sharkman: It is nothing more than an ego boost when humans kill sharks..
Sunday 10/15/2006 5:56:45am
Name: Angela Lewallen
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Weatherford, TX USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Stoked that I came across your site. Glad to see that I'm not the only one around that has a love for one of God's greatest creations. Keep on swimmin' with the fins. Later.
Sharkman: Thanks Angela.
Sunday 09/24/2006 2:40:26pm
Name: Jonathan
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: B'Kara, Malta
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: SHARKTASTIC! Well done in achieving so much Sharkman. I found the stuff on your website very interesting... interesting enough to go through all the pages. Keep it flowing!
Looking forward for more updates.
Sharkman: Hi Jonathan. Thanks for the nice comments. Keep tuned in to Sharkman's World. the updates keep coming in the NEWS section..
Sunday 09/10/2006 5:20:42pm
Name: Laura
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Toronto, On Canada
Sex: Female
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Alex, I love your website.. great stuff, very interesting and entertaining.. Keep your dream alive!!
Love Laura xoxox
Sharkman: Thanks Laura. Don't worry, my dreams never die.
Friday 09/08/2006 9:39:53pm
Name: Dan Coker
Homepage Title: sasquatch_oregano
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Mesa, AZ
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Sharkman, thanks for the great site and all of your hard work in conserving the coolest of God's creatures. I've enjoyed sharks all of my life and find it very exciting to find other people equally enthused about these magnificent creatures. Again, thanks for the wonderful site and I wish you all the best in your continued efforts! Forever live sharks! P.S. I'm e-mailing you a picture of my shark tattoo. Later, man.
Sharkman: Hi Dan. Thanks for your comments and for sending in your tattoo.
Wednesday 08/30/2006 7:21:38pm
Name: Patty
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Kentucky
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi there! Still doing a great job on your site! Thanks for keeping my Kamuela kids pictures on here. Aloha.
Sharkman: Hi Patty. Nice to see you here again.
Tuesday 08/15/2006 5:23:43pm
Name: Christian J.Debattista
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Zejtun malta
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: aw man jien inhobb is-sharks u nixtieq insir naf iktar fuqhom. Proset tas-site!! id-dvd's tax-sharks u l-graphics tieghek 10q
Sharkman: Grazzi hafna Christian.
Sunday 08/13/2006 6:25:35pm
Name: Frank Bell
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Apple Valley, Ca, USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: My tattoo is the second one on page 27, I've e-mailed you as requested on the web site but haven't heard back or why you need people with tattoos on your site to e-mail you.. If you need my permission, you have it. Keep up the good work, and keep up the great web site. I have another shark tattoo, are you ready for more?
Sharkman: Thanks Frank. Send me your new one.
Saturday 08/12/2006 9:04:24pm
Name: Luis
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Barcelona
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 7
Comments: Cool site! :)
Sharkman: Thanks.
Wednesday 08/09/2006 2:19:05am
Name: Asia
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Magalia California United States
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i looove this site. now i know im not alone in my love and passion for these beautiful creatures. im getting my second tattoo soon, and it will be my first in a long line of shark tattoos. i'll send pictures as soon as i get it. much love and peace,
Sharkman: Hi Asia. Thanks. Am looking forward to seeing your tattoo.
Thursday 08/03/2006 10:08:02pm
Name: Wendy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Tidioute,PA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: I, too, have been a shark enthusiast since a young age -- have several books as well and watch every tv show about sharks - never miss Shark Week. Am getting a tattoo for my upcoming birthday and it will be a great white and found some very wonderful ones on your site and just wanted to pass only my gratitude for a wonderful web site honoring such a beautiful creature as the shark. Thank You.
Sharkman: Hi Wendy. Thanks for the comments. Hope you send me a pic of your tattoo when done.
Tuesday 08/01/2006 10:16:10pm
Name: patrick knipmeijer
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: amsterdam netherlands
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hi, it's always great when people are doing something for animals. but for me the shark has always been a fascinating animal. something special. keep up the good work, and good luck!
Sharkman: Thanks Patrick.
Wednesday 07/26/2006 8:24:21am
Name: Cat
Homepage Title: Catshark's Shark Cove
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: South Dakota; USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Just dropped by to let you know I updated your link on my site. Glad to see you're still going strong and your site is growing so wonderfully! Keep swimming strong. ~Graceful Catshark
Sharkman: Hi Cat. Glad to hear from you again, and thanks.
Monday 06/26/2006 11:30:33am
Name: Wayne
Homepage Title: Definition
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Malta
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Sharkman!! first of all congrats for the great and informative site!! you really explained in detail and thats very important!! thumbs up!! all i wanted to do is to point out a small flaw in your website. you stated that you hated 2 things, boasty divers and spearfishing. I'm sure you meant "Abusive Spearfishing" and not generalising and just saying 'spearfishing'!! I m a spearfisher myself and i always respected small fish and even prizey catch who were still small like less than 2 kg groupers and small saragos. please do not generalise, most of us catch for food or for a living or to earn something extra.
if everyone would generalise i would be the first to condemn scuba diving!! (although i know in my heart not everyone is bad)!! the simple reason is that a lot of scuba divers and going down with their harpoons, find a nice hole full of saragos or some groupers at 25+m and destroying their den!! totally sick!!!! these may be divers that u trained urself!!!
so please do not generalise as i know for sure from friends as well that not all scuba divers do these stupidities. the same goes with spearfishers!! we train and use apnea to hold our breaths and come in contact with the sea and make a fair catch when available. but we always respect the sea and keep it clean.
please change the statement on your web i would really appreciate it. Thanks.
Thanks for your time and keep it up!! you are truly an Ambassador for Malta!! :)
Sharkman: Hi Wayne. First of all, I thank you for your nice comments. I also appreciate your comments about the spearfishing issue, and also respect your opinion.
I will now answer you with the same honesty that you wrote. First of all, please note that as you so rightfully pointed out, I wrote "Spearfishing" and not "Spearfishermen"!! This means that I hate the activity and not the person. Spearfishing does not only include breath holding, but also when done with scuba gear. I have been diving in our waters for over 35 years, and there was a time, which I now deeply regret, were I too was a spearfisherman (boy), and I have seen the total destruction and the massive reduction of fauna from our waters. This is caused by fishing and spearfishing. I can tell you of sites were Groupers, Breams, Selemas, Barracudas, Octopus, Stingrays, Squids....etc have been totally wiped out.
The biggest problems are that these creatures are being caught before they are adults and having had chance to reproduce. A 2 kg grouper is still a juvenile. Also please note that Groupers are listed as endangered species in the IUCN Red List and they should be protected.
Yes sadly there are divers that do spearfishing as well, but I can guarantee you that NONE of them have been trained by me. Anyone that has spearfishing interests was not / will not be trained by me.
My comment that I hate SPEARFISHING will stay and I am very sorry if that upsets you. As I said, I hate the act itself, not the person. I hope that you understand this.
Tuesday 06/20/2006 8:22:45pm
Name: cole (shark man jr.) sanders
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Charleston SC. United States
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i love sharks so much and this puts me right next to these extrordinary creatures. i think that it would be the best thing in the world to swim with sharks and feel like one of them and this site sure does make me feel like i am. sharks are the coolest creatures in the world and this site really shows you how magnificent they are.
Sharkman: Glad you like it Cole.
Friday 06/09/2006 3:02:07am
Name: Sharon
Homepage Title: hotmail
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Amazing website and I've always admired Sharkman's abilities and work. Well done! No one could have done a better job. dedicated and commited. keep it up!
shark fan...always,
Sharkman: Thank you Sharon.
Sunday 05/21/2006 5:43:10pm
Homepage Title: sharks
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: malta
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: im impressed there is lots to learn about sharks continue with the good work
Sharkman: Thanks Sarah. Yes there is a lot to learn about sharks, so keep visiting here.
Tuesday 05/16/2006 7:58:12pm
Name: Lynne Mac Farlane
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: West Coast Of Scotland
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I just cannot find the words 2 describe how I feel about ur site,wow + awesome are nowhere close,, MAY U ALWAYS HAVE THE FREEDOM 2 B URSELF;;
Sharkman: Hi Lynne. Thanks for your comments and for sending me your tattoo.
Tuesday 04/25/2006 2:16:24am
Name: Rick
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Philadelphia Pa United States
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: WOW very impressive site!!!!!! It is not only a pleasure to know that there are people out ther that have respect and care for these awesome predators but whats more impressive to me is the "younger generation" really taking note of the seriousnous of protecting and caring about them. Like another gentlemen said we cant move mountains alone but educating people on the subject will help move it. This coming November I'm doing my first Great White Cage dive at the Farralon Islands off the coast of California. When I come back from the trip I will send pics. Keep up the great work and best regards.
Sharkman: Hi Rick. Yes it is great to see that the younger generations are taking interest in not only learning about sharks, but also helping to protect them. Good luck with your trip in November.
Sunday 04/23/2006 11:15:18pm
Name: Victoria
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: United Kingdom
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I've been a lover of Shark territory & its amazing, I have to admit that I'd love to swim with a Great White for charity, I'd also conquer my fear of sharks!
Sharkman: Hi Victoria. Sharks need not be feared, but only respected for what they truly are.
Saturday 04/22/2006 10:55:14pm
Name: Dennis Crites
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Warren, OH - USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 5
Comments: Great Site !!! I was searching the web for Shark Tattoos, and came across your site... I will be joining your organization...
Sharkman: Thanks Dennis.
Tuesday 04/18/2006 5:34:00pm
Name: Emma Whitefoot
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Stoke-on-Trent ENGLAND
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i absolutly love sharks and this site. i am doing my first dive on the 27th april this year and i really cant wait, it is at an aquarium but hey ive got to start somewhere, i will get to dive with the great whites soon i hope, im saving up!! i am also getting a tattoo after i have been diving and absolutly LOVE the girls tattoo of the tiger shark on page 16, can i get this to print off so i can show my tattooist what i like??? keep up the brilliant work, speak soon xxxx
Sharkman: Hi Emma. Thanks for your comments. Good luck with your diving. Will email you shortly.
Thursday 04/13/2006 10:13:43pm
Name: beth
Homepage Title: *xxpretyfeshxx*
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: west yorkshire, england
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: fab page. plz make shark graphics availble they are brill
how much does it cost 2 join
Sharkman: Sorry Beth, but I cannot make the graphics available because of copyrights. Email me if you want any particular ones. For info about joining the organization, click on this link: SHARKMAN'S WORLD ORGANIZATION
Thursday 04/13/2006 5:23:47am
Name: Little FrogFish
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Thailand
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Would love to rate your page 100!
Very extensive information but you might consider text links rather than picture buttons. It'd make your pages tidier.
On sharks conservation, I remember watching a programme on either National Geographic or Animal Planet, there was a documentary on sharks (I think it was a shark week). The most "memorable" clip was FINLESS sharks piling at the bottom of the sea, drowning and dying. It'd be great if we could find that particular clip for your website. This should hopefully keep more people off shark fin soup.
All the best!
Sharkman: Thanks "Little Frogfish". Please email me.
Monday 04/03/2006 9:40:16pm
Name: jody
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: kelowna, canada
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 7
Comments: A very great site. I am a shark fanatic myself and collect everything to do with the white shark. I got a tattoo last year of the white shark, tearing as I finally got one. I am getting another one on my birthday apr.23 . My dream is to see a live white shark in its own habitat. I will always have this dream. As far as I am concerned it is the best animal out there. I have the same personality, lone hunter who enjoys just swimming on its own and not being bothered. I can send in my tattoo if you would like. I finally get to show it off this summer :O) I read your bio, you are a very interesting person. For now, tv and videos is all I can do, before I die I will see one for myself, the infamous white shark
Sharkman: Thanks Jody. Would love to see your tattoo.... and Happy Birthday. May your dreams come true.
Thursday 03/30/2006 4:32:28pm
Name: Matthew Hewitt
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Brisbane - Australia
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: From one shark lover to another, OMG THIS SITE ROCKS!!!! we need more poeple like us, but changing the attitudes of people is like trying to physically move a mountain. We need more poeple to help move this mountain.
LOVE the site and absolutly deadly in love with sharks! they fill my heart with happiness!
Sharkman: Hi Matthew. You are right, it is not easy to change people's attitudes but never give up because we are slowly getting there.
Wednesday 03/22/2006 8:59:41pm
Name: josh gribens
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: annandale
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: your website is awsome
I agree that people should stop killing sharks.
Sharkman: Yes they should Josh.
Saturday 02/04/2006 9:48:18am
Name: George Askew
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Inhaca Island Mocambique
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Hi Alex
Keep up the good work.
George Askew
Sharkman: Thanks George.
Thursday 02/02/2006 5:44:27am
Name: Alex Cunningham
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Overland Park, Kansas
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Sharkman-
Great webpage. It seems to have everything. Keep doing great things for sharks. It is so important.
Sharkman: Thanks Alex.
Wednesday 02/01/2006 7:47:50am
Name: Emilie Varga
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Calgary, AB, Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I cannot believe that i have found someone who has done what i have always dreamed of doing. Since i was seven years old i have adored sharks. It is my dream to work with sharks and to better educate the world about them. You are my hero when i read that you started the fight to get great white sharks protected in Malta i was overjoyed. I am a shark enthusiast. today was my sixteenth birthday and as a present my mom is letting me get a tattoo i knew immediately that it would be of a shark. I dream of one day having the chance to do the kind of work that you do... to be able to help sharks and to see them up close. The only shark i have ever seen was a nurse shark and it was behind glass but still i found it breathtaking. The most inspiring thing to me was that you were not somebody with a university degree in a science of the ocean, you were merely someone who loves sharks and you made a difference. I should probable stop babbling... i'm really bad for that. I just want to thank you for everything you are doing for sharks. I only hope that one day i can be doing the same work that you are.
Sharkman: Thanks Emilie. Even you can help fight for shark protection now. All you have to try to do is to teach others what sharks truely are, and support some organization like SHARKMAN'S WORLD. Good luck for your dreams and do not forget to send me a photo of your tattoo when it is done.
Tuesday 01/31/2006 9:05:07am
Name: rhonda sewell
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Wagga Wagga Australia NSW
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hi sharkie.
it's been awhile since l have been here but l still see you are doing your great work, till l return again keep on sharking. cheers Rhonda.
Sharkman: Thanks Rhonda.
Sunday 01/29/2006 7:51:26pm
Name: Anthea
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: Sliema, Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Sharkman I think its great what you and the team are doing. The most thing that I'm happy about is that your Maltese probably not many people understand your passion for sharks but count me in I think they are beautiful powerful creatures and truly were born to be free. It hurts to hear that many countrys kill sharks for food etc... but its people like you that can help protect and share your experience with people so they learn. Keep it up.
Sharkman: Thanks Anthea. Actually the number of Maltese shark lovers is growing and I am always glad to get to know locals.
Saturday 01/28/2006 8:25:33am
Name: ralf maisch
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: D-97656 Unterelsbach, Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: great information about sharks, I am also a fan of them. I will send you pictures from my bike that is called "hammerhead". I hope to see them on your site!
Sharkman: Danke Ralf.
Thursday 01/12/2006 3:49:54am
Name: Elizabeth Anderson
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Des Moines, Iowa USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I absolutely LOVE this site! You're doing a wonderful thing here, and I commend you for it. Keep it up!
Sharkman: Thanks Elizabeth.
Wednesday 01/11/2006 1:51:48am
Name: Aimee Lentz
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Gilbert, Arizona - USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Excellent site! I have loved sharks from a very young age and think what you are doing is wonderful! Keep up the great work!
Sharkman: Thanks Aimee.
Monday 01/09/2006 10:12:43pm
Name: Sharon
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
City & Country: toronto, ontario. Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi, I'm a member of the SHARK-L list and just wanted to comment on your web-site. I think it's absolutely wonderful that someone like yourself, has this much dedication to these magnificent creatures. I just LOVE sharks so much and it makes me very happy to see that there are other people out there who love them as much as I do, I think your web-site is an excellent example of how some people can take the step in the right direction in educating and inspiring the public. your great passion toward helping the sharks of the world is strongly visible. I have recommended your site, and will continue to do so, to all I come in contact with, family, friends etc... One of my daughters has developed a great interest in sharks as well. My husband and I plan to move to Miami Beach, Florida this spring so that I may persue my dream of becomming a marine biologist/shark scientist and protector of these beautiful creatures. I just wanted to thank you for the inspiration and for sharing your knowledge with us.
I heard a quote somewhere saying: May your dreams be "GREAT WHITE" ones! and mine certainly are.
I think that is an excellent quote.
Keep doing what your doing and may you be blessed for doing so!
~Sharon...."baby reef shark"
Sharkman: Hi Sharon. Thanks for your kind comments. I wish you luck in Florida. The quote that you refer to comes from my very dear friend Andrea Long who is also a member of Shark - L and I agree with you that it is excellent.
Monday 01/09/2006 9:34:24am
Name: Karine Guillaume
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Calgary, AB, Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: It's so refreshing to see someone's dedication to absolutely wonderful and beautiful animals. Never stop.
Sharkman: Thanks Karine.
Saturday 01/07/2006 4:56:33pm
Name: Frank
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Apple Valley, California, U.S.A.
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I originally just surfed in but am a regular visitor now. I've always been impressed with sharks and love seeing what new information or picture I can find on yor site, espicially the tattoos. Thanks for all your work, keep it up! Not only are you doing right by the shark, but your doing right by the island of Malta, I think I'll have to visit some day.
Sharkman: Thank you Frank. I am sure you will like Malta.
Thursday 01/05/2006 4:43:20pm
Name: Christian J.Debattista
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Zejtun malta
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi my friend i found which are the real dvd film! Can you send me your graphics?
Sharkman: What real DVD film and Graphics Christian?
Thursday 12/29/2005 9:40:19pm
Name: stephen neistorowich
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: danvers massachusetts
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hi Sharkman. I love your web page. Found it searching for tattoos. I have loved sharks since 1974 when jaws hit the theaters. I saw jaws twice that summer I love watching the movie jaws still and so do my kids. My kids also love sharks. I wish I could have gone to marthas vinyard for jaws 30th anniversary celebration. I couldn't go. I was bummed . keep up the good work you and your team are doing. We need to protect and preserve these beautiful creatures for generations. Your expeditions sound like fun.
Sharkman: Thanks Stephen.
Tuesday 12/27/2005 11:48:01am
Name: Mario Teixeira
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Leiria - Portugal
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: "There is a creature alive today who has survived millions of years of evolution without change, without passion, and without logic. It lives to kill. A mindless eating machine, it will attack and devour anything. It is as thought God created the devil and gave it jaws. "
Sharkman: Hi Mario. This (in)famous quote from the "Jaws" preview is very incorrect and misleading. Sharks, and that includes the White Shark, are NOT mindless eating machines, and they DO NOT attack and devour anything. If it was so, then the number of fatal shark / human incidents would be far more greater than it is today. Take a look at the statistics one the shark attacks page.
Friday 12/16/2005 2:45:36am
Name: Michael "Hammer" Culp
Homepage Title:
Referred By: E-mail
City & Country: USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: was surfing the web looking for shark tattoo.have two shark tattoos now.was looking for hammerhead shark to honor my fathers passing since he was a fine carpenter
Sharkman: Thanks Michael. Sorry to read about your Father. I will contact you by email.
Wednesday 12/14/2005 3:06:29pm
Name: mark shark
Homepage Title: the shark site
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Brockville, Canada
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hey shark man, thanks dude! you give me hope. great to think there are folks like you on our planet. keep up the good work! Peace.
Sharkman: Thanks Mark.
Tuesday 12/06/2005 10:09:12am
Name: Mindy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Tavares, Florida USA
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i just like to say thank you. i've been working on a paper for school about stricter shark laws and your web site was of great use. For a long time i myself have been crazy about sharks and will become a marine biologist that specializes in sharks. i believe that sharks are important to the world and something needs to be done and i'm going to do all that i can to help. your website has help me realize more that sharks are in need of help and that it needs to begin now. again thank you
Sharkman: Thank you Mindy. Sharks need people like you to protect them. Good luck in your plans.
Monday 11/28/2005 0:36:30am
Name: Thomas
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: DE
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Unfortunately I'm not in Malta: I might like to go to Gino (Overflow) with you for a birthday-meal. You know (perhaps) that i'm diving since '92. And have seen and being under water with many DCs from Germany over Near East to the US and Bahamas. BUT I' ve never had such a professionell Guide as YOU are. Remembering the words of my Würth-group at OG in 95: "He (you) has seen backwards that I'm uncomfortable". Navigation, seeing lots of things, feeling impressed and being sensitive for underwater creatures. YOU gave it to us!
If there would be anything for diveguides/teachers like Nobel prize: YOU earned it.
Stay save my friend
Sharkman: Danke Thomas. It was always fun to dive with you and I hope to see you in 2006.
Tuesday 11/22/2005 12:06:59am
Name: Dale Ladd
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: Melbourne... Australia
Sex: Female
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Just totally amazing Alex. What more can I say.
Sharkman: Thanks Dale.
Tuesday 11/22/2005 3:13:00am
Name: Alana Press
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
City & Country: Potomac, MD
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman: Thank you Alana.
Monday 11/07/2005 7:08:25pm
Name: Len
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country:
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: The Odds
Sharkman: Thanks for the full list of odds Len. Will try to use some of the info here.
Tuesday 11/01/2005 1:14:38pm
Name: Joseph Vella
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Malta
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Prosit hey x site tal-genn ghandek. Hadt pjacir li din is-site saret min malti ghax rari isib sites maltin bdan l-informazjoni kollu. Prosit u kompli sejer.
Sharkman: Grazzi hafna Joseph.
Friday 10/21/2005 6:48:33am
Name: Edward "Trey" Morgan
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Charleston, SC, USA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Great Site
Sharkman: Thanks Edward.
Friday 10/21/2005 2:04:33am
Name: Joseph
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In.
City & Country: Prague Czech republic
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I love Sharks....sharkman is my very big idol..sharkman is besttttt.......
Sharkman: Thanks Joseph.
Monday 10/17/2005 0:04:34am
Name: Richard
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Malta
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Alex, wicked site and great info! We need more ppl like u in Malta! Just visited vic hislop's website and given him a piece of my mind. No doubt my message will soon be deleted as the pathetic anti-shark ppl cannot even tolerate criticism of their misguided ways.
Sharkman: Thanks Richard. I think you might get an abusive answer from that freaked out lunatic Hislop, because that is what he normally does.
Friday 09/09/2005 4:34:08am
Name: Jodie Camilleri
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Brisbane, Australia
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Fantastic website. I have loved sharks all my life, in particular The Great White. Just recently in June 2005, I travelled to South Austrailia and Cage Dived with Andrew Fox. There are no words to fully describe the incredible feeling this left me with. It just makes me want to fight for these guys all the actually try and make a difference. I have 453 photos from the trip. I cried when I left and feel like I have left part of my heart there with those sharks. I also adopt a Great White through the Fox Shark Research Foundation. I want to do all I can to get more involved. My husbands family are all from Malta, hence the last name, Camilleri. Would love to make a donation, can you accept money order? Hope to hear back from you. Cheers, Jodie!
Sharkman: Hi Jodie. Yes I can very well understand how you felt after your White Shark Experience. I always feel the same with every shark encounter. Thank you for your kind words and donation offer. I will be in touch with you soon.
Saturday 10/08/2005 10:37:49pm
Name: mick
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: warrington, PA, USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: The summer of 2004 there was an 18 foot great white off the coast of New Jersey that stayed for a few weeks. several divers saw her and lots of boaters. It's great to see you and a group of people helping to save these magnificant creatures. Keep it up.
Sharkman: Hi Mick. Yes that shark attracted a lot of world wide attention, and made quite a few admirers too.
Friday 10/07/2005 12:08:51am
Name: jonathan houllé
Homepage Title: aidons les requins
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: stiring-wendel (france)
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i love the sharks....
pour tout les francais!! soutenons les requins et leur millieux!!!!! venez nombreux se site est fantastique!!!
Sharkman: Merci beaucoup Jonathan.
Sunday 10/02/2005 1:08:22am
Name: Walter
Homepage Title: SHARKS-TIBURONES-JAWS..........of steel
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Lima-Peru
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hi, great site I am one fanatic of the life of the big white shark....nice your work.......
Sharkman: Thanks Walter. I will look at your site later.
Monday 09/26/2005 10:16:07pm
Name: Kash
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
City & Country: Durban, South Africa
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Great site. It's so good to see people working to dispel the 'monster' myth. Next time you are in SA come and dive in KwaZulu-Natal. We have some great dive sites and our water is so much warmer than the Cape :)
Sharkman: Thanks Kash. I hope to visit Natal one day, but don't know when yet.
Tuesday 09/20/2005 7:43:25pm
Name: Eden
Homepage Title: Eden's Garden
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Alexandria, VA, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I love your site! Thanks so much for collecting the shark tattoos as I needed some examples to get a better idea what I wanted for my own shark tattoo!
Sharkman: Hi Eden. Thanks for your kind comments and for sending your tattoo picture.
Tuesday 09/20/2005 9:06:28am
Name: Chong
Homepage Title: Scuba Instructor
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Malaysia
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Say No to Shark Fins Soup!!
Sharkman: I always say no to shark finning Chong.
Thursday 09/15/2005 2:21:06pm
Name: Ralph Jastrzembski
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Frankfurt / Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Alex,
I have to rate your Web Site with 10 and nothing else, because the Idea behind, the Spirit and the Passion you have and the Way to make the People understand how beautiful and great and marvellous SHARK´s are is amazing.
I really thank you for the invest you did and you´ll do in the future for sure to make the Sharks a part of us.
And hopefully the Human being unterstand that this Creature was there before and we should respect them instead to Hunt, Kill and finaly Eat them or kick them dead Bodys back in the Sea just for fun.
Thanks again Alex.
Keep going on
Greetings Ralph J.
Sharkman: H(a)i Ralph. Thanks for your kind words and comments.
Wednesday 09/14/2005 4:42:56pm
Name: Tarakan
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Russia
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Sharkman, you are crazy :)))
Super site!
Sharkman: Hi Tarakan. Yes I am Shark Crazy.
Friday 09/09/2005 4:34:08am
Name: Jodie Camilleri
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Brisbane, Australia
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: (Private)
Sharkman: Hi Jodie. Thanks for your message. I hope you got my email.
Wednesday 09/07/2005 1:06:22pm
Name: Tarek
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Cairo, Egypt
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 6
Comments: Hey sharkman!..
I am glad you have mentioned my country here on the website!..
I have been in Ras Muhammed last weekend!..unfortunately i snorkle but didn't learn scuba diving so far!
Best Wishes for you and all the site's visitors man:-))
Sharkman: Hi Tarek. Thanks for your message. I hope to return to Ras Muhammed again in the future to do some more shark research, which will include why not many sharks can now be seen there.
Saturday 08/27/2005 6:04:31pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman: Hello Eugene. Thanks for the comments and for sending in your tattoo.
Monday 08/22/2005 11:43:12pm
Name: Juergen Nopper
Homepage Title: Diving and underwaterfotography
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Erlangen Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 2
Comments: Hi Sharkman,
passing by on your pages in the internet, I want to say congratulations. You are doing well.
But as a member of sharkproject, I like to tell you that the link on the is missing in your list. As you have allready mentioned the scientific director of sharkproject in your credits list, one of the biggest protectors meanwhile, Dr. Erich Ritter, I would be glad to find "us" soon in your linklist
regards from rainy germany
project sponsor of sharkproject
Sharkman: Hello Juergen. Thank you for your comments. I will send you a private email.
Sunday 08/21/2005 5:54:01pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: E-Mail
City & Country: Spain
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hello!!! I’m Eva (Spain), contact with you because I am charmed with your web and because I love one of the shark tattoos is able to tattoo me. Continue forward with this project because the lovers of the sharks we support it!!!!!
Thank you very much,
“excuses me if there is some mistake"
Sharkman: Hello Eva. Thank you for your message and email. I hope that by now you have the photos.
Friday 08/19/2005 11:40:37pm
Name: elaine
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: ireland
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hi sharkman. at the moment i am studying white sharks, i plan on doing scuba diving, photography, and getting my own boat to base my life around them. but just how easy or difficult is this to do? is it easy to get a job working with them? could you please give me any advice? thanks.
Sharkman: Hello Elaine. The answer to this question is a long one, so I will email you some information.
Saturday 08/13/2005 8:47:52pm
Name: Riccardo Sturla Avogadri
Homepage Title: Centro ricerca e protezione degli squali
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: verona/sardegna island ITALIA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman: Ciao Riccardo. Molto grazie per il tuo messaggio. Ai raggione, devo continuare il nostro lavora per salvare e proteggere tutti li squali. Anke tu sta faccendo un grande lavoro.
Saturday 08/13/2005 1:24:44am
Name: Brendon Borg
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: San Gwann, Malta
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: a wonderfull site that explains the reality about sharks. It gathers precise and rare information from the heart of someone that loves these creatures. Altough i'm afraid of sharks i spend a lot of time browsing and learning on sharks trough this site. Well done.
Sharkman: Thanks Brendon. There is no reason why you should be afraid of sharks when you are reading about them. Just respect them for what they are. Magnificent Mysterious and Misunderstood Creatures.
Thursday 08/04/2005 4:47:23am
Name: Yuska
Homepage Title: Oui C'est Chic
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country:
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: I'm a PR for a hotel and that means I have to write press releases. Right now, I'm writing a release about one of the Chinese restaurants in this hotel and we're having a shark fin soup special promotion for the whole month. Being an environmentalist, I find this thing a bit of a dilemma. But so far, although I'm searching for articles about the good things of eating shark fins, I keep finding websites like yours. Websites that are put up to safe the sharks. Thank God for this. Keep up the work. We can't let this amazing creature be wiped out of the seas. PS: you're cute!
Sharkman: Hi Yuska. There is nothing good that comes out of eating shark fin soup. You should actually try to get the Hotel to take it off the menu. Write about how many sharks are being savagely killed by humans just for the sake of a plate of soup!! Speak the truth.
Tuesday 08/02/2005 4:12:40pm
Name: Jupp Kerckerinck zur Borg
Homepage Title: Sharkprotect
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: Chaumont, NY 13622, USA
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: This is a great website. I had a lot of fun surfing through it.
Congratulations, Jupp Kerckerinck
Sharkman: Thanks Jupp. Will be checking your site in the next few days.
Tuesday 08/02/2005 10:35:45am
Name: christian[shark]debattista
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Zejtun,Malta
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Aw man jiena christian u nixtieq inkun naf liema huma id-dvd's fuq ix-SHARKS u liema minnhom huma realta'? U bilhaqq Keep this site on man...
Sharkman: Grazzi Christian. Fil - pagna tad DVDs hemm l - informazjoni kollha.
Sunday 07/31/2005 12:17:38am
Name: Greta Rapinett
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: Malta BKara
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: For many years after watching the first JAWS, I was fascinated by the Great White. But somehow got the feeling that films like JAWS do not depict the reality of these magnificent creatures. It is too easy to fear them and spread hate about them. Knowledge leads you to appreciate them & love them you my dream is to come in conact with one sometime. Alex, well done for the information & the research you have shared with all of us. Feared are those misunderstood. Good Luck
Sharkman: Hello Greta. Thank you for your message and kind words. Yes, sadly movies like Jaws, Deep Blue Sea, and others do make it easier to install fear in those that know nothing about sharks. This was one of the reasons why I launched this website some years ago. People need to learn the truth about sharks. Thank you for your support.
Wednesday 07/27/2005 2:29:37pm
Name: Sébastien
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed in
City & Country: Toulouse France
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: (Private Message)
Sharkman: Hello Sébastien. Thank you for your message. I will answer you in a few days.
Tuesday 07/26/2005 3:22:19am
Name: Lizzy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been here Before
City & Country: Upland, California
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Thank you for writing me back. I will be sure to tell my sis the facts. I have another question how come when aquariums try to keep a great white in a tank it always dies? personaly I think they should leave the great whites in the wild. These creatures are amazing after going on your site I want to study great whites for a career. You have inspired me to do so by your site so thank you.
Sharkman: Hello again Lizzy. The White Shark is a shark that needs wide open ocean. It travels long distances and never stays in one place for a long time. Restricting it to a small confined area does not allow the shark a lot of freedom of movement and this will effect it badly. In my opinion, all creatures that live in wide open spaces and migrate over large distances should not be kept in an aquarium or a zoo.
Monday 07/25/2005 9:59:07pm
Name: Alex Lenk
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: great site for great creatures!
i´m happy, that there are so many people fighting for the sharks!
stay cool...
Sharkman: Danke Alex.
Friday 07/22/2005 1:59:28am
Name: Tiago Alves
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Portugal
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Greetings from Portugal!
Lovely site, with a powerfull message.
Keep up the excellent work.
Sharkman: Thank you Tiago.
Friday 07/15/2005 4:39:16am
Name: Elise Littleton
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Dublin, Ohio
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Hello! I am very glad that someone has made a page dedicated to the protection and awareness of sharks. I myself wish to dedicate my life to the protection of these beautiful creatures. Keep up the good work. - Elise
Sharkman: Thanks Elise.
Wednesday 07/13/2005 2:07:43pm
Name: Peter
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Stockholm, Sweden
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Very nice page which put the right angle on sharks. Nice pictures and loads of info and facts.
These facinating creatures deserve a better reputation. Good work and keep it up, Sharkman
Sharkman: Thanks Peter.
Tuesday 07/12/2005 0:45:59am
Name: Meg
Homepage Title: Meg's Merry~Go~Round
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Indianapolis, IN USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hello!
You have a wonderful site, very informative. It's so wonderful when dreams come true. Safe diving! Meg
Sharkman: Thanks Meg.
Monday 07/11/2005 6:39:35am
Name: Jessica
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: USA
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: First off, I'd just like to say "Thank you, Shark-man." It's refreshing to see that people are still passionate about things, especially a creature as amazing as the shark. I was originally looking for ideas for my next tattoo, and I just happened across this site. I enjoyed every aspect of it, and there are many! I think it's fabulous that you have so many different sections with so much to offer. I'll make sure to e-mail you with a picture once I get my shark tattoo!!!
Sharkman: Thanks Jessica. Looking forward to seeing your tattoo.
Friday 07/08/2005 11:19:12am
Name: Luke
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Brisbane - Australia
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 4
Comments: Ok I can understand that you have a great love for the great white and for all sharks, however I read on your site that you have been cage diving. I strongly disagree with this practise as it teaches sharks to associate people with food. What do you think they are going to think when you put burley and fish guts into the water and then dangle a human in a cage in front of them??? Ofcourse they are going to start thinking we will taste great! This therefore increases the number of attacks on humans by great whites (as can be seen off the coast of South Australia and Western Australia in the past 3 years)... and this ultimately leads to the hunting and killing of great white sharks. So if you truly love sharks "shark man" I would be boycotting cage diving. You can not try to tell me it is needed for research purposes because all you are learning from that experience is that they are very big and are attracted to the smell of blood and guts (something you already know!). Nothing observed from cage diving perspective is any different or new to what has been previously learnt using this technique!!! I hope you take my comments into consideration - Luke
Sharkman: Hi Luke. Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion and views about cage diving. Whilst respecting your opinion, I must point out the following very important points based on facts.
First of all, there is NO SCIENTIFIC (or other) PROOF that sharks associate humans with food because of cage diving, and thus causing more shark attacks. On the contrary, areas in Australia, South Africa, USA etc.... where shark incidents occur are not areas were cage diving takes place, but much further away!! As for the incidents you refer to in South and Western Australia, there is no increase from previous years and this is proved by the official statistics.
Secondly, during cage diving, there is no food close to the cages and it is very very rare that a shark bumps (let alone attack) a cage. Do not believe what you see in some Cage Diving Documentary!! Remember that TV is all about ratings and for that, they need action and suspense and it is on these filmings that they tie bait to the cages to make the sharks attack and bite them. This is not what happens in real life, and this I am totally against.
Finally, observing sharks underwater from cages does help research and conservation in more ways then one and the results are ongoing. First of all, surface viewing does not always allow easy observation and study of:
i) Shark sex identification.
ii) How sharks behave socially when others of their kind are around.
iii) How sharks react under all kinds of different situations (new experiments and tests are carried out regularly)
Cage diving has changed many people's opinion about sharks and everyone that goes cage diving always ends up respecting and appreciating sharks for what they actually are .... magnificent misunderstood creatures and not some senseless man-eating demons.
Tuesday 06/28/2005 0:37:20am
Name: Lizzy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: California
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hey cool site! It's better than other websites. The other day we went to the beach & my sis wouldn't get it the water cause fear of sharks. I told her if she's close by shore nothing will happen but no. I need u to convince her to go in the water so we will have fun next time plus she is older than me!!!! Plz help!
Sharkman: Hi Lizzy (& Sis), Thanks for the comments about my site. The chances of getting attacked by a shark are so low that they are not even calculated. Just think about the millions of people that enjoy the sea everyday and the handful of incidents reported every year. There is a much higher risk of getting mugged on the street or being involved in a traffic accident on the way to the beach. As long as you follow the general shark safety rules of the area where you are swimming, than your beach days will be something to enjoy without any shark fears at all.
Saturday 06/25/2005 7:11:19pm
Name: Victor
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Malta
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Alex, Do sharks have scales? I know they don't so how come that the maltese man who was swimming with Smedley (the only 'shark'victim in maltese waters) end up with fish scales attached to his belly when the big fish rubbed against him prior to the attack? I don't think it was a shark that killed Smedley and this should be publicised for the sharks' sake. Keep up the great work. I'm all the way behind you.
Sharkman: Hi Victor. You are right, Sharks do not have scales. I too am very puzzeled with Anthony Grech's claim that he had scales on his belly. It could never be if it was in fact a shark.
Saturday 06/25/2005 6:51:49pm
Name: ann marie
Homepage Title: anny
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Good job! Keep it up! The site is very nice
Sharkman: Thanks Ann.
Saturday 06/25/2005 10:17:22am
Name: nicholas
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: malta birzebbuga
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: aw man proset hafna tas site. nixtiq inkun naf naqa iktar info fuq is sharks. vera bomba. keep it up
Sharkman: Aw Nicholas. Grazzi tal- kummenti. Zomm ghajnejk fuq dawn il- pagni u titaghlem iktar zgur.
Thursday 06/23/2005 11:13:30pm
Name: Lindsey Smith
Homepage Title: Linz xx
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: London England
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Excellent website. I love sharks, all shapes and sizes, diving with sharks is the best experience ever and it just keeps getting better. I am going to dedicate my lifes work to these amazing creatures, just as soon as I've finished studying, they need looking after.
Sharkman: Hi Lindsey. Thanks for your comments. I hope that your wishes come true, because Sharks do need protection.
Tuesday 06/14/2005 3:15:21pm
Name: carolina
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Switzerland
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Immer wieder mal schaue ich in deine interessante Seite rein. Letzte Woche habe ich beim Tauchen zum ersten Mal einen Hai (Weissspitzen-Riffhai) gesehen. Es ist etwas besonderes, beim Tauchen (auch grössere) Tiere beobachten zu können. Grüsse
Sharkman: H(a)i Carolina. Der Weissspitzen Riffhai war die erste Hai das ich habe auch gesehen.
Friday 06/10/2005 6:13:25pm
Name: Chris
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: London, England
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Hey Alex - I note from your DVD selection you have Shark Attack 3. What did you think of that film?
Sharkman: Hi Chris. Shark Attack 3 is absolutely RUBBISH.
Monday 05/30/2005 10:34:47pm
Name: Dawn
Homepage Title: Great White Shark
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Illinois(USA)
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi! Alex. Are you going back to South Africa again to see the Great Whites? And if you are going are you going to free dive with them?
Sharkman: Hi Dawn. Free-diving with white sharks is now banned in South Africa, but I still hope to get back there soon.
Wednesday 05/25/2005 2:51:42am
Name: Jake "Sharkfreak" Solon
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Rio de Janeiro- Brazil
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hey, Sharkman!
I've just been to Vic Hislop's site...that was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Your's is so much better, I love it!
PS-It says on the site that some people call him the shark man...what a bunch of b***s***.
Sharkman: Hello again Jake. He should be called "Shark killer".
Sunday 05/22/2005 6:34:59pm
Name: Jake "Sharkfreak" Solon
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Rio de Janero -Brazil
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Wonderful site! I love sharks, and when I showed this site to one of my friends (formerly a shark hater), she became hooked on sharks too!
Sharkman: Hello Jake. Nice to hear from you. Thanks for your comment and keep on convincing your friends.
Friday 05/13/2005 8:08:17pm
Name: Agnieszka
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Poland Gdynia
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: If I only could, I would give U 20 :-) Last time I didn't saw this ;-) again kisses from Gdynia
Sharkman: Hello again Agnieszka. Now that makes me feel much better. Thanks again for the Polish kisses.
Wednesday 05/11/2005 6:52:28pm
Name: Gangsta Shark
Homepage Title: Gangsta Shark's Livejournal
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: USA
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Excellent site! I have always been a fan of the Great White Shark since I can remember! I have always had a good relationship with all animals. I recall a baby nurse shark in a pet store whom I sometimes fed. I miss her.
Sharkman: Hi Gangsta. Thanks for your comments.
Saturday 05/07/2005 5:53:31pm
Name: unknownshark
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Saturday 05/07/2005 4:48:37pm
Name: Agnieszka
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Gdynia Poland
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 1
Comments: The best web site I have ever seen. U just helped in one very importand thing. I forgot about my dreams, and now I remid it to myself what was it :-) thank U, kisses from Poland!!!
Sharkman: Hi Agnieszka. Nice to see that my site helped you and that you like it. If you think it is the best, than why did you only give me a 1 rating?
Thanks for the Polish kisses.
Thursday 05/05/2005 12:56:31am
Name: AnnaMaria
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Cool tats ! I'll be getting one soon
gr8 up-to-date shark news!
keep it up
Sharkman: Hello again AnnaMaria. Am waiting to see your tattoo.
Sunday 05/01/2005 5:32:58pm
Name: Alex
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Tampa, Florida
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Man I love your site I found it while doing a project a while back and I used it on the whole project and got an A. Your site is very informative and was obviously made from your heart. I love coming back and learning many things about sharks. They are my favorite animal. Keep up the good work.
P.S. I love the shark cartoons
Sharkman: Thanks Alex. Glad that my site was of help.
Tuesday 04/26/2005 11:33:15am
Name: Isa Silva
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: santa maria -sal- cabo verde
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: 100% shark
Sharkman: Now that looks better Isa. Thanks.
Monday 04/25/2005 3:16:57am
Name: Alexandre S. Rosado
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
City & Country: Rio de Janeiro- Brazil
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I love sharks. Congratulations for the nice idea and great site.
Sharkman: Thank you Alexandre.
Saturday 04/23/2005 10:55:19pm
Name: Stacey
Homepage Title: Making A Difference For Animals
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Florida, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Excellent site! Thank you for your concern and endless efforts to help protect and educate others about this magnificent and very misunderstood creature that should always be cherished. "Take nothing but pictures, Leave nothing but footprints"
Sharkman: Thanks Stacey. You have a great website too and it was a pleasure for me to spend some time reading it. Keep up the Great work that you are doing. This planet needs people like you.
Saturday 04/23/2005 2:39:21pm
Name: gary sward
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: san gabriel, ca. usa
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: love your site......I'll be back with a tat
Sharkman: Thanks Gary.
Friday 04/22/2005 10:29:40pm
Name: Luis
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Altamonte Springs, FL, USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: I Love Sharks too. Great Website.
Sharkman: Thanks Luis.
Friday 04/22/2005 06:35:03pm
Name: Isa Silva
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: santa maria -sal- cabo verde
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 1
Comments: I found your website very interesting and full of useful information.
great job
Sharkman: Thanks Isa, but than why did you vote a 1?
Sunday 04/10/2005 9:08:24am
Name: Leigh Adams
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Holmfirth, England
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Loved the website. interesting and informative. dig those Megamouths. Off to Egypt in a few days, lets hope to see something interesting there too. Came to your site loking for tatoos, getting one done soon, will mail in the pics when the blood dries.!!!
Sharkman: Thanks Leigh. Good luck for your Egypt trip and hopefully you get to see some sharks. Don't forget the tattoo pics.
Friday 04/08/2005 0:24:42am
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: London, England
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Best shark related site I have yet to find. Set up with a passion, not just any old site. Keep it up .
Sharkman: Thank you.
Monday 04/04/2005 5:39:19pm
Name: Tom "Shark" Kraus
Homepage Title: Shark Society
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Mazatlan Mexico
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: great Site, if you like to link with me get back to me. Try Aliwal Shoal and Protea banks the next time in RSA !!
greetings from mexico
Sharkman: Thanks Tom. Will take a look at your site later.
Monday 03/21/2005 0:16:58am
Name: David Richter
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City & Country: Juneau Alaska USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: extremly fun page full of interesting shark knowledge, love the pics. I have two shark tatt's and would love to send them too you. I love sharks and have for most of my life, I have lived in Hawaii and swam with some reef's and a few tigers here !!
Sharkman: Thanks David. Send me your tattoos when you have a chance.
Tuesday 03/15/2005 9:53:26am
Name: AnnaMaria
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
City & Country: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Always the best..great info and up-to-date Shark-News..Keep it up..its nice to see that there are people who really care and give their best to protect and inform others what a magnificent animal the shark is..
Gr8 work
Sharkman: Hi AnnaMaria. Thanks for your constant support.
Saturday 03/12/2005 3:05:43pm
Name: Franky
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Schleswig/Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Hello Sharkman! This Site is very Good,i have dive in Costa de mare/ Spain in my hollyday's that was great !
in 2 month we want travel to Afrika and dive in the sea i hope i can view a Great wihte Shark ! wish me luck :-)!
Sharkman: Hi Franky. Thanks for your comment and I wish you a great trip in Africa.
Sunday 03/06/2005 6:10:56pm
Name: Duane
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: Kansas
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hey Sharkman,
You have an amazing site!! I love the background music too! I really like to see this kind of site that tries to put to rest the "monster" image of sharks. I was at one time a product of the post-JAWS phenom...but my views are so much different now. I participate on a discussion board:
Where there seems to be a fair mix of both positive and negative images concerning sharks. In fact, we have a guy who posts quite often who promotes an Australian tourism/booking site that includes a section concerning Vic Hislop and his ideas/theories, etc. If anyone likes a good heated debate, then please feel free to come on gets interesting to say the least! Anyway, again....GREAT SITE!!!
Sharkman: Hi Duane, thanks for your comment and discussion board link. I might check it out, but I doubt if I will take part in it because I have had quite a few clashes with some guys that blind-foldedly support Hislop's Idiotic mentality, and to be honest, I do not have time to waste on those types.
Wednesday 03/02/2005 11:39:37pm
Name: Anne
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
City & Country: the Netherlands
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Great site! Nice to see some European shark lovers! Sometimes it's like I am the only Dutch shark lover (anyone who wants to send an e-mail and talk about sharks: you're more than welcome!).
Anyway, great site. Especially the pics of the shark tattoos!
Sharkman: Thank you Anne. You are not alone. There are thousands of other Shark lovers all over, and the numbers are fast growing. If you want to meet a few of them, Join us on the Shark-L list.
Friday 02/25/2005 9:00:44pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
City & Country: Auckland, New Zealand
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Great pages Sharky. Very enlightening.
Sharkman: Thank you.
Wednesday 02/09/2005 1:58:31am
Name: Josephine
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Australia
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Monday 01/31/2005 7:15:58pm
Name: Fiumedinisi
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Switzerland
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I'want to learn to scuba-dive, because in the future I want to dive with sharks. I always watch documentations about this beautiful and amazing animals, the really kings of the deep.
But know I've got this feeling that I want to see them in the nature. So, how and where should I practise to dive so that I really can be sure that I know what I do when I'm in the liquid element?
Nice time and good work
Sharkman: Hi Fabrizio. Best thing to do is find a Scuba Diving Club as close to your area as possible.
Monday 01/17/2005 5:17:42am
Name: Diana
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Usa
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I just wanted to let you know your site is awesome. I thought I had read all I could about sharks and knew quite a bit but I was wrong. Your site taught me alot of new information. Your definitely an inspiration. I have a dream too of also seeing and swimming with great whites.
Sharkman: Thanks Diana. I hope your dream comes true.
Saturday 01/15/2005 9:02:34pm
Name: shaggy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Wales
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: I found your website very interesting and full of useful information.I can tell that u are very passionate about sharks just like me. Keep up your good work.
Sharkman: Thank you.
Sunday 01/02/2005 8:20:31am
Name: Donald Johnson
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Summerville South Carolina
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: You Have A Great Site.
Sharkman: Thanks Donald.
Saturday 01/01/2005 10:04:30pm
Name: reed
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 7
Comments: looking for a story about a couple who where left behind on a diving trip in 1999 and became victims to sharks of the coast of sydney.
Sharkman: Hi Reed. That is the story that the movie "Open Water" is supposed to be based on, but no one knows what really happened to the couple and there is no proof that sharks were actually involved.
Friday 12/31/2004 0:38:43am
Name: Mr X
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 1
Comments: As promised I did return to see what you would do with my last entry. One thing I always do is give credit where credit is due and I do thank you for choosing to leave the message there and reply to it. It doesn't mean I agree with you, but I do give you credit for taking on board comments and not simply deleting the message.
In respect to your comments about my entries being idiotic, that is your view and you have a right to express it. I take no offence but I do personally see tattooing as a form of self abuse (along with multiple body piercing) and I consider promotion of such to be irresponsible. In my view tatooing and body piercing is akin to branding cows and horses with a red hot iron, or ear clipping sheep where a piece of live flesh is simply gouged out in order to "Identify them". It really is just abuse of animals. That is my own view, you do not have to agree with me, I do not seek to change any ones opinion, merely state my own. However as stated I do give credit to you for leaving the message there. In respect to your site, yes it is informative, and like I have said before, I respect all creatures, human or animal, they all have a place in this world.
Sharkman: Welcome back Mr. X. Thanks for your interesting comments. I to do not seek to change your opinion, but I fail to see the connection between tattoos and branding or clipping of animals. As you very well said clippings and branding are just an abuse. Tattooing is a piece of art that a person wants on his body. Most of the time it is in honour of something that they love, as in with the shark tattoos on this site.
Anyway... I wish you and the readers of this site a Very Happy New Year.
Wednesday 12/29/2004 1:20:44am
Name: You Will Never Know
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 1
Comments: I have been here before about a month ago but never left a message but after much thought I had to come back and do so. It will be interesting to see if you choose to delete it or reply, I will return to see if you have any comment.
My first comment is, you say you are dedicated to sharks. Well the entry graphic on this site is a photo of a set of shark jaws, therefore a shark had to die to have that photo taken. A bit hypocritical in my view.
My second comment is, How dare you compare yourself to one of the greatest conservastionists this world has ever seen. He puts his money where his mouth is buying huge tracts of land in every continent, not for material gain but to save it from being developed and exploited and therefore kept for future generations of animals. If you don't know who I am talking about read your own site. You made the comparison, not me.
My third comment is simple, Promotion of tattooing one's person is totally irresponsible. Tattoos are a disgrace and should never be promoted.
I love all animals, they all have a place in this world and a right to exist, it isn't man's task to destroy but to protect.
Be back in a week or two to see what you have said or if you have deleted this entry. I personally think you think too highly of yourself, your site is full of what you think you have achieved. Many men have achieved greatness but not through promoting themselves but by doing good on behalf of other things being they human or animal.
Sharkman: Dear Mr. X. First of all, Welcome back. Secondly, I see no reason why I should delete your comments. You are entitled to your opinion.
As to your first comment about the shark jaws.... The Idea is that one is entering "inside a shark" to see what it actually is. It is sadly true that a shark had been killed, (but not by me) but the good thing is that those jaws have now served to introduce and change many peoples opinion about sharks. There is nothing hypocritical about that.
Your second and last comments... Sorry my friend but they are baseless. I do not compare myself to anyone and I surely do not boast about who I am or what "I have achieved". Read my page properly and you will see that I always say that I am "just a diving instructor" and whatever was achieved, was always done with a lot of help from others.
As to your comment about tattoos..... well, that is so idiotic that I will not even bother to answer.
I love all animals too and I do anything I possibly can to protect them. This is why this website was set up.
Happy New Year.
Sunday 12/19/2004 5:38:31am
Name: Heather Stickney
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Maine, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Awesome.. loved it.. i know i will be here again...;)
Sharkman: Thanks Heather .
Thursday 12/16/2004 8:53:16am
Name: AnnaMaria
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: H(a)i .. it's been a while since i've been here. Cool Xmas Greetings..Cute Bruce & Co. are the MAX ! (As always, Sharks are always the MAX !!).
Solero (Malta's #2 SharkFan)
Sharkman: Hi again. I guess now you can start calling yourself Malta`s #1 Shark Fan.
Wednesday 12/08/2004 4:55:30am
Name: David "stan" Warner
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: phoenix Arizona
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: THis sight has been a great help for me . I have studied sharks since i was 7 and when i got the chance to write a persuasive paper on how they are an important ecological issue i immediatly took it. I have seen what you have accomplished and some day hope to do just as much as you have for them
Sharkman: Hi David. Glad that I could be of help to you.
Thursday 12/02/2004 10:51:45pm
Name: Sheena (aka:Sheenashark)
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Hermiston, OR
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Love the page! I'm actually looking for a good original shark tattoo and got some great ideas. Hoping to take the Africa swim next year also. Any suggestions on the company to go with? Take care!
Sharkman: Hi Sheena. I will email you privately.
Wednesday 12/01/2004 5:21:40am
Name: Brent
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Tennessee USA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hey Sharkman. It has been a while since I have been here. Was looking at the tattoo area and I see my tattoos are still on page 2. I still want more too! Keep up the good work on the site man. Hope to be able to give you another tattoo pic one day.
Sharkman: Hi Brent. Nice to see you back.
Saturday 11/27/2004 3:34:02pm
Name: Agnese
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Venice
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: This pages are wonderful...You are great!!!
I love Sharks and next month I want a tattoo with a great white shark...that is the best one!!
Sharkman: Make sure that you send me a copy of your tattoo Agnese.
Tuesday 11/23/2004 10:52:42am
Name: Alex b
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: south korea
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I need to know for my reaserch wich scools u went to and the collage. Thanks sharkman!
Sharkman: I will email you Alex.
Sunday 11/14/2004 4:11:50am
Name: JACK
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: N.H. USA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman: Thanks Jack. Sharks are amazing creatures.
Friday 11/12/2004 6:51:16pm
Name: Annelies
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Belgium
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Great site!!!
Sharkman: Thanks.
Tuesday 11/09/2004 7:09:07pm
Name: Hannes
Homepage Title: Urlaubs- und Reiseberichte a. aller Welt
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hello and best regards from Germany sends you Hannes. Last month my son and me also mak shark cage diving with the crew of Shark Diving Unlimited . It was really great wirh this fantastic animals. After our vacation I read everything about the "Big White Shark".
If we come back to Gansbaai we`ll do it again.
Best regards from Germany
Sharkman: H(a)i Hannes. I am glad that you had the chance to do the trip with Shark Diving Unlimited and had a great time. Mike and his team are Fantastic people. welcome to the Shark family on the shark-L list too.
Monday 11/08/2004 1:15:45pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: TOGO
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 6
Comments: This is a nice site
Sharkman: Thanks.
Monday 11/08/2004 0:42:03am
Name: houllé jonathan
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: stiring wendel (france)
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i'm fan from shark !!!
help the sharks !!!!!
Sharkman: I always do my very best to save sharks.
Wednesday 10/27/2004 10:52:35pm
Name: Loridana
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Great Web-site. Doing research on Great White sharks. Believe me maybe i wont sleep tonight knowing that we swim with such creatures around. I am from Zurrieq so it makes more and more conscious. Good job and keep up the good work. Cheers!!
Sharkman: Hi Loridana. Do not worry or loose sleep about the sharks in our waters. You are quite safe from them as they are very rarely close to land. If I can be of help in your research, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Tuesday 10/26/2004 8:17:53pm
Name: Gloria Thomas
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Everett, Washington
Sex: Female
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: (Private message)
Sharkman: Thank you for your message and kind comments Gloria .
Wednesday 10/20/2004 2:25:04pm
Name: Andrew
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Great site Sharkman!
Truly great pictures of your trips in 2001 and 2002. What a magnificent creature Big Whitey is. It is such a shame most people only associate them with the gruesome bloody carcasses sometimes hauled onto the shore or the killing machine in Jaws (the movie). In the wild it’s the most magnificent sight in the animal kingdom and one of our last great predators. Hopefully more sites like yours will help people understand the beauty of this king of the depths.
A quote from Sharks: Myth and Reality by Cafierio and Jahoda (1994)
Of the great white, writer Jim Crockett wrote, "A friend of mine claims to have seen God. Well, I've seen the Great White. I guess were about even."
All the best and keep up the good work
Sharkman: I agree Andrew. I guess that makes me even with them too.
Tuesday 10/19/2004 10:34:13am
Name: Martin
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Malta
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: this is one of the best sites on the web
Sharkman: Thanks Martin.
Tuesday 10/12/2004 2:25:48pm
Name: Bruce Sexton
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: England
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Hi, have always had a great interest in sharks especially the Great White. I have only ever seen one and that was at Vic Hislops shark museum in Australia.
I would love to go cage diving and see them for real as there is little chance here in England although we do get the odd report of a sighting.
Keep up the good work.
I'll be visiting again
Sharkman: Hi Bruce. Thanks for your comments. I hope that you do get to see a "Live" White shark, and not one like in Vic's Road Show. i bet you heard a lot of wrong things about sharks there too. The Guy is a real nutcase!!
Thursday 10/07/2004 7:13:36pm
Name: Dzof
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Belgium
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Very good and complete website! I always be fascinated by sharks but I hope never see them during my next divings! Swimming with dolphins is also a very captivating experience and more safety!! I really hope that one day human being will take better care of the earth and off all those magnificents animals we can have the great chance to meet. Take care!!
Sharkman: Hi Dzof. Thanks for your comments. What's so bad with seeing Sharks while diving? It is the best experience you can have, and thousands of people are doing it everyday. It is only there that one can truly experience the real beauty of a shark. I wish you many great dives, and if you are ever in Malta, we can dive together.
Wednesday 10/06/2004 1:57:52pm
Name: Dan
Homepage Title: Timberslide's Band Website
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Birmingham, UK
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Hey Sharkman, This is an Excellent website, I feel inspired everytime i visit it. I have only very recently been informed of the barbarity of shark fining, by a friend who is training to be a marine biologist, and now i'm on the war path to help in anyway i can by sign partitions etc. Keep up the good work.
Be Inspired, Create & Inspire.
Sharkman: Hi. Dan. Thanks. You may like to check out joining my organization. we are here to save and protect sharks.
Wednesday 10/06/2004 11:37:36am
Name: AnnaMaria
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi..great site (as always)
great news re: Megamouth #21. does this mean that there are others sharking about? i hope so
Solero (Malta's No.1 SharkFan)
Sharkman: Hi. AnnaMaria. Hopefully there are many more Megamouths alive and healthy in our oceans. Sorry but you can only be the Malta's #2 Shark Fan.
Wednesday 09/29/2004 3:56:14pm
Name: Dustin
Homepage Title: Yahoo
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: Marmaduke Arkansas
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: I like Sharks and My Grandma J is helping me learn about them
Sharkman's Comment: Hi. Dustin. Tell Grandma J that she is cool.
Monday 09/27/2004 5:09:41am
Name: Don Brossman
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: New Jersey
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Great to visit again, was inspired by the tattoo pages and have finally worked to get my own, will email you the result, was a 3 time sit down, have a nice mako on the left upper arm chasing a yellow fin tuna, kind of my idea and answer to all those rose and wire bands people do, this is my second tattoo and seems my artist is amazed at the size I go for, first covered my right calf very well with a stalking alligator(Big Gator Fan here) now he is happy to play a part in my new one and has invited me to the east coast tattoo convention here in Jersey for the final touches. He used an old style, Japanese idea of gray stressed water to show the movement and will finalize in front of many onloookers this Saturday!! Great for me and great for him!! Email due when redness and swelling are gone!! Keep up the great work here and stay safe!
Sharkman: Hi Don. Looking forward to seeing your Tattoo.
Sunday 09/26/2004 5:51:04pm
Name: Ashley
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I am an avid shark fanatic and as soon as i entered your site, I thought i was in my glory!!!!!!!!!!!!
My favorite kind of shark is the great white.I have seen evry movie on sharks ever made. ive read about 35 books on sharks non fiction, and fiction. Among my favorite is Shark Trouble by Peter Benchly. If you cdould respond to my letter, i would be exstatic. If not, I understand. Thank you for your time,
Sharkman: Hi Ashley. Thanks for dropping in again. Always nice to hear from you.
Monday 09/20/2004 8:29:38pm
Name: Bärbel
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Berlin
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: site will be ever better. hope to see you in october 2004.
best wishes
Sharkman's Comment: H(a)i Bärbel. Looking forward to seeing you again.
Wednesday 09/15/2004 4:11:05am
Name: Webmaestro
Homepage Title: Top Secret Website
Referred By: Friend
Location: Miami,Florida
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Very nice and useful website. Please URGENT visit my website!!! :)
Sharkman: Thanks. Hope to see it soon.
Thursday 09/09/2004 2:09:36am
Name: Shelly
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Missouri, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Have loved surfing your site! Will be sending a picture of my tattoo soon!
Keep up the good work.
Sharkman: Thanks Shelly. Looking forward to seeing your tattoo.
Monday 09/06/2004 3:11:59am
Name: Mag Wright
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi,
I like your site, it's really nice.
Sharkman: Thanks Mag.
Tuesday 08/31/2004 12:08:55am
Name: Verena
Homepage Title: Delphine, Marder & Co.
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Austria
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Your passion has moved me to tears.
it's so good to see that there are still other human beings who really care for "non-cosy" animals!!!
Thank you!
Sharkman: Thanks. Sharks are not cosy, but they sure are BEAUTIFUL!!.
Tuesday 08/31/2004 2:12:25am
Name: dejan
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: malta
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Monday 08/30/2004 4:18:25pm
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: LOME/TOGO
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman: Hope you did not crash land.
Sunday 08/29/2004 5:32:23am
Name: Devin Kreider
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: great info great pictures also
Sharkman: Thanks.
Wednesday 08/25/2004 10:59:37am
Name: Elise R
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i am glad to see someone who is really working to protect the sharks. thanks and keep up the good work. :)
Sharkman: Thanks Elise.
Saturday 08/14/2004 12:32:30am
Name: Sorger Rene
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Greetings and much Respect to this Site.
Rene & Jeannette
Sharkman: Thanks guys. Hope to see you soon again.
Tuesday 08/10/2004 8:05:42pm
Name: Lobke Dijkstra
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Visiting your website now and then so I won´t forget about you and your passion. I gave a 9 because I miss some up-to-date pictures!!
Sharkman: Hi Lobke. There will be new pictures after my next trip.
Tuesday 08/10/2004 7:24:50am
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: SAN JOSE, CA USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman: Thanks Magen.
Monday 08/09/2004 9:01:14pm
Name: Fabrizio Fiumedinisi
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Switzerland, Aargau
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: First I'll congratulate you for your effort of helping the sharks.
It's even difficult to explain the swiss people what sharks really are and how they life. A lot of them have got the picture that a shark is a blood-hungry monster, who kills everyone he's meeting on his way.
But I try it very hard to explain and show the people what sharks really are.
An example:
i wouldn't go surfing at a beach where is written that there are sharks and I also don't know how to react if I would 'meet' a shark.
i find a good idea is to give courses to the visitors of a beach how to act and react on a 'shark-beach'.
But there is again a 'hunger of money' (-; , like everywhere.
Thank you for your effort.
Then I've got a question:
I go every jear in the north of sicily, next to the eolian islands, at Milazzo.
Where are there sharks around this area, I'm very interessed to see a shark in freedom.
Fabrizio, Switzerland
Sharkman: Hello Fabrizio. Glad to see that you too help to protect sharks. I am sorry but I am not familiar with the sharks around north of sicily.
Monday 08/02/2004 1:42:28pm
Name: Markus
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Sharkman,
excellent site, if only there were more people like you to save the shark. Keep up the very good work.
See us soon in Malta.
Sharkman's Comment: Hi Markus. See you in a few days.
Saturday 07/31/2004 4:45:42pm
Name: escorts barcelona
Homepage Title: escorts barcelona
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: great site
Sharkman: Thanks.
Saturday 07/31/2004 8:22:57am
Name: ToNic
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: holland
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: hi, just came along again. we (yes ToNic is WE) will be back in Malta from august 15th. can you tell Adrian? we see him around in or out the water. Keep up the good work.
Sharkman: Hi. Message passed on. See you soon.
Sunday 07/25/2004 9:04:47am
Name: Ali Kim
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Sharkman,
I spent the past two or three hours just reading stuff on your site. Ever since I was 5, I loved sharks. I think they look cool. I think your journal entries of seeing the great white sharks in South Africa are simply fascinating. I want to go see sharks in South Africa myself very much. Honestly I have never seen such a beautiful side of great white sharks. Thanks for showing this through your website.
Sharkman: Thanks Ali. I hope you get a chance to see these great creatures in Africa.
Monday 07/12/2004 3:50:15pm
Name: Kapa´aheo
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Very good and intersting page.
One interesting legend is missing (Topic: Shark Gods) .
What´s about "kapa´aheo"
Sharkman: Sorry Kapa but I never heard that legend.
Tuesday 07/06/2004 2:26:02pm
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: SPAIN
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Sunday 06/20/2004 2:03:04pm
Name: Duri Caduff
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Switzerland
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi , i was surprise of this page. thank you very much for all the Infos you have here, this is a excellent page it`s great. I love Sharks and i admired them . i´m sad that around the world does not have more people like you and your Freinds . My dreams is to dive with Sharks . CONGRATULATE I LOVE IT.
Take care
( sorry if my Englisch isn`t that god)
Sharkman: No problem Duri.
Tuesday 06/15/2004 4:39:13am
Name: LEN
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: United States
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I think that I have a shark addiction. I collect toys, belts, artwork, keyrings, videos, books, DVDs, coffee mugs, mousepads, hats, shirts, aquarium decorations, ties, toy cars, maga-zines, CD soundtracks (JAWS), etc. I guess I am a sharkaholic and i don't intend on going to rehab.
Sharkman: Hi Len. Guess that makes two of us. By the way.... There is NO CURE for those like us!!
Sunday 05/30/2004 11:00:26pm
Name: maria
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: sweden
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hello !
you have a wonderful source here and facts about this fantastic creature...i have liked sharks since i was ten years old and saw the first jaws movie... i was on vacation and i did not get into the water after that movie for fourteen days,,,,,then i became interested in sharks, because it had frightened so many with its bad reputations, through that movie. So i began to read and learn and collect everything about great white sharks,,,,, and now i love them,,,, i think they are the worlds most perfect creature still after millions of year in evolution, it is so perfect for its purpose. i did a tatto of it on my shoulder, and now i am going to do the jaws picture from the movie on my hip... quite qrazy, and i also want to dive with them, i got a diving certifikate when i became 30. my dream is to dive and see them at south africa ,,,,
Sharkman: Hi Maria. Thanks for your comments and I hope that you can make your dream come true. How about sending me pictures of your tattoos?
Tuesday 05/25/2004 5:03:20pm
Name: Arno
Homepage Title: Gansbaii - South Africa
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Paris
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Very nice website ! I've been to dyer island last year to see the the great white with Brian Mc Farlane. You can see my pictures and videos on my site.
Sharkman: Thanks Arno. I will check it out.
Saturday 05/22/2004 11:05:13pm
Name: Steve Tisdale
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Elizabeth City,North Carolina
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I see that I'm not the only one who admires sharks.
Sharkman: No you are not Steve. There are many like us all over the world.
Friday 05/21/2004 8:01:53pm
Name: Chris Gargalianos
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Sharkman what kind of school do I need to become a shrk scientist? I am 17 and going in to my senior year. Thanks and keep doing what you are doing.P.S love the site best one out there
Sharkman: Hi Chris. In my LINKS page, there is a link with all the answers to your question.
Wednesday 05/12/2004 4:32:15am
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: NY
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: im a venomous snake person myself, but i say this is a great site, loved the music.. never-ending story in there too, eh?
keep up the good work,
your boy
Sharkman: Thanks Bill.
Tuesday 05/04/2004 8:59:58pm
Name: Dacvolvo
Homepage Title: Dacvolvo
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Scotland
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi, Alex.
An amazing website you have here. I'm currently making a shark website and I already have a link to your site on it. Keep up the good work and I'll continue to spread the word about your good work here.
Sharkman: Thanks Dacvolvo. Let me know when your site is done.
Sunday 05/02/2004 9:54:17pm
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: USA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: ive been to other sites and this is by far the best one ive seen. i love all the pics and information. i have loved sharks all my life and have 5 shark tattoos, i will be sending them soon i hope. keep up the great work of bringing these great creatures into a better light.
Sharkman: Thanks Jordan. Waiting to see your tattoos.
Friday 04/30/2004 5:47:28am
Name: magga
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: lome
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 1
Comments: i like ittttttttttttttttttttttt
Sharkman: Hi Magga. If you like my site, why did you give me the lowest rating?
Sunday 04/25/2004 2:36:59pm
Name: Kris Asian Mohan
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: India
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: This is a lovely site. Congragulations and keep up the good work. let there be more success from the years to come
Sharkman: Thanks Kris .
Sunday 04/25/2004 7:12:32am
Name: Thomas Cardea
Homepage Title: Storm Track (not mine)
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Colorado, USA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Alex, I love this site. I too have been fascinated by sharks since about age 8. I've even been diving with sharks while in the US Navy. Everything in my office either deals with weather or sharks. Toys, pens, staplers, books, video, you name it, it's here. My nickname in high school, ironically, was "Sharkman." It's so good to know there are others out there who are trying to preserve sharks and their rights as natural beings. People see my shark tattoos and ask about sharks, so I send them here. Maybe they will understand where it is we are coming from. G'Day to you, and happy diving.
Sharkman: Hi Thomas. Thanks for your entry and for passing on my site. How about sending me a picture of your tattoo?
Monday 04/12/2004 7:37:06pm
Name: Iain 'bignastyshark' butcher
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Bracknell (UK)
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I have been here lots of times and i find new things each time, sharkman a true hero among shark enthusiasts thank you !!!!
Sharkman: Hi Iain. Thanks for your support and comments.
Saturday 04/03/2004 10:54:51pm
Name: Dac
Homepage Title: Dacvolvo
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Glasgow - Scotland
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi, Alex
I stumbled across your website by clicking on a link from a shark forum. I must say, your site is very, very interesting. Well presented and most educational.
I'm very impressed.
I must admit; I'm very curious to know your thoughts on Carcharocles Megalodon. Thanks...
Sharkman: Hi Dac. Glad you dropped in. With reference to Megalodon, whilst knowing that it has been extinct for millions of years, I still hope that maybe one day, by some sort of miracle of nature, this magnificent creature will show up.... who knows...... new discoveries happen every day!!
Friday 03/26/2004 1:34:39am
Name: Jay Sharkey
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Connecticut USA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i think you have an awesome website, my nickname is shark, my actual last name is sharkey so i think its easy to see why i have a fascination with sharks. i watch all the shark documentaries on tv, I have one shark tattoo on my left arm and i'm going to get a second one this week, I plan on getting a few more so one day ill look like the "sharkman" when i get around to scanning them into my pc ill send them to you. Cool website, keep watching those sharks
Sharkman: Thanks Jay. Please send me pictures of your tatts.
Tuesday 03/23/2004 4:48:48am
Name: Amelise Snider
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Kiama, NSW, Australia
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: This site is awesome, I was looking to get another shark tat (mine I got when I turned 18, now he's 4 yrs old and needs a friend) so I was cruzin the web for ideas. Wow.
My love affair with sharks started when I was 5, I snuck into the loungeroom and watched jaws (no one knew I was there), I loved that movie, I cried my eyes out when the shark died though. Ever since then it has been my dream to become a shark researcher, I'm in my 3rd year at uni studying to do just that.
My first up-close-and-personal experience with a shark (I'm not talking about at aquariums) was when I was 15, bodyboarding on the NSW south coast. I was waiting for a good wave to ride in and felt something beneath me, I'm not sure what species he was (though he was definatly male, I saw the claspers), I'd say he was just under 2 metres long, he was a beauty!
I'm not going to say I wasn't scared, I was very nervous! But he showed only curiosity, no aggression, so I figured I was safe. That basically sealed the whole love of sharks thing for me, it is my dream to swim with a shark again.
I'll e-mail a pic of my tat when I get a good one, I'll defiantly return here!!!!!!
!Thanx Sharkman!
Sharkman: Thanks Amelise, for your comments and for sharing your story. I hope that you will have many more shark encounters. Looking forward to seeing your tattoo.
Monday 03/22/2004 7:59:46pm
Name: Johan Hanke
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Malmo / Sweden
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I´ve got to tell you man this is THE greatest shark site I´ve ever seen. This really feels like deja vu to me because :
I´ve been interested in sharks for about 18 years and I´m known as "SHARKMAN" to my friends.
Strange coincidence or what?
Keep up the good work my friend !
Sharkman: Thanks Johan. Are you sure you are not my doublegang?
Monday 03/15/2004 9:57:07pm
Name: sean
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Malta
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: I found this sight indirectly, though i was curious enough to check it out. I practically browsed all of it and must tell you "Prosit SharkMan", keep up the good work. I love seeing documentries about sharks, but i must admit iam quite scared of them when i swim far out!
Thanks, and once again well done!
Sharkman: Grazzi Sean. Don't worry... you are safe in Malta.
Monday 03/15/2004 8:07:47am
Name: Dennis
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Amsterdam. Holland
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: For as long as I can remember I'm afraid of sharks ( Great white ) and at the same time I love them. I have a tattoo of a great white shark and I'm gonna take one more. This webside is absolutly fun and interesting for sharkfans !!!!
Sharkman's Comment: Thanks Dennis. Please make sure to send me pictures of your tattoos.
Thursday 03/04/2004 2:11:27am
Name: May Rizabal
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Philippines
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I really love sharks actuaLLY THERE ARE MY FAVORITE. Now im planning to finish my term paper about sharks, but i really have a hard time to do so. And now i just notice that there's a lot of topic about them. can u help me made a better Outline about sharks.. Can you help me.. i will appreciate it if you do so... thank you..
Sharkman: Hello May. I tried to contact you but the email you gave me was wrong. Please contact me again.
Tuesday 03/02/2004 4:21:53pm
Name: Lena
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi! I only want to say Thank You for this great side! It´s the best I ever saw. I love sharks since ten years. I`ve collected everything I could find about sharks. And it make me happy to see that somebody is doing something for protecting sharks, especially for the Great White. Thank You!
Sharkman: Vielen Dank Lena.
Tuesday 03/02/2004 2:01:11pm
Name: AnnaMaria
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: As always, great site for everyone, especially kidz. I know someone who really looks up to you cos she loves sharks and really admires what you do. Thanx and keep up the good work.
Sharkman: Thank you AnnaMaria. I guess you get the title of my #1 fan.
Thursday 02/26/2004 7:10:46pm
Name: joseph montes aka the shark
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: texas
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i never thought someone else in the world respected sharks as much as me and now i know there is someone if you ever need something or wanna talk bout sharks im here aight jes e mail me aight deuce
Sharkman: Thanks Joseph.
Monday 02/23/2004 9:51:22pm
Name: Martyn
Referred By: Friend
Location: Wales
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Excellent site and great reading about your efforts in getting Sharks protected, if only there were more people like you. Have dived with Bull, reef and basking sharks and no-one should be allowed to take these amazing creatures from us. Keep it going!!!!!!
Sharkman: Hi Martyn. Thanks for your comments. There are many people out there fighting for shark protection, but it is not enough. We need many more.
Saturday 02/21/2004 7:48:28am
Name: Dawn
Homepage Title: Sharks
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Illinois(USA)
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi! Alex,
The site is looking very good. Are you plaining going back to South Africa to see more great whites? I hope you don't mind but I put a link to your site on my new shark forum I made. I love your site so that's why I put a link there. If you don't want me too please e-mail me.
Thank you,
Sharkman: Hi Dawn. Thanks for the link to your site. I am hopeing to return to S.A. as soon as possible.
Thursday 02/19/2004 3:26:31am
Name: Aeris Rose
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I love what you are doing and I hope you and I will meet someday ( I hope to travel the world) and I wish everything goes good for you and your site!
Sharkman: Hello Aeris. Thanks for your comments. Make sure you look me up if you ever get to Malta. Happy Globetrotting.
Wednesday 02/18/2004 10:20:48pm
Name: Jessica Gibson
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Ontario, Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: This is the best shark page I have saw by far! :) It really helped me out a lot with the assignment I am doing! Thank you so much!
Sharkman: Thanks for your comments Jessica. Glad I could be of Help.
Friday 02/13/2004 7:45:28pm
Name: dave martin
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: mexico
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I really liked this website , its great that someone cares about the most beautifull hunter in the world.
Sharkman: Hi Dave. Thanks for your comments..
Thursday 02/05/2004 12:43:52am
Name: Drew "Mr Scientist" Hayes
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hellow again. I have just watched those finning videos and it brings tears to my eyes to know that people have so little respect for nature. Its people like you that make a differance that gives us all hope that one day it could all end. still having lots of fun with the shark toy, thanks
Sharkman: Hi Drew. Glad you liked the little shark.
Friday 01/30/2004 12:40:05am
Name: Matt Cameron
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Ace website mate!
Sharkman: Thanks Matt.
Tuesday 01/20/2004 9:41:14pm
Name: sean winston
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: montreal canada
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Saturday 01/17/2004 8:36:19pm
Name: Nicole van de Walle
Referred By: Friend
Location: Dorst, Netherlands
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Alex,
Great site, I got your URL from Adrian. I love the tattoos, I'm planning one myself. But first I'll get some diving certificates, so I can be a full and qualified member of the Sharks on Malta.
Maybe see you one day on the island.
Sharkman: Hello Nicole. Thanks for your message. When you make your Tattoo, do not forget to send me a picture of it, and if you are in Malta, give me a shout.
Wednesday 01/14/2004 0:59:46am
Name: Gregory R. Mann, Ph.D.
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Lansing, MI
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Outstanding Site Alex. Keep up the fine work.
Sharkman: Thank you Gregory.
Tuesday 01/13/2004 11:00:44pm
Name: Norma (CC)
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: UK
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman: Hello Norma. Thank you. Would be nice to meet you when you get here.
Tuesday 01/06/2004 2:54:59pm
Name: Mike
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Lakeland, FL USA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: I love this website, and I think it is really great to see someone working to educate people about and helping preserve such a misunderstood creature.
Sharkman: Hi Mike. Nice to see you back and Thanks for your comments.
Sunday 12/21/2003 11:12:21am
Name: tony keepers
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: the netherlands
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: hello, found your site after your brother send us your x-mas card. Great site, lots of work you put in with great result. Send our love to Adrian and Noli from ToNic, and tell them i'm going to continue my diving. keep up your great work.
Sharkman: Hi Tony. Thanks for your comments. Adrian & Noli send you their best regards.
Friday 12/05/2003 5:42:10pm
Name: Christian Bodendieck
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany, {near the Baltic sea}
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: still the best site to look things up about sharks... Keep on
yours bodi
Sharkman: H(a)i Bodi. Nice to hear from you again. Thanks for your message. I hope we meet again for more good Diving.
Thursday 12/04/2003 8:59:17pm
Name: Ian
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Worcester, England
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: dude your site is the best and I've searched about 20 just today. All my life I've been interested in sharks but over the last year I've been doing all I can to help, and it seems you've gone 2 steps further, I would love to scuba dive with sharks just wondering if you know of any places in England that will do this kind of thing. Thanks for your time. Ian
Sharkman: Hi Ian. Thanks for your message. I will get back to you with any info I can find out.
Tuesday 12/02/2003 6:53:06pm
Name: AnnaMaria
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hey..been a long time since I been site, as always. Keep up the good work. Probably I'll b getting a shark tat soon :) I'll e-mail u a pic of it. Sharks 4 Ever
Sharkman: Hi Annamaria, nice to see you are back. Make sure you send me a picture when you get your tattoo done.
Sunday 11/16/2003 1:07:09am
Name: Steph 'Sharky' Morgan
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Beautiful Mid Wales, UK
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I'm Blown away! Your web award is more than deserved Sharkman. I can't remember when I was first 'bitten' (!) by the shark bug. Similarly I have no background in marine biology, but have enrolled on a BSAC scuba course, enrolled in 'The Shark Trust' and hope to follow my heart in the future. Your site is educational and fun (V important!). Will send piccys of my own tattoos and belly button bar soon. Keep up the good work - Cuddle a shark today!
Sharkman: Hi Steph. Thank you for your message. Never give up on your dreams. Looking forward to seeing your pics. By the way.... You should now join Sharkman's World Organization.
Thursday 11/13/2003 5:54:50pm
Name: Rev. Christopher Handy
Homepage Title: The New Testament Bible Church
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I was surfing by and saw your light was on so I decided to stop by and say hello. Great site.....When ever you are in the neighborhood stop by and say hello at my site....We are up all hours of the night...until later take care and be bless!!!!!!
Sharkman: Thank you Rev. Guess we are both up at all hours.
Monday 11/10/2003 2:00:27am
Name: Gary
Homepage Title: Oz Magic the Web-Site
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Fraser Island Australia
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Thanks for this web site. I found what I was looking for. I'll be back.
Sharkman: Thanks Gary. Glad you found what you needed.
Friday 11/07/2003 7:39:08pm
Name: Nick Hajek
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Chicago Illinois
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: this is a great page, very insightful for people who still view sharks as ruthless killing machines...keep up the good work...I hope to be submitting a shark tattoo soon to you
Sharkman: Thanks Nick. I hope that you can send in your tattoo.
Wednesday 11/05/2003 10:10:49pm
Name: Fernando Schiavinato
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Piracicaba BRAZIL
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Muito louco essa pagina, tenho uma tattoo de tubarão e logo mandarei a foto para ficar na galeria.
Sharkman: Obrigado Fernando.
Wednesday 11/05/2003 9:50:31pm
Name: sammy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: WOW! LOVE YOUR SITE!!!
Sharkman: Thanks.
Monday 11/03/2003 2:56:43am
Name: joelene and zac
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: tucson arizona
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: your page is great we love sharks!!!
Sharkman: Thanks.
Thursday 10/16/2003 9:07:49pm
Name: Patrick W. Schafer
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Concord, North Carolina
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I currently have four shark tattoo's and love sharks and every thing about them. "sharkdiver" just a nickname I have..
Sharkman: Hi Patrick. I hope that you can send me pictures of your tattoos.
Saturday 10/11/2003 5:48:11pm
Name: Louise
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: UK
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Wow! Love your site. I have to say you have done some amazing things, you are so lucky I am shark mad and the GW is one of my top faves and yet I have never seen one for real!! Maybe one day hey? Keep up the good work.
Sharkman: Hi Louise. You can make your dream come true like I did. All you need is to work hard for it and never give up hope. I wish you all the best.
Wednesday 10/08/2003 11:58:21pm
Name: Kyle Hunter
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Colorado, USA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Absolutley, 100% The BEST shark site on the web. Keep up the inspiration and let me know of any sponsorships or conservation that I may be able to help with!
Sharkman: Thanks Kyle. At the moment, all donations and help are very welcome.
Tuesday 09/23/2003 4:05:39pm
Name: shelly timmoney
Homepage Title:
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: scotland
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: sharks rock! sharkman you rock!
Sharkman: :-)
Tuesday 09/16/2003 8:35:12pm
Name: AnnaMaria
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: H(a)i! the organization is one FAB idea to save sharks.. if we could all be part of it we would make a difference and help sharks be lords of the sea once again. keep it up !!
Sharkman: Hi AnnaMaria. Thanks. Yes, I hope that many will be joining me in this quest. Sharks need all the help they can get, if they are to be saved.
Monday 09/08/2003 11:33:13am
Name: Rodolphe Jeffredo
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Treasures of the Web
Location: France
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: The world needs man like you ! You are doing a great job for sharks ! And you remember us that the worst animal is may be human beings !!!
Sharkman: Hi Rodolphe.
Wednesday 09/03/2003 9:04:26am
Name: Kjell
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Aalst, Belgium
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi, while looking for some good shark-Pages, I came to yours and I've only got one word to describe it: AMAZING !!!!! I mean, almost everything you want to know about sharks is in here! I was working in Taba (Egypt, Red Sea) for about a year, on one of my dives I encountered my first real live shark, a white tip reef shark, I was amazed, the beauty of that moment when it swam by, was what made me a huge shark-fan. Know I'm trying to know as much as possible about sharks, and I'm planning on doing some more actual shark-diving. Thanks for hosting such a great Page and I'll be checking it out every few days!!! Cheers, Kjell
Sharkman: Hi Kjell. Thanks for your kind words and comments. I can very well understand how you felt when you saw your first Shark. My First was also a Whitetip in the Red Sea, and that is one still one of my favourite sharks.
Tuesday 08/26/2003 3:43:35am
Name: Alan
Homepage Title: haven't got one
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: herts , uk
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Just read Rodney Fox's 2002 guestbook submission.You must have been chuffed with that !
Sharkman: Hi Alan. Nice to see you back. Yes Rodney's comment in my guest book was a nice surprise. He did not tell me that he was going to do it.
Friday 08/22/2003 1:22:57pm
Name: AnnaMaria
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: H(a)i Alex.. I'm back again.. I wish that we could all do something to Save Sharks rather than just killing them off for fun and food :(
thanx & keep up the good work.. any help needed, you can count on me
Sharkman: Hi AnnaMaria. Nice to have you back. Thanks for your offer. I am sure that you have been answering to my calls for support in the recent Shark issues.
Tuesday 08/19/2003 0:16:48am
Name: Corissa
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I love your site, it has wonderful pictures and graphics along with awesome information. I love the shark tattoo pages and they may have influenced me to get one of my own despite my massive fear for needles. Thanks for displaying your knowledge on the web for all to see!
Sharkman: Hello Corissa. Thank you for the comments. When you make your Tattoo, remember to send me a picture.
Monday 08/18/2003 6:53:11pm
Name: Carrie Siems "Tiburoni"
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Illinois, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: GREAT site!!! Keep up all the good work! :)
Sharkman: Hi "Tiburoni", thank you. Nice to see you here..
Thursday 08/14/2003 1:46:29pm
Name: darryl
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: australia
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 1
Comments: I wonder how many shark supporters would change their opinion after one of their loved ones were taken from them by a great white or tiger shark. Granted there are some species that could be considered harmless in most situations, but come on. As to Vic Hislop, give the guy some credit, he only names the great white, the tiger, the hammerhead and the white pointer as maneaters and their numbers should be culled to protect the rest of the seas creatures( and man). History will prove him right.
Sharkman: Hi Darryl. Thank you for your message. It seems to me that you know very little about sharks in general, and what you know is also not entirely correct. You also know very little about Vic.
There are nearly 450 different sharks in our oceans and of these, only a handful have been known to attack without being provoked. That is very different from your comment of "some species that could be considered harmless in most situations". There is not a single shark in the world that is a "Maneater". This is just a fabricated word that people like Hislop use to scare fellow humans and to justify their Shark killing Ego. Hislop himself has killed many harmless sharks and he brags about it. He also believes that every victim of Drowning or lost at sea is a Shark attack fatality.
And for the record..... Seems that you do not even know that the White Pointer is just another name used by you Australians, for the Great White shark!!
Sunday 08/03/2003 12:07:27am
Name: Baabie "The Pink Lady" Schwarz
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hello Alex, I want to thank you for this website! I have a presentation about sharks on august 25th. It is a kind of test in my English class. Your website including other links has been very helpful to work it out. You are truly in love with sharks, I can feel it in every line.
Thanks a lot, I will visit your website again. One fine day, maybe we will meet on Malta. I´ve been there before but not for diving. The ocean always on my mind....bye, baabie
Sharkman: H(A)I Baabie. Thank you for your nice comments. I wish you luck with your presentation. Yes, if you return to Malta, make sure you let me know.
Saturday 08/02/2003 2:28:31am
Name: Andreas
Homepage Title: Swiss XBOX Patrol
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Switzerland
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: The WHITE SHARK is my favourite animal EVER...Safety the sharks..
mind....bye, baabie
Sharkman: Mine too.
Wednesday 07/30/2003 11:46:06am
Name: Jennifer Joy Mackie
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Milton Keynes, England
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: HI, I love everything about your site, because I can tell that you are devoted to Sharks, and there just arnt enough people like you about! I am also a shark fan, and I love Great Whites. It is also my dream to dive with them in Dyer Island, South Africa. I was going to live out my dream this summer, but could not afford the plane fair!! I just wanted to write to reccommend a book that is in my possesion, and has been read thousands of times, because it is so fantastic- You may have already read it!; 'SHARKS SILENT HUNTERS OF THE DEEP';Readers Digest- Introduction by Ron and Valerie Taylor. It documents the attitudes to sharks throughout history, and its focus is on their demonisation!! I wondered also if you had visited Vic Hislop's site. It is the most horrible thing I have ever seen, and I must admit, I was forced to tears! He detests Sharks, and believes that they should all be killed!! He describes his torturous acts, posts horrible pictures of dead and bleeding sharks, and tries to turn people against sharks by telling a story of a little whale killed by Tiger Sharks. Its not really a very sad story, its just about Sharks living out their lives the way they are meant to!! I posted a defensive E-mail. I reccommend you do too! We must get the site banned!! The sadest thing comes when you visit his guestbook site, he has a huge following- many people think the same!!
Sharkman: Hi Jennifer. Thank you for your very interesting message. Yes, the book that you mentioned is one of my favourites too. In fact, it is also listed in my Shark Library page.
As to your comment about Vic Hislop.... Yes, I know all about him and in my opinion he is not even worth bothering about. This Shark Killer says nothing but lies and this idiot has been many times in trouble with the authoroties and no one takes him seriously anymore. Sure you will find a FEW that will agree with him and support him, but they are only a FEW. There are many more people supporting sharks and the numbers are growing everyday.
I hope that you too will have your dream of going to see the whites at Dyer Island.... and when there, you will see how many more people go to see sharks everyday, than Vic Hislop will get in his sick show in a month.
Tuesday 07/22/2003 7:05:03am
Name: Gerardo Dimaguila
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Philippines
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: looked at your site properly now...nice
Sharkman: Glad you did. Thanks again.
Monday 07/21/2003 10:28:53am
Name: Gerardo Dimaguila
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Philippines
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} :10
Comments: was just thinking to be polite so i rated 10-did'nt have time to check your site...
Sharkman: Thank you for the honesty Gerardo, Please return when you have seen all the site.
Saturday 07/19/2003 4:50:08pm
Name: debbie hawks
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: north carolina
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: love your site! hopefully this site will help people understand the misunderstood shark! keep up the great work!
Sharkman: Thank you Debbie.
Thursday 07/10/2003 9:57:34pm
Name: steve marshall
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: nottingham uk
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Alex a big thank you for everything you do. One day im going to trade with you, a 911 for you a dream come true for me? to meet and greet Mr or Mrs whitey.
Sharkman: Hi Steve. nice to see you again. One day your dream will come true as well. I am sure of it.
Wednesday 07/09/2003 3:36:02pm
Name: Solero
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Sharkman, Keep up this AMAZING work you're doing cos it's just GREAT ! Please keep me informed of any News regarding Shark Protection, cos i'm more than willing to help !
Sharkman: Hello Solero. Thanks for returning and for your offer to help out. Please keep your eyes on this page as there will soon be some news that I am sure will interest you and all the Maltese friends. Keep in Touch.
Sunday 07/06/2003 4:46:19am
Name: NeoShark
Homepage Title: Coastal Shark Forum
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Brazil
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hello again, Sharkman! What can I say... Your site is about Sharks... Sharks are amazing creatures.. Therefore your site is amazing too! Congrats!
Sharkman: Hi Neo. Nice to see you here again. thanks for the picture of your new Tattoo. Looks great man.
Friday 07/04/2003 6:15:15pm
Name: Hayes
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: TEXAS
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Wow great job. Love Great whites, awesome power and size. You are a lucky guy.
Thanks for letting me have a look at a dream.....
Sharkman: Thanks Hayes.
Wednesday 06/25/2003 5:09:02pm
Name: Jayson Martin
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: kansas city
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 7
Comments: Lots of info. you are living a dream, keep on keeping on!!!
Sharkman: Thanks Jayson.
Sunday 06/15/2003 2:40:56am
Name: Paula O'Brien
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: U.S.A.
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: AWESOME SITE!!!!!
Sharkman: Thank you Paula.
Thursday 06/12/2003 4:10:32am
Name: Mary H Shaver (Dazy)
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Corpus Christi
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Alex, Thank you. I picked up the book about the shark attacks of 1916. Twelve Days of Terror. I got an A for my paper. I still think your web site is the best. We need to go diving together. How about Cape Town in South Africa. Lots of Great Whites.
P.S. I still want to go to Malta. Dazy
Sharkman: Hi Dazy. Glad you got an "A". Well Done. Hey....any time you want to Dive in S.A. or Malta, just let me know. Will gladly sort things out for you.
Tuesday 06/10/2003 1:45:33pm
Name: Karoly
Homepage Title: Lago Maggiore Ferienhaus, Ferienwohnung
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Bonjour, éloge pour votre Website! J'ai considéré vos colonnes et mon avis est que la navigation a réussi beaucoup. Promouvez ainsi et des salutations
Sharkman: Merci beaucoup Karoly.
Sunday 06/08/2003 11:32:40pm
Name: Pernille
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Denmark
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: WoW... It's the greatest site I've ever seen...
I love sharks too and I think they are a fantastic kind of animal...
Keep up the god work.
Sharkman: Thank you Pamille.
Thursday 06/05/2003 7:59:27pm
Name: AnnaMaria
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I just can't get out of this WOW ! site...keep it up and thank you for everything you're doing to save sharks. Sharkman, if you ever need anything you can count on us :)
Sharkman: Welcome Back AnnaMaria, nice to see you here again. I know that I can depend on you if I need to, and in fact, stay tuned because in a few days, there will be some special news, which I think you will like. Keep in Touch.
Thursday 06/05/2003 6:19:27pm
Name: Chris "Sharkie" Wilson
Homepage Title: Welcome to the Sharks Waters!!!! Beware
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Tampa, Florida.
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: All, I'm really gonna say is that I'm a devoted Shark fan and when I first got my shark tat I thought I was gonna be the only one and now that I have found you all I feel like I'm in a big ol family of Shark lovers!!! :) I would like to join you all in your quest to save the Sharks and all and if there's anything I can do please email me! :) Love You all! :)
Sharkman: Hi Chris....... Make sure you post me a picture of your Tattoo. Also keep tuned for some news to come soon.
Tuesday 06/03/2003 8:56:48pm
Name: Bjorn Briffa
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: School, Malta
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Cool site!!! I had never seen 1 like this before. Congratulations Alex!! I hope you can save all the sharks from humans. Good luck
Sharkman: Hi Bjorn, Thank you for the comments. I can assure you that I will never stop fighting for Shark Protection. Make sure that you pass the word at school, that Sharks are not monsters, and they need to be saved.
Tuesday 06/03/2003 4:05:24pm
Name: M. J.
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Marinha Grande - Portugal
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hello ! I'm a shark lover and, you are doing a great job ! I hope someday I'll dive in the big blue with sharks... My favorite shark are also the GW ! Keep the good work !!! M.J.
Sharkman: Hello MJ. , Thank you and I hope that your Dream comes True.
Sunday 06/01/2003 5:44:11pm
Name: Kirsten
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hai Alex !
Thank you very much again for drying and helping me with the camera, although it won´t work anyway......pitty !!! Hope to see you again next time. It was a wonderful week there and I´m shure it was´nt the last one.
Bye for now
Sharkman: Hi Kirsten. Sorry to hear that the Camera did not work. Hope you can have it fixed. See you again next time. Please give my greetings to all the group.
Saturday 05/31/2003 3:47:54pm
Name: The Chick 183
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: UK
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Well done Sharkman on your wonderful website i found it facinating and i admire you and the work u do.
Sharkman: Hello Chick. Nice to see you here. Thanks for the comments.
Saturday 05/17/2003 9:58:25am
Name: Mako Midian
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: UK
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: wo0t wo0t i got my new computer and its an absolute beast. Will be gettin a webcam soon so i can send pics of my tattoo. speak to you all soon
Sharkman: Hello again Midian. Looking forward to getting your Photos.
Friday 05/16/2003 4:02:42pm
Name: AnnaMaria Mifsud
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Zebbug, Malta
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Sharkman, this site is WICKED ! I really appreciate and thank you & others like you who are helping and doing their UTMOST to save the amazingly beautiful SHARK ! Anna
Sharkman: Hi Anna. It is great to hear from a fellow Maltese shark lover. Also thank you for your comments.
Friday 05/16/2003 9:11:14am
Name: Kirsten Schmidt
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi, Sharkman!
Got the link from André`s page and surfed in.We'll be in Gozo next week.
Maybe we meet again ! shurly I´m an Shark-L face too!!
Sharkman: H(a)i Kirsten. I hope to meet André next week, so I hope I can see you too. Hopefully we can dive toghether as well. Please send me your photo for the Shark-L faces page.
Tuesday 05/13/2003 8:57:36am
Name: Susi Danker
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: {Private Message}
Tuesday 05/06/2003 5:31:30am
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: TEXAS
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 7
Wednesday 04/30/2003 9:49:58pm
Name: Mako Midian
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: I am also a shark lover and have recently got my first shark tattoo....... YAY. I will hopefully be one of the shark L faces within too long as soon as i get my webcam fixed.
Speak to you all soon
Sharkman: Hello Midian. Welcome to the club. Always glad to meet new Shark-L members.
Monday 04/28/2003 7:25:43am
Name: Terri
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: San Diego
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Love this page Sharkman! I stayed out of the ocean for years because of "JAWS" I went to Cozumel last year,,,and fell in love,,,with the deep blue sea all over again. Thank you for sharing your passion with us..take care
Sharkman: Hello Terri. Thank you for your comments. Glad to read that you have fallen in love again. Welcome to my world. Don't let anything like Jaws scare you away again. Now you know that Sharks are not as bad as people and movies make them out to be.
Saturday 04/26/2003 1:29:54pm
Name: Sina
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Your site is so great!!!
The informations are very interesting and I learnt much more about sharks.
I hope that all you wishes come true!!!!!
Thanks Sina!
Sharkman: H(a)i Sina. Danke. It is always nice to meet new members from the Shjark-L list. May your wishes come true as well.
Saturday 04/26/2003 10:22:36am
Name: Richard Vissers
Homepage Title: RAPJ,s SHARKZONE
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: The Netherlands
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: A verry good site about sharks,s
lot,s af pics and great info
your a great friend of the sharks
Sharkman: Hi Richard... thank you. I will check out your site too later.
Tuesday 04/22/2003 8:09:07pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: ashington in northumberland(U.K)
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 7
Comments: u cud try some funny cartoon pictures of sharks.step by step guides perhaps?
Sharkman: El Marto... I think you missed seeing my cartoon page.
Sunday 04/20/2003 11:46:10pm
Name: MaRyNa
Homepage Title:
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Spain
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hey I'm wonderfulest to hear ur words about sharks, I'm 14 years and I have family in Hawaii, I'm pasionated by sharks, they are the most beautiful and the greatest criature in this world, send me something because we have the common things that we like, well bye!!!
Sharkman: Thanks MaRyNa. I will be in touch.
Wednesday 04/16/2003 0:35:47am
Name: Angelika
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany/Near Aachen
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: {Private Message}
Monday 04/14/2003 9:51:31am
Name: Robert Caraway
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Phoenix, AZ USA
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: This is the best page on the web that i have found yet. I got a few shark tattoos of mine own. I will send a pic of them soon.
Sharkman: Thanks Robert. Looking forward for your tattoos.
Tuesday 04/08/2003 9:51:18am
Name: Dieter Eisenreich
Homepage Title: Scuba Diving in Vienna
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Vienna
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: H(a)i Alex!
I really appreciatetd your way of diving while leading parts of my group of divers. Hope you will recover soon from this eye-problem!
We will meet again as soon as possible!
Best regards from Vienna!
Sharkman: Hi Dieter. It was great to have you with us at O.G. and it was a pleasure to dive with your group. Please Give my regards to all, and I hope to see you soon again.
Saturday 04/05/2003 10:02:12pm
Name: keith grehan
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: ireland
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: im a biology student and am doing a presentation on sharks this is a really great site with brilliant images
Sharkman: Hi Keith. Thank you for your comments. Good luck with your presentation.
Saturday 03/29/2003 5:39:25pm
Name: serge st laurent
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: victoria, british columbia. canada
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: great site, found more info on the megamouth than any other site. PLEASE keep the info coming
Sharkman: Will do my best Serge.
Thursday 03/20/2003 10:02:39am
Name: Will Seymour Jones
Homepage Title: -
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: queensland australia
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hey sharkman im 13 teen and i'm doing my assignment on sharks. I didn't know much about sharks till I saw this page. it is really sad that the sharks get finned like that it made me cry when I saw that picture of the shark marriage it make me sick that people do that to sharks I think that because humans have a power to be in control at the top of the food chain they should be responsible with there power and not kill sharks. it is so cruel and sickens me the way they are treated because they are wonderfully creatures especialy the whale shark that is awesome how big it is
yeah the website was cool I reckon it was cool how you did the sharky for kids thing yeah you know how you to about that one person can make a deference thing its great but how do you get involved with shopping cruelty to sharks and stuff
I've been scuba diving with mum and Amy and an instructor once of a beach and I went again deeper of a boat it was so awesome I got to see a reef shark and picked up some shark teeth of the ocean bottom and I been 5times all up I cant wait to get a medical and do this diving course thing when im 14 there meant to let ya do it when your 13 but the doctors wouldn't give me a medical or something like that
anyway cya later
Keep up the good work
Sharkman's Comment: Hiya Will. Thank you for your comments. Yes I agree with you that Shark Finning is very cruel, and it should be stopped. We can all help make a difference, even you. Two simple things that you can start with, is to start telling your friends how cruel shark finning is, and you can all spread the word around. Also, you can explain to your family and friends that they should not buy from or go to places that serve Shark Fin Soup. You must also tell the owners of these places that you are not going there under protest. This can start as a small thing, but it can easily grow.
One more thing..... keep tuned to my Kids Page for some news that might be there.
Saturday 03/15/2003 10:31:27pm
Name: mark
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: berkshire england
Sex: Male
Age: 30 to 40
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I was just surfing the net and found this site and was amazed at the quality of this site. I have told friends about it and will continue to look at this site. A big thanks again to the sharkman.
Sharkman's Comment: Thank you for your comments Mark, and for passing on the page.
Thursday 03/13/2003 11:55:56pm
Name: steve marshall
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: nottingham uk
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: the man is great. he as done everything possible to ensure sharks are understood. bravo alex.
Sharkman's Comment: Thanks Steve. I have done very little, but the fight goes on.
Thursday 03/13/2003 8:34:24pm
Name: Miriam
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: hi sharkman! i´m from germany and our school class had to find out something about sharks, so my friend and me found this website.we love it. i´m at home now, and i thought i must visit this page again. i am interested about sharks now, too. i liked it, that there´s good music on this website. i´m very sorry, because my english isn´t good. greetings from germany! bye miriam, 13
Sharkman's Comment: Danke Miriam. I am happy that you like this page. By the way, your English is much better then my German. Tchuss
Monday 03/10/2003 10:55:32pm
Name: Jamie Jenkins
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Athens, GA. USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: I am so glad to finally come across other people who care as much as I do about sharks. It is refreshing to know that someone is out there looking out for them.
I would've given you a 10 but that would seem like I didn't really pay attention. At least this way you'll feel there is room for improvement (even though there isn't).
Sharkman's Comment: Hi Jamie. Thanks for your message. There is always room for improvement. and...Yes... there are quite a few that care about sharks just like us.
Monday 03/10/2003 2:34:45am
Name: ndigbo
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: lagos
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: i have come to this site and so nice.
thanks and bye
Sharkman's Comment: Thanks Ndigbo.
Thursday 03/06/2003 10:42:46am
Name: Ginger
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Scotland
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: HI, great site you have here!Lots of interesting shark information and pictures.I watched a programme recently about great whites off Dyer Island.The researcher now no longer studies them there as theres is too many tourists out there looking at the sharks. They now feel the shark behaviour they will witness will be different because of these vistors so have now moved to study them in a different location.I would love to see a great white close up in the wild but does this raise the point that maybe we should be leaving them alone and not interfering and changing their behaviour? I'd like to know your opinions on that.
Keep up the good work on the site its fab.
Sharkman's Comment: Hi Ginger. Thank you for your message and comments. You have put forward a very interesting question. There are different ways to look at the issue, and I always like to see the proverbial "two sides of the coin".
On one side we have the good that these Shark viewing trips are doing. They are getting people close to the sharks and as a result, there is more of a positive outlook towards these magnificent creatures. People are now getting to appreciate sharks and even get concerned about their conservation and protection.
On the other side, we have the invading of the sharks domain and the interference with their behavior. These sharks are now being teased with baits and in a way, used for show.
Which is wrong and which is right? Not enough research has so far been done into whether humans are actually interfering with the sharks, or that they are being conditioned. Remember that although research has shown that sharks can and do learn up to some level, it takes a lot of work and hours on the same shark before he is conditioned. The Sharks around Dyer Island are not the same ones every day and they are all moving around. Sure, some do return but not on a fixed routine, so to condition a Shark can take many months or years.
In my opinion, as long as the area is not over crowded and there are limits on the number of boats, plus laws that the operators have to abide by, than I do not personally see that this is harming the sharks. To interact with nature, we must first learn to respect it.
Monday 03/03/2003 3:04:17pm
Name: Marion
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Your page looks great! Very informative. I love the sharktoons! I'll be here again...
I love sharks and they have to be protected! Keep on doing your work to make the people understand sharks.
Sharkman's Comment: H(a)i Marion. I am glad that you like the site. Yes, sharks need all the protection they can get.
Sunday 03/02/2003 3:47:25am
Name: Penny
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Remember me?? I met you through icq, and we chatted for a brief while (purplefish is my icq nickname). I visited your page back in 1998, and left a message, and was able to go and see it still posted!! Hard to believe it was that long ago. So good to see that you're still so passionate about what you love most! Hope all is well with you...take care! By the way, love the web page..there is tons more info on here, and it's all VERY interesting!
Sharkman's Comment: Hi Penny, Glad to see you back here. hope all is ok with you.
Friday 02/07/2003 11:51:07pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Sharkman's Comment: Gracias por sus comentarios. Apesadumbrado pero todas las fotos tenga protección del copyright.
Tuesday 02/04/2003 7:29:19pm
Name: JAN
Homepage Title:
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Czech Republic
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: This is very good page vith my fafourite animal.
I send a lot of greetings from CZ
Sharkman's Comment: Thank you Jan.
Sunday 01/19/2003 3:55:19am
Name: Katelyn
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: we don't like drift nets!!!!!!
Sharkman's Comment: Neither do I !!
Thursday 01/02/2003 4:21:44pm
Name: ege
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Turkey
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: You have done a great job!!!
Sharkman's Comment: Thank you Ege.
Thursday 12/26/2002 8:16:27am
Name: Jawslady aka Tanya
Homepage Title: Not done yet! Will let you know
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Colorado, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hey Sharkman! How have you been? Hope all is going well. I can't keep away from your website- I'm hooked, so I'm always checking it out. It's the best shark-site I've ever seen!!! You've done superb and I thank you for all that you've done in the interest of shark protection and awareness! You are the best! I wish you all the best in the coming year and good health, success, and more awesome shark experiences. Happy new year!
Sharkman Comments: Hi JawsLady. Nice to see you here again. Thanks for your comments, and I too wish you {and everyone else} a very Sharky New Year.
Tuesday 12/17/2002 3:19:10pm
Name: Cybershark
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Spain
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Only one thing: great !!!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks buddy.
Wednesday 12/11/2002 10:34:01am
Name: Caroline
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Singapore
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: GREAT WEBSITE!!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Sharkman Comments: You are welcome....Glad to see you here Caroline.
Sunday 12/08/2002 7:06:21pm
Name: Allison
Homepage Title: Allison's Bus
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: USA
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: You are awesome! God bless you for all the heroic things you've done for sharks! You are a courageous and wonderful man. Sharks need all the help they can get. They are good creatures.
I plan to make an Anti-Vic Hislop website! He is a killer and should not just get off with a slap on the wrist! Once again, Thank you!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Allison. Thank you for your comments. Please note that I am just a simple guy. Each Human can do something to protect nature, no matter how small it is. All we need to do is Never to give up in what we believe is right.
Let me know when you get your Anti-Vic page up.
Monday 12/02/2002 2:26:34am
Name: Derek Foran
Homepage Title:
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Toronto, ON
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: A REAL COOL site Alex!! I am Derek from Sunnybrook ; ) Ciao,
Sharkman Comments: Hi Derek. Thanks for your comment, but most of all, thanks for helping me out recently.
Saturday 11/30/2002 6:01:47pm
Name: Alex Dimech
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: St.Catharines. ONT. Canada
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hey man.. Its me again Rays Son so like ur 2nd or 3rd cus.. I just want to say AWESOME SITE BRO! keep it up and hope u get more of the awards u are looking for and continuing ur help with the sharks. Talk to you soon Alex Dimech
Sharkman Comments: Hi Alex, welcome to my world. Yes we are 2nd. Cousins buddy. Hell the last time I saw your Dad, he was younger then you are now!! 25 years is a long time. He never told me that he named his son after me!! HAHAHA.... oh..... did I tell you that I love your name? In Fact it is my Favourite!! Hang in there buddy and give my love to all at home.
Sunday 11/24/2002 8:39:41pm
Name: Lloyd
Homepage Title: Lloyd's Facts on SHARKS!!!!
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: UK
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I Think this page is really cool and I love sharks too! Please visit my link and SAVE THE SHARKS!
Sharkman Comments: Hiya Lloyd, Thanks pal. I will check out your site later.
Tuesday 10/29/2002 11:25:08pm
Name: Rodney Fox
Homepage Title: Rodney Fox Shark Experiance
Referred By:
Location: Australia
Sex: Male
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Dear Alex (Sharkman)
I have just been cruising your wonderful website and must congratulate you on its interest and content. Your site will make lots of shark enthusiasts very happy. I believe that you are celebrating a birthday around this time and wish you many shark pictures of happiness.
Keep up the good work!
Best wishes
Rodney Fox
Sharkman Comments: Dear Rodney, Thank you for the nice words and the wishes. but most of all.....thank you for all that you have done for sharks and for being my inspiration.
I also wish you a Happy Birthday and many more years of health, happiness, success, and loads of happy shark encounters.
Monday 10/28/2002 11:03:22am
Homepage Title: NONE
Referred By: Friend
Location: LAGOS, NAIJA.
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 1
Sharkman Comments: I wonder what this means!! He loves this site but he only gave me a 1 rating!!
Monday 10/21/2002 3:56:02pm
Name: the mohwinkle's
E-Mail: ??????????cant give it away!
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: iowa
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 1
Comments: im just joking! its a 100% 10!!!!!
Sharkman Comments: Thank you.
Sunday 10/20/2002 2:53:13am
Name: Beth
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Glen Burnie, MD
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Alex, I really love your homepage,and I love sharks they are very interesting and great and respected creatures, and Your web page is tops. Take Care. God Bless You. May God Be With You.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Beth.
Friday 10/18/2002 5:03:38pm
Name: tania lonero( great white woman)
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: neosho missouri, origanlly S.D. cali
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 1
Comments: I love great whites
Sharkman Comments: I love ALL Sharks but GWS does hold the top spot for me too.
Tuesday 10/15/2002 0:34:08am
Name: Chris Bodi
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany -near the Baltic Sea-
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi, Alex!! Remember me? Sure you do, why else you took a picture of my shark tattoo on my back a few weeks ago in September. I have to say you're HP is more than just a very good homepage!! I would rate it 15 *** if possible... :-) It shows what sharks really are: the most gracious, most powerful and in my eyes the most beautiful animals in the world!!! Excellent interviews with Ron & Val and also my Favourite, Rodney! Hopefully I find the picture of me and Rodney in front of the jaws of the "Carcharodon megalodon" in his museum in Adelaide!! Then I'll E-mail it to you. c u soon -
Chris -
Sharkman Comments: Hi Chris.... Sure I remember you. :-) I am still waiting for your Tattoo picture to be emailed to me. I would love to see your photo with Rodney I can add it in here when you find it. I look forward to our next meeting.... here or in South Africa.
Tuesday 10/15/2002 0:06:41am
Name: Bader
Homepage Title:
Referred By: E-mail
Location: Kuwait
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: this is the kind of things I wana see on the net. I love the great white shark to death , to the point that I feel that I'll die by one of them( I don't mind mealy)
take care and all the best ...
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Bader. I hope that you will never end up as shark bait..
Saturday 10/12/2002 0:31:56am
Name: Venâncio
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Brazil
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: Congratulations! Very good home page.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you.
Wednesday 10/09/2002 0:46:50am
Name: "Ni Ni Big Blue" Nicole Allemann
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Bern Switzerland
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Alex.
I still enjoy to visit your Homepage, and to dream from the time in Malta... Hope to hear you soon.
Greetings "Big Blue" Ni Ni
Sharkman Comments: Hi "'Ni Ni". It was great to meet you here in Malta, and I look forward to your next visit. Please pass on my greetings to the "FREI Family Clan".
Tuesday 10/08/2002 6:20:54pm
Name: Rowena Vassallo
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Winchester, England
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Sharkman, you may or may not remember me - we met at Blue Grotto this summer (2002) as we both completed our night dives with our own groups. We seemed to share the same love of sharks and you told me to check out this site! I haven't been disappointed, it deserves all its awards! Keep up the good work, Rowena
Sharkman Comments: Hello Rowena. Sure I remember you. Glad that you like my little homepage. Thanks for your comments. Please give my regards to all your family as well. Look me up on your next trip here.
Tuesday 10/01/2002 9:52:11pm
Name: Erin
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Michigan, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: WOW! I love your webpage. It's great to find a site that portrays sharks (especially Great Whites) in a positive light. I've been interested in sharks since I was a little girl and love it when other people are as into these beautiful animals as I am. Keep up the good work!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Erin. Glad you dropped by to say Hello and that you like my site. I am always happy to meet new shark lovers.
Monday 09/30/2002 0:41:34am
Name: karedson
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: montréal canada
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi, I was just surfing by chance when I saw these pictures of sharks and I was caught there on the name of one of my old I tried to add my name to the guests just to support what you doing it's fantastic....still going on and hang on to your the way I took a tour to see the Octopus Garden ..I really loved what I seen!!!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Karedson.
Wednesday 09/25/2002 11:09:09pm
Name: sammie
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: MI
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hey I just want to say great homepage and I love sharks also!!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Sammie.
Wednesday 09/25/2002 11:07:20pm
Name: samantha
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: MI
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hey I just wanted to say that I love sharks I have been studying them for all of my school project!!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Samantha., I am always glad to hear from Shark lovers. I hope you get good marks in your project.
Friday 08/16/2002 10:21:25pm
Name: Anna
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Sharkman,
I saw your report on the trip now :-)
Some very impressing pictures.
Shit you have to go there when wheather and visibility could be that bad - two days you lost! All the time no guarantees - just hope. Nikki, her bad attitude and her scars fascinated me ;-) Nikki and The Bus played a game on you and took the 'cookie' HA!! I do not need any photos of sharks that get kissed or so... Pls. do everything to let such approaches die. If business, it should keep high quality - and this you get only with respect towards these creatures! These creatures are more than 'jaws'. And I am happy for the friends you have :-)
Sharkman Comments: Hi Anna, Thanks for your note. Yes....there is more to Sharks then just "Jaws", and I hope that my photos can change a little of that image.
Anna, thank you for creating such a lovely photo for my 2002 page. I hope that you return to Malta soon.
Wednesday 08/14/2002 9:25:44pm
Name: TK
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: USA
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I'm 15, and honestly, I have see THOUSANDS of web-sites. Mainly ocean based. AND THIS ONE IS BY FaR THE BesT! I GIVE IT A 10 STAR+!
Please visit my new award winning ocean based environmentally concerned web-site. (It does not have as many awards as yours of coarse)
Sharkman Comments: Thanks TK. I will surely visit your pages.
Monday 08/05/2002 11:35:59am
Name: David Price
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Hertfordshire UK
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: The site gives an excellent insight into these beautiful creatures. Thanks for all your help re: Blue Water White Death.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks and you are welcome.
Wednesday 07/31/2002 1:44:13pm
Name: Debs
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Co.Durham, England
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Wow what a fantastic site. Stumbled across it when looking for inspiration for a shark tattoo. I'm passionate about sharks and this is probably the best shark site I've found on the web so far.Big thanx got the tattoo with help from your site. Keep up the good work and take care.Debs xx
Sharkman Comments: Glad to be of help. and I love your Tattoo.
Wednesday 07/31/2002 5:52:18am
Name: Antonio Bueno
Homepage Title: NeoShark's Page
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Brazil
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi, Sharkman! I visit your site frequently, and I must say that it's getting better every time I return. Good job! I finally got my shark tattoo done! I'll send the pictures of it to you as soon as possible!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Looking forward to seeing it.
Sunday 07/28/2002 9:04:52pm
Name: SharkyK
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Croatia
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: WOW!
It is good to find anything about sharks specially something this much interesting.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks SharkyK. I am glad that you like these pages.
Wednesday 07/24/2002 7:28:12am
Name: nancy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: oklahoma usa
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: wonderful site you have built-- I know less than less about sharks or diving but am planning to come to Malta next year and am hoping you can teach me about both.
Sharkman Comments: Will be my pleasure Nancy.
Monday 07/22/2002 9:38:28pm
Name: jenna mackay
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Scotland
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I used to be terrified of sharks but that is before I started finding out about them. Now I just cant get enough of them. This website is wicked as has given me the final push into studying sharks at university. Cheers mate keep it up. Get sharks the respect they deserve.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Jenna. I hope that your dream will come true. Yes.... Sharks and all other creatures need our respect..
Sunday 07/21/2002 11:34:59am
Name: Len Hanley
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: USA
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: A fight to save sharks will not be easy,but it will be worthwhile.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Len. Yes and everyone can give a little help.
Saturday 07/20/2002 11:25:45pm
Name: Michelle O`Neill
Homepage Title: Don`t know!!!!
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Hampshire England
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Shell here all I can say is keep up the fantastic work pal, by the way HOW GORGEOUS? x
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Michelle.
Thursday 07/11/2002 5:30:24am
Name: Mike W.
Homepage Title: Polish Cars
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Poland
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Excellent Site.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Mike.
Thursday 07/11/2002 0:04:06am
Name: Tina
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Bremen
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} :
Comments: Warum ist mein Eintrag nicht da wo er sein sollte ? Might be a private entry, doesn ´it ? I can not really belíeve it.
Sharkman Comments: Liebe Tina, Please... don't panic.... or.... "You break together completely!!".
Friday 07/05/2002 6:23:28pm
Name: cemshark(se7en)
Homepage Title: everythýng
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: TURKEY
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Cemshark.
Friday 06/28/2002 9:29:02pm
Name: Bärbel
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: Your Website will be ever better. Congratulation to the Award. I hope sharks feel that more and more people begin to understand their life and to accept.
Sharkman Comments: Ich Danke Dir Bärbel.
Thursday 06/27/2002 10:49:02pm
Name: Tina
Homepage Title: yes please
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Bremen, Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I´m suprised that only a few people from - you know from which place - are able /want to send you a message on your great, fantastic and really composed site. To make people thinking about the "kings of creatures" and about the fact, that we all are only a peace like "krill", is wonderful !
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i again Tina. Not many people from "you know the place" are able to WRITE in English I think. But I know that a lot of them see these pages.
Thursday 06/27/2002 10:32:35pm
Name: Tina
Homepage Title: yes please
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Bremen, Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Live in your own life und find your silence to finish your dream - I´ll know, you will succeed - take care of you + c u in august ;-)
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i Tina. You know that I "fight" to make my dreams come true. See you in a few more days.:-}
Thursday 06/20/2002 4:25:55pm
Name: Luis Peña
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Mexico City
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Extraordinary page, extraordinary life yours Sharkman, and extraordinary and beautiful "persons" that are all the sharks, specially the White Shark, the most perfect, enigmatic and supreme creature in all the sea.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Luis. Yes Sharks are the Supreme Creatures..
Tuesday 06/18/2002 8:19:37am
Name: maggie aka sweetuklady35
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: oregon u.s.a
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: hi Sharkman I am a very good friend of Nancy's and she had me look at your website, I am very impressed and will show my son who is 13 in October he loves sharks to, hope to chat sometime Maggie :)
Sharkman Comments: Glad you found this interesting Meggie. Thanks.
Saturday 06/15/2002 5:01:52pm
Name: dollar,bill
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: pottstown p.a.
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 8
Comments: the tattoo of great white, on jack ayres,was done by "DOLLAR BILL" at vitalline studios in pottstown p.a. thanx for your time, keep up the good work!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks for the comment Bill.... and nice advert you put in here as well.
Saturday 06/15/2002 5:00:31am
Name: Jobie71
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: United States/Pennsylvania
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Improves every time I have come here. I dont know if you remember me or not Alex but found your site again, glad to see your hair grew back, I still think this site is one of the best ones in here.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jobie, Sure I remember you.... Thanks for visiting again. Keep in touch.
Wednesday 05/29/2002 1:05:15am
Name: Jane Beer
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jane. I am glad that you liked this page. Sharks are wonderful creatures, and they are not half as bad as they were shown to be in "Jaws".
Monday 05/27/2002 2:59:03am
Name: Macy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Berlin
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Sharkman, I was diving in a cage in SA/Deyer Island, 2 weeks ago...1 great white shark around me and very close to me. Actually He was watching ME!! Amazing!!
Sharkman Comments: Yes, That is one hell of an Experiance. I wish that the whole world could experiance that and see the True beauty of these creatures.
Sunday 05/26/2002 5:35:59am
Name: jeam
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Sex: Female
Age: Over 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Saturday 05/25/2002 8:50:04pm
Name: Ricardo Zaapata
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Monterrey ,Mexico
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Sharks is not an animal its the best and the perfect creature in the world
Sharkman Comments: I agree Ricardo.
Thursday 05/23/2002 7:42:32pm
Name: Carl Van Schie
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i have seen alot of web page but this is defiatly is one of the best and im not surprised that it has some awards. The pictures are great and i want to do some think with sharks to.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Carl.
Tuesday 05/14/2002 5:18:38am
Name: Gelyn
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Virginia, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: {Private Message}
Tuesday 05/07/2002 3:11:55am
Name: Brian
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Canada
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I am doing a project about great white sharks for grade 2. I learned alot from your sight. Thank you.
Sharkman Comments: You are very welcome Brian.
Monday 05/06/2002 9:55:59pm
Name: Oli
Homepage Title: Habe leider keine
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: The rainy Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I´m sure that your dream will come true...I learned to live my dreams and
you was my teacher...that´s why I know your Dream will come true...just believe in you... I do it! Thank you for your patience...Maybe our next "Date" is in some years at South Afrika... take care wishes OLI
Sharkman Comments: Hi Oli. Thanks for your words and your comments. It was great to be diving with you last week, and I hope we get to meet again soon, and that it will not be in "some years". Hope the photos come out good. Don't forget to email me some. Please give the rest of the group my regards. It was a real pleasure having you all at Octopus Garden.
Sunday 05/05/2002 8:21:26pm
Name: Warren Connor
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Houston, Texas
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: They are the supreme rulers of the sea.
Sharkman Comments: All creatures on this planet are unique in their own way, but Sharks are supreme.
Sunday 04/28/2002 3:21:32am
Name: Jean Carlos Hernandez
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Puerto Rico
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I just want to say that this webside is the more far that anyone can imagine, I came here just looking information about the sharks because I am doing an ESSAY on SHARKS. I got here thrugh Anyway I never write to nobody but this page was more than ..., Is more than 2 good, theres no words that I can put there. Thanks for providing it.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Jean Carlos. I am glad that you find my pages helpfull.
Sunday 04/21/2002 7:05:25pm
Name: Dara Slemp
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Tuesday 04/02/2002 10:19:11pm
Name: jenna robertson
Homepage Title: coming soon
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: HEY ALEX,
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jenna, nice to see you here again, and thanks for the compliments..
Monday 04/01/2002 9:00:07am
Name: RagingRivers
Homepage Title: coming soon
Referred By: Friend
Location: England
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hi Sharkman,
I remember one time searching the net, for information on sharks for a research paper..wish I had found this sooner. It's an excellent site and very educational. I love the graphic animations and sounds too. You have dived so many times too.. as for me , well I can't even get my foot in the water LOL . Brilliant work! well done Sharkman, and best wishes.
Sharkman Comments: RagingRivers. Thank you for the comments. Come to Malta, and I will teach you to dive. :-)
Thursday 02/28/2002 11:53:47pm
Name: Siobhan
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Scotland
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: I love sharks and your site has made me want to see more and more of them by far! Keep up the good work in protecting these gorgeous creatures so that many more can learn about them! You truly are amazing Alex!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Siobhan. I promise that I will keep doing my best to protect Sharks. But please keep in mind that I am just an ordinary guy.
Tuesday 02/26/2002 5:11:09am
Name: Nicole Leyshon
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: i really liked this sight very much thanks . I love sharks
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Nicole.
Saturday 02/23/2002 1:57:03am
Name: Roxy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: {Private Message}
Friday 02/22/2002 3:48:14pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: {Private Message}
Tuesday 02/19/2002 0:08:03am
Name: Irene
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hello Alex, I love your website and all of it's contents. Great White Sharks are the absolute Best. Thanks so much for having such an Awesome site. Thanks for all the e-mail, too. I am very glad that I found your site. And glad to know you because of your site. I hope you are always successful in all that you do. God Bless You!
Your USA Friend, Irene
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Irene.
Wednesday 02/13/2002 9:50:07am
Name: Ben
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Australia
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: A very good site. Your content is unique and you have obviously put a lot of effort into it.
Too many of the other sites just use the same old content/text/info from across the Internet. It's good to find a legit one...
Keep up the good work.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Ben. I try to keep my site as original as possible.
Wednesday 02/06/2002 12:28:28am
Name: Hans-Ole SAgeng
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Norway
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 9
Comments: A very informative page, all the questions and answers you need (at least what I need), nice colours, and very nice layout!
Sharkman Comments: Glad I could be of help, and thanks.
Tuesday 02/05/2002 9:56:45pm
Name: Michael
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Hello, Sharkman,
I will gratulation you to your fantastic website. At your site I can feel your love to this animals. And that´s great. Your site is still one of my top-favorite-websites. And thanks again, that I can use your poetry at my own shark-site.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Michael. Glad you like it.
Thursday 01/31/2002 6:47:16pm
Name: lil guppie
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: saskatchewan
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Sharkman, it has been my life long dream to be introduced to a man of such great magnitude, that day has finally come. I find my knees shaking as I indulge into your passionate site devoted to the beautiful creature known as a shark. Back in 'Nam the guys always told me I would never amount to much, I was too shark oriented, well I say what now! With you as my guiding light I have devoted my life to being the sharkboy, for I know I can never reach the status of man. My first step us to move to Malta and study under your excellency. I might not be there for quite some time, my moment will come however, when the wind cries "sharkboy", or when my social security checks start kicking in so I got some cheese
Sharkman Comments: This is one heck of an "Original" comment. :-) The only thing I can add to it is..... "Arise Sir Sharkboy."
Sunday 01/20/2002 1:59:14am
Name: Mike Wolter
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Aiea, HI
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Great site!! It has become one of my favorites!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Mike.
Thursday 01/10/2002 9:28:20am
Name: Irina Podlipskaia
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Russia
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Dear Alex, I'm happy to visit again you world. It's the most interesting and beautiful page I've ever seen. Finally I've got a Certificate and now I'm looking forward to dive with your team in Malta.
Sharkman Comments: Hello Irina, This is a nice surprise. Glad to see you here again. Congats on your Certification. I hope that now you return to Malta soon for some good dives.
Tuesday 01/08/2002 6:12:24am
Name: Roni
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
Rate this Page? {10 = highest} : 10
Comments: Keep up the good work. People need to be made aware of how rare and precious these animals are, and how important they are to the survival of this planet, and until you've actually dove with them (as I have ) you cannot appreciate their true beauty and intelligence, as I 'm sure you will agree. Thanks Sharkman, from a fellow diver and a shark chick for true.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Roni. Yes.... seeing Sharks in their natural environment is the only way were one can truly witness their true beauty.
Saturday 01/05/2002 4:03:38pm
Name: Austin Hillman
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: feltin Delaware
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 10
Comments: I loved the site and am very appreciative for what you did because I really love sharks
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Austin.
Friday 01/04/2002 10:46:18am
Name: Robert Kramer
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Australia
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
How do you rate this Page? : 10
Comments: Congratulations & thanks for this web site. It is number 1 !!!! I love the Tattoos that are listed & find the site full of great information. Keep up the great work, as I look forward to more great viewing on this site.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Robert.
Wednesday 12/19/2001 3:40:35pm
Name: Janette Barbara
Homepage Title: Naughty and Nice Chocolate Homepage
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: the states.......North Carolina
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: {Private Message}
Sharkman Comments: Hi Janette. I still remember you being the Very FIRST person that I met and talked to as soon as I came on the Net back in March 1998. Thank you for all your nice comments and wishes. I reciprocate every one of them. Keep in touch.
Tuesday 12/18/2001 1:24:02am
Name: Paula
Homepage Title: Paula's Site Homepage
Referred By: Treasures of the Web
Location: Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Thanks for the beautiful Christmas gift. I loved it! A Merry Christmas to you, full of good things. From your friend from Brazil.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Paula. Thank you for this wonderfull Card.
Sunday 12/16/2001 11:14:44pm
Name: Nannie
Homepage Title:
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: BRAZIL
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Nannie.
Saturday 12/15/2001 4:32:43am
Name: Rhonda Sewell
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Australia
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Sharkman, It's wonderful news that you won the award, you deserved it. l have been working a lot getting close to Christmas, so hope to speak to you again soon. Keep up your great work, bye for now.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Rhonda, Thanks..... don`t work to hard. ;-)
Sunday 12/09/2001 2:33:13am
Name: Antonio Bueno
Homepage Title: NeoShark's Page
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Brazil
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: The best site about shark's I've ever seen! Shark's are the most perfect creatures and I'm glad to see that there are more people like me who think the same! When I get my shark tattoo done, I'll post it here! Still don't have enough money for it... :)
Sharkman Comments: Hi Antonio. Thank you for your comments. Will be very happy to put your Tattoo picture up when you have it done.
Saturday 12/08/2001 8:14:24am
Name: Brenda
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hey hon... WOW!! 5 is too low, as always you have done a wonderful job. I Love coming to your site. :) You earned your award and should be so proud.. I am proud to be your friend.. Love and Hugs... :) Sweetthing...
Sharkman Comments: Thank you for your nice comments Brenda, and for your long time support.
Saturday 12/08/2001 2:05:14am
Name: Jenna Robertson
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: ontario
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: It is the best site for people whom admire Great White Sharks!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanx Alex
Sharkman Comments: Glad you like it Jenna
Monday 12/03/2001 11:19:04am
Name: Josef Petroni
Homepage Title: Josef's Malta Pages Homepage
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Malta (Island in the Sun)
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Congratulations Alex, well deserved award !!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks buddy.... We must meet for a few beers.
Sunday 12/02/2001 10:07:08pm
Name: John Muscat
Homepage Title: St Aloysius' College Sixth Form
Referred By: Malta Web Awards
Location: Malta
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 1
Comments: Well Done Alex for Winning the Malta Web Awards in the personal Website Category...You really deserved it... This site is wonderfully set and contains a lot of interesting information. Besides you seem to have really dedicated a lot of time to it... Keep it up!
Sharkman Comments: Thank you John. But please also except my congratulations to you on winning the BEST YOUTH WEBSITE AWARD. You have a great website yourself. You deserved it too.
Sunday 12/02/2001 9:13:05pm
Name: Sylvia
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Austria/Vienna
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hello Sharkman, big congratulation to the award-hope you make a big party after taking the award. many greetings Sylvia
Sharkman Comments: H[a]i Sylvia. thank you....yes there was a nice party after.
Sunday 12/02/2001 8:22:14am
Name: Dawn
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Geneseo,Illinois (USA)
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Congratulations, Alex. I'm glad your web-site won the award. Dawn
Sharkman Comments: Thanks again Dawn.
Saturday 12/01/2001 5:32:02am
Name: Dawn
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Geneseo,Illinois (USA)
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Happy Birthday. Sorry it's b-lated, but I can never remember birthday's. I hope your web-site won the award. It deserves it. Dawn
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Dawn. site won the Award for "Best Personal Site" in the Malta Web Awards 2001.
Sunday 11/25/2001 4:58:22am
Name: Arthur Masloski
Homepage Title: Sharks: Lords Of The Sea
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: WOW, what a great site, you definantly have done sharks justice, you are a great inspriration to me, and others as well.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Arthur.
Friday 11/23/2001 3:59:28am
Name: Edward deMarco
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I was very impressed with your website and am looking forward to dive with you in Malta in Sept 2002. My best dive was in Maui so far but I can not wait to dive in my birth country.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Edward, Thank you. It will be my pleasure to take you down into our Beautiful Crystal blue waters.
Friday 11/23/2001 2:26:34am
Name: Rhonda Sewell
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Australia
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: It's a very beautifully done Website, and it has made me fall in love with Sharky. I envy you being able to swim with the great wonders of the sea. I have lived by the sea most of my life and never really look at it the way you have until now and I thank you for the experience.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Rhonda, Thank you for your lovely words. I am glad that my world has opened up a new World for you. The Wonders of the Oceans always give me a sense of peace and harmony. I hope that you too will be inspired to take a dip into this magical world.
Thursday 11/22/2001 7:37:03am
Name: Hermia Sant
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Congratulations for your wonderful website. I have always been fascinated by these creatures but since I saw Jaws I was terrified. But I really enjoyed surfing through your website.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Hermia. Just remember that JAWS was only a Movie. It was not real.
Friday 11/16/2001 2:52:38pm
Name: Whit McMahon
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Maine
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I like your site Sharkman... I am a fisherman from Maine who runs a charter fishing business during the summer months. I recently purchased another vessel that I plan on taking some of my valued guests fishing on. I do not plan on keeping all of the sharks I catch. Maine has this new program where you can tag the sharks you catch and I am sure that this will allow my anglers to release the shark without feeling as though they have to kill them. I just thought I would let you know about some measures that have been taken in my neck of the woods.
Take it easy Sharkman.
-Cpt. Whit McMahon
Sharkman Comments: Ahoy Capt. Thanks for your note. Good to hear that you want to start the "Tag and Release" programe. How about RELEASING ALL THE SHARKS that you catch? That would be much better, because you will be Helping to educate your guests about Shark protection and conservation. I truely hope that you consider this option.
Monday 11/12/2001 9:03:08am
Name: Chloe Minx
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Sydney, aus.
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi, I am doing a project for geography on endangered species, I picked great white shark, which is my fave animal even though most people find this hard to believe!! Well I was wondering if anyone could please help me and tell me how many great white's are left in our waters...sharkman, if it is not too much trouble could you please send me the answer (if you know) by e-mail??? thank you very much! chloe ^_^
Sharkman Comments: Hi Cleo. no one can say how many Great Whites are in our oceans.It is impossible to tag every single shark. In some areas, the number of sightings have decreased, whilst in others, they increased. These sharks do not stay in one area, and they are believed to move around quite a bit. Many have been tagged and then resighted hundreds of kilometers away.
Thursday 11/08/2001 4:15:21am
Name: Josh
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Indiana, Miami, Honolulu
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: The shark is 400 million years of perfect evolution, and yet so many think only of Jaws. This site is a wonderful source of information. The time and effort put into it is evident. Great job on the site
Sharkman Comments: Hi Josh. It is very true that most people still look at Sharks with the Jaws image, which is totally the wrong image. I will keep doing my very best to educate and shatter this most misleading view of such Marvelous creatures..
Wednesday 11/07/2001 7:04:17pm
Name: Josef
Homepage Title: Josef's Malta Pages
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Malta
Sex: Male Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hey Alex, where's the beard gone? We used to work at Optika together, remember? Thanks to your web site, I have confirmed that the familiar voice I hear at Queens Pub, is you, but I was not sure, till I saw your picture!! Next time I'll say hello.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Josef. This is a nice surprise. Glad you dropped by. Next time you see me in Queen's make sure you come over for a chat and a drink. After so many years, it will be great to see you again.
Monday 11/05/2001 0:30:41am
Name: Jenna Robertson
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: ontario, Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jenna, nice to see you here again. Do you know that the White is my Favourite Shark too?
Thursday 11/01/2001 10:46:37am
Name: Louisa Andrews
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Queenstown New Zealand
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: It's just so great to read about all these people who are so passionate about sharks, I love it!!!!! This is the best shark site I've seen. Keep up the good work.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Louisa, Thanks for your message. There are many people that Love Sharks, but there are many more that still need to be convinced. I try my best to raise awareness, and I wish you luck in the Shark Awareness project that you too have set out to do in your Country. If you need any help, please contact me.
Wednesday 10/10/2001 9:47:44am
Name: Zeev Schneider
Homepage Title: Zeev's page
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Israel
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex , I want to use this opportunity to thank you again for a amazing week we had with you at Octopus Garden, Malta. As a diving leader and instructor Your professionalism was outstanding !!! and as a person and a drink buddy you were even better !!!
Thank you again …Zeev Schneider .
Sharkman Comments: Hi Zeev, It was great to have you here with us at Octopus Garden. We did not see sharks, but the Barracudas were fantastic...... so is the beer and the Anisette. :-)
Tuesday 10/09/2001 4:49:00pm
Name: Peter
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi all you shark enthusiats I just came across you, for there are so many people as crazy about sharks as me, do any of you know where to get good pictures about pobeagles or the greenland shark? I've found a site from Discovery Chanel Canada but I don't get the picture just the sound. Well, if you can help me in any way I would appreciate it. Thanks a lot Peter from Germany
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i Peter. Got to Google Search and make a search for PORBEAGLE (note spelling) or GREENLAND SHARK. There you will get your wish.
Tuesday 10/09/2001 5:13:56am
Name: Michael
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: IRELAND
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Sharkman Comments: Hi Michael. Thanks....That is what I hope that these pages do. Help remove the Blindfold.
Monday 10/08/2001 1:04:43pm
Name: Bar-Lev Lavi
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Israel
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 4
Sharkman Comments: Hi Lavi. 4 days ago you were diving with me. Thanks for the "Gift". I hope that we will meet again. Please give my Regards to Zeev, Alex, Reuven, Naftali, and all my other Friends from Val-Tal in Israel.
Thursday 10/04/2001 1:33:55am
Name: Ryan Ford
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: TAllahassee, Florida, U.S.
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: This site rocks!! I've loved sharks all my life and this site reminds me why I want to spend the rest of my life studying these magnificent creatures.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Ryan. Nice to see you back
Sunday 09/30/2001 10:12:23pm
Name: George
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: U.K
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi SHARKMAN.First of all i'm only ten so if there any spelling please point out. Second of all i love this website, i have checked loads shark websites and this site is the best. I know your scuba diving insructer and my dream is that there are loads of sharks in the sea also i'm learning to scuba dive as well so will love to go diving with you when i'm a bit older
Sharkman Comments: Hi George. Thanks... I hope that when you are a little older you can come over to Malta and we can dive together.
Saturday 09/29/2001 8:49:31pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: WELLSBERG W.V 26070
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Sharkman Comments: Hello again Acacia. Nice to see you here again. I hope you got the email I sent you.
Wednesday 09/26/2001 5:08:22pm
Name: Torsten Melchior
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hallo Sharkman !!! Ich bin selber ein grosser Fan von Haien und gratuliere Dir zu diesen phantastischen Seiten.Weiter so!!!! Gruss Torsten
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i Torsten.danke für Ihr email. Ich hoffe, daß Sie wieder besuchen.
Sunday 09/23/2001 5:35:06am
Name: ********
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 4
Sharkman Comments: Hi ********, Glad you liked my site. No offense taken. If nothing evolved I guess we would still be Apemen. Please keep in mind that evolution came after creation.
Saturday 09/22/2001 6:15:32am
Name: Erika
Homepage Title: Cosette's Lair
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: Florida USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: You have a great site, I love it. I look forward to visiting again.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Erika. Thanks....I hope to see you on my site again soon.
Thursday 09/20/2001 3:43:34am
Name: Michael Barratt
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Sydney, Australia
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Dear Sharkman, I have a life long love for the underwater world, with sharks as a special interest. I saw my first shark snokeling and out of all the feelings I experienced, fear was not one of them. I always champion the rights of sharks, I applaude you on your efforts. all the best Michael.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Michael. Keep up the fight for Shark Protection.
Wednesday 09/19/2001 3:38:44am
Name: leandro
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 1
Sharkman Comments: Hello Leandro. No comments and the lowest rating!! Well I guess I cannot please everyone. I must try harder. :-)
Saturday 09/15/2001 6:12:59pm
Name: Acacia Richie
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: 2251 Marrianna st. Wellsburg W.V. , U.S.A.
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Sharkman Comments: Hello again Acacia. I too, like the rest of their world, am shocked and sad about the events that have happened recently in the USA It is unbelievable to see what a few merciless lunatics can do. But do not loose hope. I am sure that things will get better, and you will grow up and have a chance to see some real Sharks.
Sadly, I live in a country that is very far away from the USA, so I cannot visit you. But I will send you my picture. Acacia, my young friend, please remember that I am only a normal person, and not some Superhero!!
You can e-mail me anytime you like, and I hope and wish that all your dreams come true.
Friday 09/14/2001 4:21:15pm
Name: Hanno
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Ratingen/Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex. I just have seen a little piece of your site. But later in this year (winter) I´ll be back!
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i Hanno. Nice to see you here. How is Germany?...Cold as Always!! Malta is better :-) Grusse an alle.
Wednesday 09/05/2001 5:13:35pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I love sharks and want to see live sharks under water, always shark my favorite animal, somewhat unfortunately for the recent incidents in USA coasts, have further spurred my interests in obtaining diving coarse certificate, also want to see great whites (from a boat!) in False Bay, South Africa. Can you e-mail me Sharkman please at with any info on viewing these wonderful creatures in the world (from a boat tour possibly), I love sharks and am from a land locked city with no info but the net, yours sincerelly...MARK...wanting a chance to see what you've seen!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Mark. There are a lot of details about Shark viewing on my pages. Just go to my Great White 2001 page and you will see them.
Wednesday 09/05/2001 3:46:27pm
Name: Ian McAvoy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi there, excellent site. I myself have found myself strangely obsessed with sharks particularly the Great White sine I was a small boy, now as an adult I am training as a scuba diver with the solitary goal of getting in the water with these magnificent creatures and observing them as nature intended, in the wild and free. Hopefully one day I may meet you on a shark dive, until then, keep up the excellent work
Sharkman Comments: Good luck with your Diving Ian. I wish you many safe shark dives.
Wednesday 09/05/2001 3:26:53pm
Name: Daniel T Whitcraft Jr
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Philadelphia
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi we had 4 attacks in the surf in 1 month on the eastcost or put shark spotters on the Beach up and down the eastcost if they were smart.
Daniel T Whitcraft Jr and Sherry
Sharkman Comments: Hi, Daniel & Sherry. It is true that sadly there have been a few incidents around the Florida coastline. What amazes me is that with all the warnings and reports, people are still going into the water when they should not. Both fatal incidents from last week happened at Dusk, when shark activity is higher.
Wednesday 09/05/2001 2:11:51am
Name: Marie Grant
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: UK
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I am fascinated by sharks and your web page is excellent. Unfortunately although a good swimmer I am terrified of the sea (which probably aids my fascination). I have been to Gozo on holiday a few times but due to my fear I didn't spend any time diving which makes me very sad! Hopefully I will be able to overcome my fear and experience the sea for myself! Keep up the great work Mr Sharkman x
Sharkman Comments: Hi Marie, If you are here again, I would love to take you on your first dive. I am sure that together we can beat your fear.
Tuesday 09/04/2001 5:00:56pm
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: north carolina, Usa.
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I love it! I love it! I love it! my son and I were surfing the net and we came across your site and we love it!! We have to say that it is the best site that we have went to about sharks and we wanted to congratulate you on a job well done!!!!!!
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Debbie & Shaun. I hope that you visit again soon.
Tuesday 09/04/2001 3:07:09am
Name: Lindi Crider
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I just wanted to say that this Website is wonderful. I'm a lover of sharks and have always been fascinated with them. One day I would love to encounter a Great White and a Mako.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Lindi. I hope your dream comes true.
Sunday 09/02/2001 7:57:34pm
Name: Georg ( Schorsch ) Stadler
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 4
Comments: Hi Alex ( Sharkman ) You remember me (Schorsch the CMAS ***) I really like your site. Its for me the best site about sharks. Next year I´ll go to South Africa, and I hope you tell me the best place to see a great white. Say hi to Lolita (Octopus lady),Brigitte, Mathias and Michi Greetings Schorsch
Sharkman Comments: Hi Georg, Nice to see you on line. Did you go on your PC directly from the Airport? :-) Your greetings will be passed on. Hope to see you again Soon.
Thursday 08/30/2001 11:43:05pm
Name: michelle
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Ireland
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Many people say they would love to dive with sharks but is that possible without getting gobbled up straight away?
Sharkman Comments: Hi Michelle, Millions of people enter the oceans everyday where Sharks are and none of these are eaten. O.K. there can be a rear incident, once in a while, but this is not because sharks are hunting humans. We make bad menu dish for sharks and people are not "Gobbled Up" by Sharks, just "tasted". most of the bites on Victims are single bites, were the sharks check out if we are food or not. Depending on the size of the shark, will be the size of the bite. Most of the time when the accident is fatal, it is only because no prompt and proper first aid is available.
Monday 08/27/2001 9:37:18pm
Name: Alex Cooke
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Reading U.K.
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: The Sharkman is a true ambassidor to diving, Malta, and Sharks. I'm glad to have met him. Many thanks meet again soon I hope.
Sharkman Comments: Hello Alex... Thanks, for the comments. I too hope that we will soon meet again to share more underwater experiances { and a few beers} together.
Thursday 08/23/2001 11:38:51pm
Name: Acacia Richie
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Wellsburg WV
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: You are the coolest guy I hard of. Your freind Acacia
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Acaciai.
Friday 08/17/2001 8:14:39pm
Name: Abbi Cano
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I have been an avid shark lover all of my life. My life long dream is to swim with the Great White Shark. You have a beautiful website dedicated to this magnificent creature. Through this I hope you can educate people on all sharks. I am constantly researching sharks independently and aspire one day to dive with them in the ocean.
Sharkman Comments: Hello Abbi, Thanks, and I hope that your dream comes true soon as well..
Tuesday 08/14/2001 9:36:24pm
Name: Allie
Homepage Title: Temple Of The Great White (Coming soon!)
Referred By: Friend
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Sharks are wonderful creatures, intelligent, and powerful. Thank you for understanding them so well. Ever since I was a baby, I loved Sharks. I am obsessed! Good work! And be sure to visit my shark shrine coming up!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Allie. Let me know when your page is up, and I will make it a point to visit you.
Tuesday 08/14/2001 3:09:00am
Name: Jose Portela
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: El Puerto de Santa Maria(SPAIN)
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Thank you Alex! It is beautifol site. Send you my tatoo shark. The Great White Shark and you,"dos maravillosas criaturas, si te emocionas con el Gran Tiburon Blanco eres una persona que vive intensamente todos los dias".
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jose, gracias por su mensaje. También gracias por el cuadro del tatuaje del tiburón. Mayo la potencia del gran tiburón blanco esté con usted siempre.
Monday 08/13/2001 9:36:03pm
Name: Claudia
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Mexico
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Very nice page !!! I like very much the great white shark and in this page I found a lot of information and I like it very much
Sharkman Comments: Glad you found it helpfull Claudia.
Monday 08/13/2001 7:53:08pm
Name: Adrian
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Wattenheim, Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: A very good page! Your poem "A True Nightmare" is really sad, tears left my eyes as I read it... This is the best poem I've ever read! Adrian
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Adrian. Yes that poem is a tear jerker. I still feel that way myself when I read it.
Sunday 08/12/2001 4:35:55pm
Name: Sylvia
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Austria/Vienna
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi SHARKMAN ! I am really fond of your Homepage. I would be happier if I knew that there is a homepage of whales too !!!!! The music, the pictures..... (and all the other things - but I cannot explain them in English) you have chosen are great. A big compliment to you.
Bye and many greetings
Sharkman Comments: H{a}i Sylvia. Thanks for visiting my pages. I am glad that you like them. It was a pleasure to have you here diving with us. I hope that we see you again soon.
Just to make you feel even better, here are 2 sites that are dedicated to WHALES. I hope you like them. and
Saturday 08/11/2001 7:39:47am
Name: Dawn
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been here Before
Location: Geneseo, Ill
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi! Alex. Do you get the Discovery Channel in Malta? If you do, shark week starts this Sunday 12 Aug. And there is a show called Air Jaws. It's about Great Whites leaping out of the water. It looks like a good show. Hope you can see it. :)
Sharkman Comments: Hello Dawn. Yes we do get Discovery here, but in Europe, Shark Week will be later in the year. I have already seen the clip from "AIR JAWS", and it looks great. I am looking forward to seeing it.
Wednesday 08/08/2001 11:00:20pm
Name: Siren Seabreeze
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been here Before
Location: Harrisburg ( or close by), PA, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: No one does as great a homepage as SHARKMAN :!))
Very Kewl!!!!
Hi, Alex!!!!! All who know your work, love it, and You!! :)) Hugs, sweetie! :))
Sharkman Comments: Ahoy there Sweet Siren. Nice to see you swimming back into my world again.
Shark Powered hugs to you too.
Tuesday 08/07/2001 9:28:47pm
Name: Sami
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hello. For as long as I can remember I have admired sharks. They are elegant and beautiful. As a teenager I wished for their grace and prowess. Now that I am older I wish I had the opportunity to dive with them. I have been looking the web over for sights that might bring me closer to them. I applaud your efforts and courage in the fight to preserve these magnificent creatures. You have my support. I will be sure to return to this sight As much As possible and I hope You don't mind if I live vicariously through You This is an exceptional sight. always:-) Sami
Sharkman Comments: Hi Sami. Thank you. May the Spirit of the Sharks be with you always. I hope that one day, your dreams come true, and you get to see these magnificent creatures.
Monday 08/06/2001 1:01:11am
Name: Anne
Homepage Title: ----
Referred By: Friend
Location: FINLAND
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex! Thank you telling about your web site. It is COOL! :) It is full of the interesting things. I am proud of you. As my sister, Laura was proud of you. She admired you very much as me too. (*You was an important friend her. Remember it always!*) You make the good work so continue it and keep your flag in the high place always! Let's keep in touch and- a small hug..oh no ..You need a BIG HUG now! Heh.. :) Your little friend Anne from Finland
Sharkman Comments: Hello Anne, thanks for your message and your nice words.. Laura was a very good friend and we will miss her. I hope that we can keep in contact. Sending you one big Shark Powered Hug. :-).
Sunday 08/05/2001 6:44:27am
Name: Mustang Beam
Homepage Title: Wild Horses Only
Referred By: Friend
Location: Montana
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: What a fantastic page. WHOA...nellie! Sharks are my new cause and I simply adore em. YEEHAW!!!!
Sharkman Comments: Howdi Mustang. Thanks for your message and E-mail. Keep loving your Horses too besides the Sharks.
Wednesday 07/25/2001 10:16:23pm
Name: ratner
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: RI
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I love the great white and all other predator sharks.
Tuesday 07/24/2001 2:39:25am
Name: Jeffrey A Shaeffer
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Robertsdale, AL
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: {Private Message}
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jeffrey, thanks for your message. I hope you got my email.
Saturday 07/21/2001 2:13:18am
Name: Kelvin Osborne
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: New Zealand
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Great site keep up the good work man. If you ever come over to NZ to dive with the sharks I would love to join you if you want another diver. And what is the Shark-L-List?. Thanks.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Kelvin, thanks for your offer and your comments. The Shark -L list is a forum for Shark Fans, were annything Sharky is discussed.
Wednesday 07/18/2001 1:43:26am
Name: Susan
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: maspeth, new york
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: my son is 3 and does nothing but look at shark books, movies and toys. he lives and breathes sharks. he love this site and does nothing but talk about it to everyone. his name is Kyle Richard.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Susan & Kyle. Thanks for your message and for visiting my home page. I hope that Kyle and yourself liked the Photo i sent you. Kyle.... The Sharkman will always be your friend. :-)
Thursday 07/12/2001 4:26:28pm
Name: Carolin
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Great work!! I've been fascinated with sharks ever since I can remember and I found this site while looking for photos of shark tattoos as I'm planning to get ink done soonish. *g* When I have my tatt I'll make sure to send you a pic.
Keep up the great work, man! I'm off to vote for this site :)
Sharkman Comments: Hi Carolin. Make sure to send me your Tattoo when you do it. Thanks for Voting for my site too.
Thursday 07/12/2001 2:50:41am
Name: Jessica Randall
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Kingston, Washington
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: This is the perfect web-site! I found everything I needed and lots more! I have always loved the ocean, ever since I was about 5-years old! I want to grow up and be a Marine biologist.I print out marine web pages and read them just for fun. Sharks should be free and happy. I love all marine creatures, but mostly the sharks! thank you so much for your web page!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jessica. Thank you for the nice comments. Keep loving The Sea and Sharks and good luck with your study. This planet needs people like you.
Wednesday 07/11/2001 5:24:55am
Name: Todd Claxton
Homepage Title: The Shark's Lounge
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: London, Ontario Canada
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hey Shark-Man! How are ya? Just stopping by again. Been a few months since I visited. I'm still on the Shark-L, following most of the posts as I can, time permitting. I will send you a pic of my new (3rd) shark tattoo when I get it!!! Keep it up with the site!! Regards, Todd.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Todd... nice to see you here again Buddy. I will be waiting for your next Shark Tattoo.
Tuesday 07/10/2001 11:47:39pm
Name: Andreas
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Denmark
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I love this site because it profes that I am not the only person that love sharks, especially Carcharodon carcharias (Great White) the reson I love the GW is because it is such a good predator, it is a powerful fish and it is in the top of the food chain. I would like to ask you, Alex, if it is very hard being a shark expert, and if it was hard being educated as a shark expert
ps: excuse if I spelt wrong
Sharkman Comments: Hi Andreas. Thanks for coming back. Andreas, I am not a Shark Expert. :-) To be an expert takes many years of hard dedicated work and study, but it will be worth it.
Tuesday 07/03/2001 8:31:53pm
Name: Maria Garcia
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Iowa
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I love what you are doing for sharks!! I love sharks and have since I was about 6 years old!!
Thanks Sharkman *Maria*
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Maria. May the Power of the Sharks be with you always..
Tuesday 06/26/2001 1:47:12am
Name: Bill
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Treasures of the Web
Location: Arizona
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Well I don't know what to say. Here I am looking at graphic artwork on the net on my day off from work and come across your site. Next thing I know I realize I have been exploring your site for well over 6 hours!! I had no real interests in sharks other than that of awe for all of nature. I learned a lot and am very impressed with your site, your knowledge, and your experiences. Keep up the great work man!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks for your kind words Bill.
Friday 06/22/2001 9:43:57pm
Name: Jamie Diduck
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Great website. I couldn't leave until I'd finished reading everything and checking out all the links. Keep up the good work by continuing to share information and increasing awareness.
Sharkman Comments: Hello Jamie. Thanks for the comments. Hope to see you on my site again soon.
Friday 06/22/2001 6:02:21pm
Name: Cameron Krivich
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Friday 06/22/2001 2:02:27am
Name: Misty
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Nebraska, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I think that what your doing is very good. I think that Sharks should be protected and that they are not the "man-eaters" people believe them to be. I have admired sharks since I was 9. I read about you cage diving experience and thought that was really neat. I will also be doing a cage dive, but I will have to become certified before doing so. Unlike you, I will be staying in the United States and doing this dive in California. I hope to have my certification by next year. Once again, I think that your web page is great and that what you are doing is wonderful.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Misty. I hope that you get to see the Sharks and please let me know about your experience.
Wednesday 06/20/2001 5:26:55am
Name: Stacie J. Jarmer
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: United States
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Wednesday 06/20/2001 2:04:24am
Name: Björn
Homepage Title: Björn Burzlaff
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Ruhrgebiet
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hello Alex, I hope you are well. I come into the South of France just from a vacation with Steffi. unfortunately, I must say, roughly the plunge isn't as beautiful as at Malta there. Unfortunately, there many diving places were strewed by smearing algas. I have 2 questions to you once. It is possible with you ( or Udo,Mathias, Pixi) in November for me making a CMAS 2 Star course and for Steffi a Padi AOWD course, in a time of 2 weeks? and the second question is. I would like to have a tatoo made to me, I have decided in favor of a fish. The german name is Drachenkopf (Hang-glider head). You probably just laugh about the translation.perhaps you could send me a picture of a Drachenkopf, this one himself as tattoo presentation? Perhaps you have a good photo of this? I hope with you everything is very well. Please, also greet my others once. Steffi and I are pleased to dive again with you. Till there, says hello kind, Björn.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Björn and Steffi. Will be glad to see you back here again. I will send you the answers in a private mail.
Tuesday 06/19/2001 5:50:09am
Name: Charlie Lester
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Evans Head, NSW
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 1
Comments: Hi, Recently I was informed the last two victims fatally attacked by sharks in Australia had a surname Ford. I was wondering if you could verify this as fact and provide me with info pertaining these incidents, or direct me to where I would find out details (dates, names, locations). If this is true, I would gain much pleasure in passing on the facts to my statistics lecturer, as I imagine he would have a field day calulating the proability of this occurrence, if fact. Regards Charlie Lester
Sharkman Comments: Hi Charlie. The last fatal incidents to happen in Australia, happened last year on 24 September 2000 to Cameron Bayes {25} in CACTUS BEACH, CEDUNA, S. AUSTRALIA. A Great White Shark, 4/5m, circled the board, rolling over before dragging surfer under. Victim resurfaced and mounted board & tried to paddle to shore; shark hit again taking him under again.
25 September 2000 Jevan Wright {17} was surfing at Black Point, Elliston, S. Australia. A Great White attacked the Surfer and dragged him off his board. Body never recovered. Only his bitten board found.
06 November 2000, Ken Crew {49} was also fatally attacked whilst swimming at COTTESLOE BEACH, PERTH, W. AUSTRALIA.
I have also found 2 records of People named "Ford", who were fatally attacked but this happened some years ago.
09 June 1993, JOHN FORD, {31} was fatally attacked at JULIAN ROCKS, BYRON BAY, NSW, AUSTRALIA.
07 March 1982 MARTY FORD was also fatally attacked at TALLOW BEACH, BYRON BAY, NSW, AUSTRALIA.
I hope this helps.
Sunday 06/17/2001 9:03:37pm
Name: Octavia
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Ft. Worth, TX. U.S.A.
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I just wanted to let you know that this is one of the best shark sites that I have ever been to. I think that your efforts to save sharks is absolutely admirable. It's just too bad that there aren't more people out there trying to do the same thing. These beautiful creatures may one day cease to exist and most people won't even bat an eye to it. Just like you, I too will do everything in my powers to make sure that that doesn't happen. Keep up the good work.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Octavia. Shark protection and education is an important issue that we must all push forward. Our fight to save the sharks must go on and it is a hard path to follow but we must never give up. Thank you for your support.
Wednesday 06/13/2001 6:54:44pm
Name: Sandy, aka Furby
Homepage Title: S & B Crafts - Family Fun!
Referred By: Treasures of the Web
Location: Michigan, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Sharkman, I came to visit your site since I'm a new member of TOTW. It's great what you have done for the sharks along with others like you. Your passion for sharks shows. Your site is laid out very nicely and is very informative. How nice that you can have a profession that allows you to always be in the sea. I'd be happy if I could just be near the water all the time.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Sandy, nice to see you here. I am always happy to see more "T.O.T.W." members here. Will visit your site soon when I get the chance.
Monday 06/11/2001 4:36:10pm
Name: Sabino
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Yahoo
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I have to say that you have the best shark related website I have found on the web. Your love for the animal is evident. As you, I have loved sharks all my life and I hope to live my dream of going into a shark cage and observing the awesome Great White in it's environment. Awesome job with the website. I'll be back.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Sabino. Thanks for your comments. I hope that you too can get a chance to see the Great Whites, up close. Let me know when you get to them.
Sunday 06/10/2001 10:57:14pm
Name: Adriana
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Brazil
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: My name is Adriana, sorry, but I don't know english very well. I have 22 years old and I live in Brazil in a pretty beach. I would like to say you that I love sharks like you and my congratulations for your site! It is sensacional!!!
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Adriana.
Friday 06/08/2001 2:57:46pm
Name: Daniela Knabe
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Austria
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hello Alex! Here is Daniela and Christian! Your homepage is very good and very interresting! but it is difficult to read for me. We had a nice flight and we are ok. Now we are just 3 days at home but we want back to the diving centre in Qawra. I hope you are well . On our arriving day in Austria we had a horrible weather! it was a rainy day and it was very very cold. I miss the sun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the beautiful fishes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best regards to Michi, Pixi, Udo, Matthias, Erik, Corina, and also to the funny skipper of the calypso cruises! and don't forget to greet the lovely octopus in the salina bay!
see you bye
Dani and Chris
Sharkman Comments: Hi Dani und Chris. It is great to see you here on my site. It was fun diving with you, and I hope that you return to Malta soon. Greetings from all of us at Octopus Garden Diving Centre..... and all your new underwater Friends.... including the Octopus from the Bay. :-)
Tuesday 06/05/2001 9:19:44pm
Name: Travis
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: New Jersey
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 1
Comments: I was looking for more pictures being that I am a shark sports fisherman.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Travis, What do you do with the Sharks you catch for "Sports" {sic}? Do you enjoy Killing them? Wow that must be fun. :-(
Tuesday 06/05/2001 9:12:22pm
Name: Dustin Williams
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Louisiana
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I liked your webpage alot I stayed on it looking for 1 hour. It was cool well I am leaving okay bye!!!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks. I hope you visit again.
Sunday 06/03/2001 11:54:25pm
Name: Brandy Lynn
Homepage Title: BLynn's Poetic Tendency
Referred By: Treasures of the Web
Location: New Jersey, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Awesome page! I'm still looking around, but already I've learned a lot about sharks! Thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience and love of sharks with us! :-)
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Brandy.
Thursday 05/31/2001 9:32:03pm
Name: Monika
Homepage Title: Welcome into the World of Sharks
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex, So that you can see whom I also your page visit often here a short greeting. Your page is really great! Many thanks also you have my link on your page. My bad English excuses
Love Greets Monika
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i Monika. Danke, diene homepage ist auch sehr schone.
Wednesday 05/30/2001 9:15:52am
Name: Marquise Beauchemin
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Calgary, Alberta CANADA
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: You have the most magnificent shark page I have ever seen. I too live and breathe sharks. I am a DMC/scuba instructor in training and I haven't a formal BSc either. We sure are on the same wavelength. You would LOVE my 40" stuffed shark named "Telegram" after the SNL sketch with Chevy Chase as a land shark. You know me as "Shark Madonna" (from Shark-L), or the Shark's Mother of Christ because I love them, understand them and protect them. It has been my utmost pleasure to see your site.
Until later, the Shark Madonna :-D
Sharkman Comments: Hi Shark Madonna. Glad to see that you made it to my pages. We sure have many things in common.... :-)
Thursday 05/24/2001 9:00:59pm
Name: Whitney
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 3
Comments: I rated it a 3 b/c i wanted to learn about sharks and i don't see any info on them just comments from peeps.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Whitney, There is a lot of info here, but I do not know what you mean with your comment of "just comments from peeps." I hope you can explain it. Thank you.
Thursday 05/24/2001 1:53:12pm
Name: Francesco
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Pisa, Italy
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi shark I send you an e-mail with my shoulder shark tattoo. I hope you like it. is my tribute to the ocean. I love the sea and the shark. Great site. go on!! Bye
Sharkman Comments: Thanks for your comments and for your tattoo.
Saturday 05/19/2001 10:12:51am
Name: 30-something webmistress
Homepage Title: 30-something
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Lancashire, UK
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: {Private Message}
Sharkman Comments: Thanks, Hope to see you again soon.
Thursday 05/17/2001 9:50:38pm
Homepage Title: N/A
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: UK
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Graham
Tuesday 05/08/2001 7:18:20am
Name: Rougue Shark
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Australia
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Fantastic dude, this sight is unreal. I come here just about every day. I like to think myself as a bit of a shark expert and i like to show my friends how good i am. keep up the great work.
Sharkman Comments: Hello Rougue. Nice to see you again. Make sure that what you tell your friends are always the real facts. Sometimes it is better not to say you are an Expert.
Tuesday 05/08/2001 7:13:03am
Name: Rougue Shark
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Australia
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: {Private Message}
Monday 05/07/2001 9:43:42am
Name: Mr. Elvir Podic
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Excellent shark place info. Because I have a some private question today you will receive my email. This is only site where I find out picture of shark's victim. Bravo man! All the best with site and diving.
Sharkman Comments: Greetings Elvir. I hope you got the answer to your Email.
Friday 04/27/2001 2:36:40am
Name: Sharkina
Homepage Title: Mondomarino
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: California
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hey Sharkman! This is wonderful! I like it so much! You are great! ciao Sharkina
Sharkman Comments: Hi Sharkina, nice to see you in my World. I must say that I am honoured with your visit. Thank you.
Tuesday 04/24/2001 3:44:44am
Name: Amy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Lafayette, IN
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Alex, thank you for this site it is very informative. My son has to do a report about sharks and he choose the sand tiger shark. your site has been verry helpful with finding information on them. Amy
Sharkman Comments: Hi Amy. I am glad that my page could help your son out.
Saturday 04/21/2001 1:01:40pm
Name: Michi
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Switzerland
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex I was really happy to hear, that the endangered species around Malta have become protected. Great job you and your friends did to achive this. I hope other european countries will follow in order to keep up the existence of those gracefull animals.
Best wishes Michi
Sharkman Comments: Hi Michi. Thanks for your comments and for dropping in again.
Saturday 04/07/2001 9:01:23pm
Name: Irina
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Russia
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Nice to meet you again , dear Alex! You've got an exciting journey! I'm very glad that you dreams came true.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Irina. Nice to see you in my world again. Yes my trip was a real dream come true. Hope that you come back again to Malta for more diving.
Wednesday 04/04/2001 4:22:59am
Name: Jenny Sneed
Homepage Title: Valiant Studios
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Michigan
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Wonderful site! I needed to know "Ampullae of Lorenzini" and I found it through a link on your site. I am a longtime lover of sharks (since I saw Jaws as a little girl!) and I wanted to study Great Whites when I grew up, but alas, I was unable to fulfill my dream due to college expenses. It was awesome looking at your GW photos. Maybe one day I can do that too! Keep hope alive Sharkman! I'm bookmarking your site. I wrote a short story about a GW (fantasy) and that's why I needed to find that term. Got it on NOVA's website. Thanks so much for the link!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jenny, thanks for the comments. I hope that one day you get your chance to see the true beauty of the Great White Sharks alive and swimming free. Can I have a copy of your story please?
Tuesday 03/27/2001 11:51:43am
Name: Alan Benton
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: New Zealand
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi there, I am considered by my cousins to be a bit of a Shark Man myself!!! (They reckon I like anything with teeth, as my other passion is Tigers). But seriously, I got a book on Sharks when I was 11 (and from then on I was "bitten" by the Shark bug), which had good coverage of Rodney Fox, needless to say I too was fascinated by the story and the man himself. We've had 3 sharks lately off Takapuna beach (Auckland, NZ) in the last month ... I scooted down that way hoping to see a fin or two, a few guys actually caught a baby white only the week after I'd gone down. They don't often come in so far, but the weather was right for it this time. I've always been of the firm belief that Sharks have always been doing their bit to help the good Earth, and ought to be protected far more than feared. I've often told people who think that Sharks are "just maneaters, good for nothing else" that they'd probably feel a tad annoyed if someone came into their house and started dumping needless waste all over their floor every day - which I'm almost sure accounts for some of the time that sharks decide to have a go at people, unfortunately that's basically what people do to the Shark's own home environment, mess it up. I've been looking up research for my own Shark Site .. soon to be up, I'll let you know! Great work, I'm diving in for some more!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Alan, Glad to meet another SHARKMAN :-). It is sad to read about the captured shark. Let me know when your pages are up and keep on fighting to protect our finny friends. You should start working for Shark Protection over there. You will get a lot of support.
Sunday 03/18/2001 11:32:07pm
Name: Kirk Mortemore
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Toledo, Ohio
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I would like to say how much I enjoy visiting your site. It is very educational and I love the sound bits you have on every page. You have many links to browse through that could keep someone busy for hours. I am glad that my friend stumbled upon this site while we were doing a report on the great white shark. We found a lot of information that we couldn't find on other sites. We ended up getting an A+. We recommend your site to anyone who is interested in sharks. We also told them about the cool tattoos you have. Thank you Sharkman for making such a marvelous Website. Keep up the good work. Kirk
Sharkman Comments: Hi Kirk. I am glad that the info on my site helped you to get an A+. Thanks for passing on my site to your Friends.
Sunday 03/18/2001 10:02:37am
Name: Ralph S. Collier
Homepage Title: Shark Research Committee
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Alex, After conversing (e-mail) with you about your expectations prior to your trip, I was truly happy to read your very informative and exciting accounts from your South African White Shark Daily Diary. I hope to make the same trip in the very near future. I thank you for sharing with all of us such a detailed account of your adventure. It helps those of us that had to stay behind. I hope this is only the first of many such adventures for you. My sincere best wishes to you and your family.
Sharkman Comments: Hello Ralph. It is an honour to have you here on my site. Thank you for your comments and I hope that your upcoming trip will also be a success. After all the research work that you have spent your life working on, You deserve more then me to see the Magnificent Great White Sharks. I wish you a Fantastic Trip to the "Realm of the Great White Sharks."
Saturday 03/17/2001 9:38:33pm
Name: Gerard
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Belfast
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I am really interested in diving with great whites, so much so that I am taking a few months to go and see them. Because it's been a big fear of mine I have to conquer it (I'm only 5ft 2inches) so I want to go to the best place possible that has a higher chance of seeing a great white. Can you recommend a place to go with a good chance of being in a cage with one in the water. BTW I love the site its really cool with some excellent pages and the cartoons are really funky!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Gerard. I recommend that you go to S.Africa or Australia to see the Whites. I will answer your mail soon. Thanks for your comments too.
Wednesday 03/14/2001 3:56:45pm
Name: Wim Goossens
Homepage Title: Eposharks: all about sharks
Referred By: Friend
Location: Belgium
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: very sharkisch site!!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Wim.
Tuesday 03/13/2001 11:39:49am
Name: Vicky
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I love reading about sharks, well marine life in general. It had been a passion of mine since I was about 10. I just wanted to say that I love your site. The entire site is really fascinating, but my favorite has to be your Great White experience, they truly are the most magnificent creatures. I hope you get to repeat the experience. Thanks for the great site.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Vicky, thanks for your comments. Yes the Great White is my #1 Favorite too. I hope I get to see them again soon..
Tuesday 03/13/2001 1:59:58am
Name: Ashleigh
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Florida (USA)
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I sent you an e-mail and I hope you get it. Anyway I love the music and the pictures and all the information. I hope you will always run this site from now until the end of time. I think people should not hate sharks, they should be feared in a good way. My favirote shark is the Great White shark even though it attacks, I know not very often. I love your website and if it were possible I would give this a 1,000,000,000,000. My sister also loves your site even though she would never admit it.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Ashleigh. i hope you got my answer to your email. Tell your sister that I am glad she loves my site.
Sunday 03/11/2001 4:43:46pm
Name: Steffi & Björn
Homepage Title: Björn Burzlaff Homepage
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Ruhrgebiet-Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hello Alex, it is sad, but now we are at home again. First thing we do is to take a look at your wonderful page. Thank you for our first dive together and the last in these holidays! Hearty greetings. We`ll soon come back again!Cu! S&B
Sharkman Comments: Hi Steffi & Björn. Thanks for being with us at Octopus Garden. Björn we had some good dives together. Steffi, diving with you yesterday was SUPER!! You were a very good student and you will be a very good diver. Keep it up.
Thursday 03/08/2001 10:50:04pm
Name: Anna
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Germany
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Your report on the trip was like a thriller...waiting...hope...tension...luck...I could even imagine me being ON the boat. I was much impressed about Michael's hand and that the sharks allowed you to touch them. Did you wear gloves? What was the feeling? I once had a Phyton in my arms. They felt beautiful. (I hope the Phyton thought the same!) The more I look at the sharks' faces the more I can see them smiling :-). Not to make a much to silly comment: I respect them. Good work you are doing! This should be you job.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Anna. Thank you for your comments. It is great to see you here, and to know that now you view Sharks in a different way, Das ist Klasse. . I am happy that now you see them SMILE. I look forward to your return here and we can do more dives. Who knows...maybe you bring me more luck and a few Sharks.:-) I did wear gloves on the dives yes, but i also touched the sharks without gloves, from the boat when taking some of the pictures. The feeling is unexplainable. I want more.... :-)
Thursday 03/08/2001 8:10:20pm
Name: Mike and Heike
Homepage Title: Shark Web Homepage
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany.
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hello my friend!! We are happy that your dream has become true. It also please us we finally to see you again. Until then in June.
Mike and Heike.
Sharkman Comments: H[a}i Mike und Heike. Danke für Diene Meldung. Ich bin sehr glücklich, daß wir treffen uns wieder im Juni .
Thursday 03/08/2001 8:10:02pm
Name: Ruth Cape
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Bridge of Allan
Sex: Female
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: cool, it helped alot with my school project, thanks!
Sharkman Comments: Glad that I could help Ruth.
Thursday 03/08/2001 6:09:26pm
Name: Elly (Kalynda)
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Netherlands
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Sharkman Alex, I have been here to look at the updates.
Regards from Kalynda.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks.... I hope you like them Elly.
Wednesday 03/07/2001 1:28:55pm
Name: Sarah
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: London, England
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I got interested in sharks because of my brother and I'm glad that I did; as they are trully amazing creatures.You have got an excellent site keep up the good work, and I really like all your graphics.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Sarah.
Wednesday 03/07/2001 4:44:54am
Name: Dawn
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Illinois (USA)
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I just wanted to tell you that those pictures were great. And I'm really glad that your dream came true. Did you swim outside of the cage like you said you were going too? Just curious.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Dawn...... nope...I did not get a chance to do that.... maybe next time.
Tuesday 03/06/2001 0:33:32am
Name: Todd Claxton
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex "The Sharkman", I just viewed your Great Whites 2001 update. Fantastic work Alex, the writing brought tears to MY eyes! Great pics, especially the close-ups and that head on shot hanging off the back of the boat! Incredible. I look forward to my trip to Australia to see the Whites off there, the days will not pass quickly enough until then. I get goose bumps thinking of the first moment I will see a white shark in the flesh. Your wish has been fullfilled and I give you the best in returning to see the whites! Are you ever thinking of visiting Australia? Thanks again for putting my pics of shark tattoos up on your site. When I get my White Shark tat done I will send you the pic right away to add to the collection! Will it be my last? Well I was thinking a shark jaw would make a great tattoo....Hmmmmmm. :-) Fantastic work Alex. Keep it up, you are THE SHARKMAN!!
Regards, (and Shark Powered!) Todd Claxton
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Todd, I hope I can go back next year.....and yes Australia and Rodney Fox are in my plans if ever I can afford that. I wish you all the best my friend and I hope that your dream will come true too.
Monday 03/05/2001 2:21:48am
Name: Rudy
Homepage Title: Dolphin Whale & Shark Gift Store
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: Avon Lake, Ohio , USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Great job recording your South African adventure in words and pictures. I expect to see the same from the sanctuaries off the coast of California. Sean stated that he will work an extra job and pay your way so that you can dive with his sharks. :-)
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Rudy..... If Sean does that, you will have more to read here.
Monday 03/05/2001 0:04:05am
Name: Sandra
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Been Here Before
Location: MALTA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: WOW!! have an excelent page here...Well done!! Seems like you have a memory to treasure all your life. Sandra.
Sharkman Comments: Yes I do Sandra......Thank you
Sunday 03/04/2001 5:54:13pm
Name: sliverdollar
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Singapore
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: hallo Alex , I think this Website is great! I am very curious about all kinds of sharks. I've read a lot of news that many sharks are killed for their fins and their bodies and are then thrown back to the water.. I am very curious how the conservation groups can prevent people from killing them.
Sharkman Comments: That is a very hard war that all of us fighting for Shark protection are trying to win. The process is slow but we have managed to win quite a few battles. Educating the public and those in Command is the first step.
Wednesday 02/28/2001 4:41:43pm
Name: Kathy
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Michigan
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Excellent! Great information about sharks is now at my fingertips! My greatest experience is yet to happen. I too, would like to swim with the big sharks!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Kathy. I hope that your Dream comes true, just like mine did.
Monday 02/26/2001 11:44:12am
Name: Robert Eriksson
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Sweden
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Sharkmans-world is the best site ever. This is the best shark page I ever been in.
Sharkman Comments: WOW.... thanks Robert.
Thursday 02/22/2001 8:09:19pm
Name: Erica Yambao
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: U.S.A.
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Gr8 page! Please continue updating it. Bye!
Sharkman Comments: I will, Erica.
Sunday 02/11/2001 2:40:59pm
Name: Kevin
Homepage Title: Welcome to kevin's page
Referred By: Treasures of the Web
Location: Wales. U.K
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi, You have a really great site here. So very informative and well done. Thank you for sharing your talent. Best wishes from Wales. Kevin.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Kevin. I will try to visit your home page too soon.
Thursday 02/08/2001 10:23:07pm
Name: greg cowan
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: memphis tn
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 1
Sharkman Comments: A rating of 1 !! and No comments!!! Gee is my page that Bad?
Thursday 02/08/2001 4:51:38am
Name: Marc (SYNCHRO) Rubin
Homepage Title: Marc Rubin Gallery
Referred By: Treasures of the Web
Location: Chicago,Illinois, USA
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Sharkman Comments: Hi Marc, you have a great page too.
Monday 02/05/2001 3:57:02pm
Name: Kai Reuter
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex, thank you for all the work you do for the nature! The best rate for your Homepage, Alex! It`s great! Kai
Sharkman Comments: Hi Kai. Danke..... I hope we can dive together again soon.
Monday 02/05/2001 4:28:40am
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Sharkman Comments: Jeff, these are the only Tattoos that I have, but any good Tattoo artist can make you a good one from any picture that you might have.
Friday 02/02/2001 11:38:22pm
Name: Pam
Homepage Title: digital dreams
Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: London, England
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I hope "5" is the best! Wonderful glad to see someone who is sensible and trying to change the bad image sharks have in the world. They are beautiful and wonderful animals! I feel lucky if I encounter one while diving. Thanks for a great page!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Pam. yes 5 is the best :-)
Friday 02/02/2001 0:14:05am
Name: Tara
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex! I've heard you have a Website but I never visited before. I have to say you got it made. I've never seen a shark site that's this big! Most are just 1-6 page and are primitive. Hope to hear from you later! Bye!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Tara. Nice to see a few friends from Shark - L list.
Thursday 02/01/2001 11:19:44pm
Name: Kristin Rankin
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Hamilton , Ontario, Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: so much info. Thanks a lot. I wanted to know if you were familiar with the food networks show that comes from Japan, it is called "the iron chef"? my friends and I were watching it one day when we were disgusted and shocked to find that their secret ingredient that show was shark fins. Since then my friend and I have vowed to never watch it again and have urged others to do the same. I wanted you to know what they call entertainment in Asia. I also wanted to ask if you have and info you could pass my way on preservation of sharks and what is being done today to save these beautiful creatures. Thanks so much, Kristin Rankin
Sharkman Comments: Hi Kristin, Thanks for the info. Sadly the Asian countries are the biggest problem when it comes to Shark Finning. There are a lot of links on my Links page that you can follow to find out more information.
Wednesday 01/31/2001 3:08:30am
Name: Jamie Adelia Smith
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Maine/Wisconsin
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Thanks Sharkman! Great site. Thanks for all the work you do!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Jamie and Welcome to Shark-L
Tuesday 01/30/2001 8:18:12pm
Name: Don Hazelwood
Homepage Title: Scenic Easten North Carolina
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Greenville, North Carolina
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Great page, great attitude! Have fun on your dream trip!
Sharkman Comments: Nice to see you here Don. Will tell you all about my trip when I get back.
Tuesday 01/30/2001 4:16:35pm
Name: Mike Player
Homepage Title: Mike Homepage
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Colchester, Essex, England, UK
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I am currently at university studying marine biology. I have a great interest in these creatures and wish to go into shark research as a career, despite only having a very basic knowledge. This site is the best shark site I have found so far
Sharkman Comments: good luck Mike, and thanks.
Sunday 01/28/2001 8:55:11pm
Name: kat hollis
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: United Kingdom
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: very great music on your sight, but would love to see more pics and vids.
Sharkman Comments: Keep your eyes on here, Kat, more will be added soon.
Saturday 01/27/2001 3:48:17am
Name: Loree
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Friend
Location: States
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: very nicely put together, love the tattoo section. Very complete site Bravo
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Loree
Friday 01/26/2001 7:11:40pm
Name: Peter Fehst
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Was Diving with you in Malta.
Location: Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hello Alex I have heard you are in South Africa, looking for White sharks. We will see us in June in Malta. Best wishes to you and your family Peter Fehst
Sharkman Comments: H[a}i Peter. Ich bin noch hier. Ich fliege auf das 5. Bis juni. Tchuß
Friday 01/26/2001 4:12:36am
Name: Sarah
Homepage Title: Mouse's Links
Referred By: Friend
Location: Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Alex this is one of the beautiful sites I have seen in a long time. I have enjoyed it fully keep up the awesome job and I look forward to coming back
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Sarah. I loved your pages too.
Wednesday 01/24/2001 11:32:31pm
Name: Chiamano Mimi
Homepage Title: Lady LaBohème
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Heaven
Sex: Female Age: Over 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Very very can see its made with love for the animal !! Ciao !!!
Mi Chiamano Mimi
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Mimi
Wednesday 01/24/2001 0:59:12am
Name: Todd Claxton
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Ontario, Canada
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex! Wow! Awesome Website! I think you are doing an awesome job working with sharks to protect and conserve them. I would love to do what you do for a living, you are a great role model. I am a beach lifeguard and rescue scuba diver and have dove with sharks once, in the Bahamas. I hope to take something related to sharks in school (Any suggestions? There isn't much interest in sharks here.) and work with them in the future. What is Shark L-List? Also I have two cool shark tattoos, if you'd like I can send pics to you for your Tattoos Page. I'd like to hear from you! Keep up the excellent work, I'd like to visit Malta one day. Regards, Todd Claxton.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Todd. Thanks for your comments and also for your emails. Just for the Record.... I DO NOT WORK WITH SHARKS.... I wish I did. I do all I can for their protection and I try to learn as much as possible about them. SHARK-L list is a Shark Forum on the net... You can sign into it and start participating in all kinds of Shark related topics. Go to my News Page for more info. I would be very happy to add your Tattoos to my page.
Saturday 01/20/2001 8:59:52pm
Name: Mike Blocker
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: North Carolina (USA)
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I really enjoyed the site and plan to recommend it to some friends. Thanks again Mike
Sharkman Comments: Hi Mike, Thanks for your visit and for recommending the Page. I will answer your e-mail a.s.a.p.
Saturday 01/20/2001 12:52:14am
Name: sari
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Finland
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Great! I`m interested of sharks, specially of dangerous to human-sharks. I was looking for information of shark attacks, and do you know is it true that there was a couple of attacks in Sydney, when there where Olympics last time ??? I did not found any information of that from web.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Sari. Only one Non- Fatal incident was reported from Sydney last year, and and it was not during the time of the Olympics.
Thursday 01/18/2001 1:36:51am
Name: Raymond
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Amsterdam Holland
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: hey man I think what u r doing for the shark is great keep it up and I would like 2 learn more about the GWS could u give me more info on it thanks alot bye Raymond
Sharkman Comments: Hi Raymond. I will contact you by e-mail.
Sunday 01/14/2001 1:14:19am
Name: Spidey and Suzy~Q~
Homepage Title: Society for Species Management and Survival.
Referred By: E-mail
Location: Missouri
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Enjoyed your page very much. Very grateful to see someone else out there trying to make a difference. If you get a chance please visit our site. Have a great day :) Be sure to check your e-mail. for a special surprise.
Sharkman Comments: Dear friends, thank you for your special award. I will visit your site again very soon.
Saturday 01/13/2001 8:56:49pm
Name: Phil
Homepage Title: Phils place
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Toronto Canada
Sex: Male
Age: Over 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi there, Great cause. Wonderful Website. Amazing what human ignorance is capable of. KEEP GOING > and have a safe and healthy 2001. Phil
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Phil I promise to keep doing my best.
Saturday 01/13/2001 8:36:15am
Name: Michael Möller
Homepage Title: under construction
Homepage URL: no title yet
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Germany
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex, don`t be scared of my nickname, I`m a fossil shark tooth collector and love these creatures like You do. Never stop doing Your work for one of the most interesting and poorly misunderstand creatures on good old mother earth, I`m proud too have found Your Homepage, which is one of the best of it`s kind.
Your`s Michael
Sharkman Comments: Danke Michael.
Wednesday 01/10/2001 11:19:58am
Name: Tenguzame
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Sweden
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Where are the Goblins, Alex?
Sharkman Comments: Here is your favourite Mitsukurina owstoni or as it is better known The Goblin Shark
Tuesday 01/09/2001 11:42:12pm
Name: Tea
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Female
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: wow... I love this page... tell me have you got more useful information that can help me finish my schoolwork??? I'd be grateful. Mail me
Sharkman Comments: Ask me what you wish to know Tea and I will try to answer you as best I can.
Tuesday 01/09/2001 9:08:43pm
Name: Henrik de la Motte Wulff
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Web Ring
Location: Lund, Sweden
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi! First I must give you my warmest thanks for all the good things you are doing for our friends. I'd like to thank you for making it possible for people like me to maybe one day be able to see Great Whites in the med. I'm a student and a soon to be shark scientist. (at least that's the plan) and hadn't it been for such extraordinary people as yourself there might not have been any GW left by the time I'm a full-feathered scientist in the field. I also have to congratulate you to an excellent Website., extremely fun and great pics and text. :o) You are indeed a true source of inspiration! Good luck in the future. Yours truly Henrik.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Henrik. I wish you all the best for your Studies.
Tuesday 01/09/2001 12:23:41am
Name: Naftali Blau
Homepage Title: My GWS experience & U/W photography Homepage
Referred By: Friend
Location: Israel
Sex: Male
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Great work Alex, both virtually (on the web) and in the water (protecting the Sharks!) Hope we'll have the chance to dive together in your area, you're always welcome to my home town Haifa...
Sharkman Comments: Thanks my friend. I liked reading about your GWS adventure too.
Tuesday 01/09/2001 6:07:07am
Name: Dawn
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Illinois(USA)
Sex: Female
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Like I said before, congratulations on getting the Great White and the Basking Shark protected. We need more people like you who care about these beautiful creatures in this world. Keep up the good work.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Dawn. It was not JUST me, but a group of us.
Saturday 01/06/2001 4:01:59am
Name: Stormy
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Ontario, Canada
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Greetings !!!! I was not aware that sharks were such interesting creatures till I came upon this page. You have accumulated an amazing amount of data regarding the shark and it has made this a very informative visit.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Stormy, Thank you for your comments.... I hope that you return soon.
Wednesday 01/03/2001 7:02:25am
Name: Michael
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Australia
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Great Website. It is good to see people involved in the preservation of sharks all over the world. It is brilliant that there is such a large web site dedicated to sharks.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Michael. and it is also good to see youngsters your age getting more interested in Shark Protection and Conservation.
Tuesday 01/02/2001 8:42:24pm
Name: Marcia
Homepage Title: Scarlett's Web
Referred By: Treasures of the Web
Location: Mississippi, USA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi Alex! Just stumbled in and thought I'd say hello. Actually, I didn't stumble a bit, just waltzed right in! This will, of course, take me about a week to see everything's only time, right? What better way to spend it? Cya's Sharkman!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Marcia, glad that you dropped by... eemmm... no sorry... waltzed in. How about you and me doing a Tango next time?
Monday 01/01/2001 1:24:39am
Name: Sandra
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: MALTA
Sex: Female
Age: 36 to 50
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hello Alex, Thought I'd drop by and visit your site. It gets better and better every time. You never fail to have something new and interesting. I particularly liked the Interviews...and hope to see some more Well Known Shark people on here. May I take this opportunity to wish you again a Very Happy New Year...and may all your dreams come true. Your Friend, Sandra.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Sandra, Thanks for your constant support. Wishing you and all my guests a great New Year. Some Dreams, I am sure, will come true for everyone.
Wednesday 12/27/2000 9:54:32pm
Name: Thomas Balis
Homepage Title: Eposharks : All about SHARKS
Referred By: Shark-L List
Location: Belgium
Sex: Male
Age: 14 to 21
How do you rate this Page?: 5
Comments: You're the greatest, Sharkman. Your website is my favorite. I hope you'll stay my friend...
Sharkman Comments: Hey EPO..... If you love sharks and help to protect them, then you are my friend for LIFE. :-)
Thursday 12/21/2000 4:15:57pm
Name: Ulf Bark
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Sweden
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Thanks for your help, keep up the good work and have a happy new year. Maybe I come to your island and sea you some day. Hope you wont get eaten :)
Sharkman Comments: You are welcome. Seasons greetings to you too Ulf, and all my visitors.
Thursday 12/21/2000 12:23:29am
Name: Fos
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: South-Africa Johannesburg
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: WOW !!!!! Keep the good work going !!!!
Sharkman Comments: Thank you.
Tuesday 12/19/2000 8:52:41pm
Name: Andreas Berglund
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Swedish located in Norway
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: Hi and thanks for your great contribution to the world of sharks. I only hope that the commercial fishing-industry with others respect the law that protect these species for being captured. Only one question: Has anyone ever tagged a great white in the Mediterranean? Two thumbs up for this great web site!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Andreas... thanks for your comments. As far as I know, No Whites have yet been tagged in the Med. yet.
Monday 12/18/2000 10:35:48pm
Name: Ulf Bark
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: 22 to 35
How do you rate this Page? : 4
Comments: You only get a 4 because you got a lot of sounds and that brings down the speed a lot for me. I'm from Sweden and has always had a fascination with sharks. I'm moving down to Greece and the Island Kefalonia the village is called Fiskardo were I will live 6 months. I now that the project I'm going to be involved in. Has help and helps sharks but it's not there primary tasks. But I wonder if you can help me out. I'm having trouble finding out about the marina life there. So please tell me what sharks I may encounter. Keep up the good work.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Ulf, Sorry to hear about the Sound problem.....Some Sharks known in the area of Greece include: The Bluntnosed six gill, Bramble Shark, Gulper Shark, Kitefin, Velvet Belly Lantern Shark, Longnosed Spurdog, Angel Sharks, Sandtigers, Thresher Sharks, Basking Sharks, Whites, Makos, Porbeagles, and Blues....... etc......
Saturday 12/09/2000 1:46:32pm
Name: Nathan Millar
Homepage Title:
Referred By: Search Engine
Sex: Male
Age: Under 13
How do you rate this Page? : 5
Comments: I approve of your website didicated to sharks. I LOVE sharks too. I am 9 and am very interested in doing anything I can to protect sharks. I hope to scuba dive and see them for myself when I'm older.
Sharkman Comments: Hello Nathan, Youngsters like you will make up our future Shark protectors. Hey maybe when you are older, you visit me and we go diving together.
Name: geordie millar
Homepage Title: Animation website NBCC
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: New Brunswick, Canada
Time: Tuesday 12/05/2000 7:36:34pm
Comments: Sharkman! Your site is Beautiful! I can't believe all the work you put into it... Youv'e turned me on to a place and it's critters that I have never been , but would love to see in my lifetime. When you turn people on to caring about the planet, they will treat it less like a doormat and more like FAMILY. Keep it up. I am an artist working on a show of paintings and drawings of nothing but Porbeagles, tricky to research, but beautiful to learn about. GM
Sharkman Comments: Hi, Thank you... Yes, the Porbeagle is one of my Favourites too.
Name: Ryan Ford
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tallahassee, Florida
Time: 2000-12-04 01:56:31
Comments: The site is AWSOME!!!! Keep me up to date on current news on SHARKS!!
Sharkman Comments: Sure will Ryan.... and thank for your email.
Name: Bill
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Scotland
Time: 2000-12-03 15:40:19
Comments: Anybody out there seen the rather amusing shark t-shirts. Numerous graphics but the ones that come to mind are the old granny at the end of the pier, the two guys fishing and the rather badly eaten up man sitting at the beach? Can't find any info anywhere.
Regards, Bill Caplan
Sharkman Comments: Well these I have not seen all Bill, but I have seen a few good ones.... I have over 100 sharky t-shirts myself :-)
Name: Amanda
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Norwood, Ohio
Time: 2000-12-02 01:44:02
Comments: Your website is awesome. I have loved sharks for fifteen years and hopefully will soon be swimming with them myself. You kick ass sharkman. P.S. I also have a shark tattoo. His name is PePe thanks
Sharkman Comments: Hello Amanda. Send me a picture of PePe and I will add it on my page. :-)
Name: Matt Robinson
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Tucson AZ.
Time: 2000-12-01 23:53:14
Comments: i think your site is great I am doing resreach so it really helped
Sharkman Comments: Glad I could help you out a little Matt.
Name: Daniël Vermeulen
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: the Netherlands
Time: 2000-11-29 10:57:29
Comments: Great site, keep up the good work, just like you I`m insane about sharks, since my 8th. Now I`m 25, I`ll probably stay insane for the rest of my life, does anyone care? I`m looking for a place to view sharks, yes in Europe, of course in the Netherlands it`s difficult so I`ll probably will visit Malta for a quick look. Perhaps you could show me some places, if you want to or got the time. I`ll stay in touch. Greetings Daniël....
Sharkman Comments: Hi Daniël, I would be happy to take you for a few dives, but I do not think that we will see Sharks here.
Name: Vinny Capizzi
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: N.C., USA
Time: 2000-11-20 19:21:33
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Vinny
Name: Greg Adams
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan, USA
Time: 2000-11-17 00:28:43
Comments: I'm trying to find a site or a group that is trying to defend the Great White shark. My girlfriend is big into sharks and wants to adopt a shark. She wants some how to help the great white out before it becomes extinct. If you know of any organizations that are trying to help stop the killing of great whites and increase an interset in them I would like to hear about it. Thanks.
Sharkman Comments: Hello Greg. Thanks for dropping by. If you follow my links pages, you will find that there are many of us out here that are doing our utmost to protect the Sharks. Also there are places for Shark Adoptions as well. Thank you for your support and interest my friend.
Name: Graceful Catshark
Website: Graceful Catshark's Shark Cove
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Treasures of the Web
Time: 2000-11-14 17:44:51
Comments: Thought I would drop in today and look around a bit. You never fail to have wonderful new things to see! From serious to funny there's always something new. Simply OUTSTANDING!!! I am so honored to be your partner at Treasures and to be able to call you friend. Many hugs! You are indeed quite a Treasure!
Sharkman Comments: Hi partner. It is great to see you here and I too am honoured to have you with us at "TREASURES". You are doing a Great job there. Many Hugs returned to you with SHARK POWER.
Name: Andreas
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Munich
Time: 2000-11-12 00:13:18
Comments: Hi SHARKMAN! Every time I visit your page I feel like being on holiday again. I'll be back! Andreas
Sharkman Comments: H[a}i Andreas. Glad to see you back. When will our next dive together be?
Name: Tony
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Great Britain
Time: 2000-11-10 23:13:50
Comments: hi, I am back again to look at your web site and to learn more about sharks. I would like to thank you for the advice your gave me and also for replying. keep the good work up,Tony.
P.S. I would give you my email address but i have forgotten it .
Sharkman Comments: Hi again Tony. Thanks for visiting again. If you send me an E-mail, then I will automatically have your E-mail address on it. :-)
Name: Tony
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Great Britain
Time: 2000-11-09 22:30:54
Comments: Hi Shark man,I have loved sharks ever since i saw the film JAWS and i can not stop learning about them. My friends call me a freak for being so facinated with sharks but they just do not understand. My biggest dream is to come face to face with a real shark, but sadly the closest i have ever got was behind glass but that still was a great experience. I think your web site is one of the best shark sites i have ever been to and i mean it! see ya
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Tony. Do not worry about being called a freak for loving Sharks. I was called much worse then that. :-)
Name: Anneli
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sweden
Time: 2000-11-06 14:19:30
Comments: This is so great! Especially for a shark lover like myself. Thanks for a really nice webpage. :oD
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Anneli.
Name: ewan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: great britain
Time: 2000-10-30 19:27:25
Comments: dear shark man i think your site is great, one thing thou i know its rare for sharks to attack and eat humans but in the cases were sharks do eat humans what happens to the clothe that they are wearing , ie swim trunks or wet suit . many thanks ewan
Sharkman Comments: Hi Ewan. It is true that Sharks VERY RARELY Attack and EAT HUMANS. What sharks do not digest, they can REGARGARATE, which means that they can throw out.
Name: Ruth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida
Time: 2000-10-27 00:57:07
Comments: You're page is really cool, I'm starting to try to draw sharks.:-)
Sharkman Comments: Care to send me some of your drawings Ruth?
Name: Irina
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: from underwater
Time: 2000-10-24 18:37:46
Comments: I want to visit your harmony world again.
Sharkman Comments: You are welcome to Dive in again anytime Irina.
Name: Mike Barad
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Hawaii
Time: 2000-10-24 09:45:41
Comments: What an incredible amount of information. Great site and much Mahalos to you for putting up the shark tattoo page. I'm the one who sent you the B/W pic.
Aloha, Mike
Sharkman Comments: Thanks for your picture and your help Mike.
Name: Jason Wiggin
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: New York
Time: 2000-10-23 20:23:44
Comments: Hiya! I have been chatting with you and the rest of the shark-list, and thought I'd sign in. Great site!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jason, Nice to see you here. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Name: Frank
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Belgium
Time: 2000-10-22 22:11:36
Comments: On the 4th of october i had my first (very) close-encouter in south Egypt with an Oceanic White-tip, this beautiful moment that changed a part of my life came back in all it's glory while exploring your site ... Great work !
Sharkman Comments: Hi Frank. You are very lucky to have met Carcharhinus longimanus. I am glad that my little website has returned you those happy memories.
Name: Rev. Johannes Myors
Website: Pedal Prayers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 2000-10-21 01:30:18
Comments: Shalom. I would like to welcome you to Phenomenal Men of the Web. Take care.
Sharkman Comments: Shalom. Thank you Rev. Johannes..
Name: Antoinette aka Amira (Atlantis)
Website: Amira Studios
Referred by: From a Friend
From: South Africa
Time: 2000-10-16 00:21:02
Comments: WOW...a great shark site...With so much info...Keep up the good work...Will visit again...Diamond of Atlantis.
Sharkman Comments: Hello Antoinette. Thank you. I also want to thank you for the work you are doing in "Atlantis". We are glad to have you with us in "TREASURES OF THE WEB".
Name: tony arndt
Referred by: Geocities
From: north western australia
Time: 2000-10-15 16:47:59
Comments: how zit goin sharkman i myself catch sharks as a hobbi witch i also use as imfo on what i have courght as what shark and spieceis it is i have looked into many sights and must admit tour has been most imformive as we have a well maintaned achapelligo i have seen 17-18ft tiger sharks as well as 18ft hammer heads that are so fat they look like large wine barrels these are somthing els to see right near the boat and i hope to see it more oftern in the future see you round and i will be back
Sharkman Comments: Hi Tony, Thanks for your comments about my pages. Yes it is a beautiful sight to see Sharks close to a boat, and it is for this reason, that I hope that you will NOT continue to CATCH any more Sharks. After all.... they look nicer ALIVE then DEAD.
Name: BethAnne
Website: BethAnne's Homepage
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ohio, USA
Time: 2000-10-12 23:45:48
Comments: Thanks for inviting me to view updates! *smiles* & *Hugs*
Sharkman Comments: Hi Bethanne.... thanks for excepting my invitation.
Name: julian
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Italy
Time: 2000-10-12 14:15:51
Comments: ...guess what ? I'm italian but my mum is from... HAMRUN !!! as soon as I so the flag i felt "home" as i've been to Malta 100s times. I actually live & work in Paris I've always been fascinated by sharks as well so I found your site really interesting... Bye
Sharkman Comments: Sono molto contento di aver ricevuto questo messagio. Il prossima volta que tu vieni a questa isola, trovate mi.
Name: Tom Hacquebard
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The Netherlands
Time: 2000-10-11 21:49:55
Comments: The best shark-site i have ever seen. Keep up the good work. When i am on Malta i will sure pay you a visit. MOLTO BENNE!
Sharkman Comments: Will be a pleasure to meet you Tom.
Name: Denise Turscherl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malta
Time: 2000-10-08 18:05:18
Comments: Well done Alex, Keep it up!!
Sharkman Comments: Hi.... thanks for dropping in. When shall you take me horse riding? :-)
Name: Julene Hartman
Website: still working on it
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Minnesota
Time: 2000-10-07 23:59:24
Comments: My neice is doing a speech on shark finning for her final in college. We are amazed at your site. What an asset you are to our world.
Thank You Tracy and Julene
Sharkman Comments: Hi Tracy and Julene. Thank you for your nice comments. I hope that the Shark Finning speech will help to open the eyes of those that still think that Sharks are better off dead. Sharks need all the help that they can get and it is with people like you that they have a chance to see the next Millennium. I thank you both.
Name: sandy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: mississippi
Time: 2000-10-07 03:50:54
Comments: loved the music, very dramatic and fitting...pages where very colorful and informative..thanks i enjoyed it a lot.
Sharkman Comments: Glad to see you here again Sandy.
Name: Alan Westoby
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Engalnd
Time: 2000-10-04 22:19:18
Comments: Hi Alex, Thanks for the great diving. This is an impressive web site and it will take some time to view it all. Keep up the good work, I'm not in the same league as yourself but I to am concerned about the atrocities done to Sharks around the world. Hope to dive with you again one day.
Best Regards Alan
Sharkman Comments: Hi Alan. Glad that you enjoyed the diving and the web pages. hope to see you again soon.
Name: Christof Wyss
Referred by: From a Friend
From: switzerland
Time: 2000-10-03 19:40:55
Comments: wow beautiful home page. I love Gozo and Malta, I was in 1999 diving of Gozo wonderful
Sharkman Comments: Hi, Thanks... now you must try Malta. :-)
Name: Mick
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Adelaide, South Australia
Time: 2000-09-29 16:21:43
Comments: Great site, I really enjoyed it. As you can see I`m from the same town as the great man himself (Rodney Fox).Unfortunately this week in the space of 24hrs we had 2 fatal great white shark attacks both being surfers, both attacks had eye witnesses but no remains have been found only smashed surfboards. Anyway this has started the age old debate of weather the sharks should be hunted down and slaughtered , I hope that these incidents don't start a culling of the great white , keep up the good work .
Sharkman Comments: Hi Mick. Yes, sadly incidents like these, which are very rare, do bring back that kind of reaction. It is good that Countries like Australia, South Africa, Malta, and a few others have been brave enough to pass Shark Protection Laws.
Name: Brian Jackson
Website: Great Whites Ocean
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Austin, Texas
Time: 2000-09-29 06:49:17
Comments: I love your page, and I share your love for these awesome animals. Keep up the great work.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Brian
Name: Fred Berg
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The Netherlands
Time: 2000-09-28 23:44:50
Comments: Sharkman, My compliments on your website!! It really gives the right message and is very educative. This is the first time I surfed in on your site, but I'll be back. I met you because since 2 days I am also on Shark-L.
Best regards from The Netherlands,
Fred Berg
Sharkman Comments: Hello Fred. Great to have you here and on SHARK L
Name: Marcel van Oosterhout
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: the Netherlands
Time: 2000-09-27 21:02:27
Comments: Great site, good info. Good to read info about sharks around Malta.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Marcel.
Name: Rene "papalapap II" Holleman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: lelystad
Time: 2000-09-26 11:49:44
Comments: Hai Alex wonderful site that I will visit frequently. When I find something about sharks I will forward it to you. My own website is under construction and to large to visit over an ordinary telephone connection. You will at least need a 128.000 connection to genuinely be able to see the stream video's but I will slim it down so you can easily visit it. My regards to the rest of the crew. Weather here is 14 Celsius and rain.
Rene Papalapap II
Sharkman Comments: Hi Rene....thanks for visiting :-) You forgot to put in your email address buddy and that is a real PAPPALAPAP!!!
Name: Marc Hemelaar
Referred by: From a Friend
From: belgium
Time: 2000-09-23 23:15:18
Comments: great music and fabulous facts !!!!! hope to dive with you and some sharks one day. I sure did enjoy the diving last summer with you in Malta. Live long and have your 10000 dives before you encounter your last shark!!!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Marc. Great to see that you found me here too. Yes we sure had some good dives.. pity that no sharks were around. As far as the 10,000 th. Dive... well hopefully there will be many sharks before that dive. Hope to see you again soon my friend.
Name: Shell
Website: Love For Animals
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 2000-09-23 08:51:45
Comments: This is a terrific web site! Keep speaking up for the voiceless!
Sharkman Comments: You can rest assured that nothing will stop me from defending Sharks... or any other species that is in danger.
Name: matt wilson
Website: home
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: lansdail pa
Time: 2000-09-15 23:11:34
Comments: I love the pictures
Name: Neil Button
Referred by: Net Search
From: Spephenville Newfoundland
Time: 2000-09-15 23:25:31
Comments: Sharkman, Great site. I am a computer animation student researching for a major project on our obsession. Your site was one the most helpful in my research and the information of shark fishing and poaching is well needed. Thank you for doing something to help stop it .
Neil Button College of the North Atlantic Stephenville Newfoundland Canada
Sharkman Comments: Hi Neil .... Glad that my pages have been of a help to you. we can all do something to help protect Sharks.
Name: Mike
Website: Shark Web
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany
Time: 2000-09-15 19:26:04
Comments: Hello Alex, simply the best! Nice Photo on your startside. Sorry!Very very nice.Good work!!!!!!!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Mike....Your pages are coming on great too. MIKE THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME MY NEW WEB DOMAIN.
Name: ¤STORM¤
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ontario, Canada
Time: 2000-09-14 20:09:39
Comments: I have been interested in sharks( esp. great whites) since elementary school. 2o years now Your page is one of the best if not the best I have located on-line. Is very informative and has alot of different links. I would be interested in locating more on how and how often a shark can get into fresh water lakes etc. I never knew one could survive without salt water, until I watched shark week on discovery. Is a very interesting topic.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Storm. If you go to the SHARK-L Archives and make a search for "Fresh Water", you will find a lot more info.
Name: rejean demers
Referred by: Net Search
From: Quebec,Canada
Time: 2000-09-14 03:18:28
Comments: you have great and very interesting site web. if you have more documentation of the great white please send my.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Rejean, These pages and all my links, will get you all the info you need.
Name: Jörg und Andreas
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Munich - Hamburg
Time: 2000-09-14 02:10:59
Comments: Hi Sharkman,
great time in Malta! The whole under water world is fantastic shown by u. Save and protect it so our children can enjoy it, too.
Jörg and Andreas (Good site, but music could be better)
Sharkman Comments: It was great to dive with you guys. And do not worry... The SHARKMAN will keep on fighting for Protection of our Water World.
Name: Scorpius31
Website: Scorpius31
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Holland
Time: 2000-09-12 16:59:33
Comments: Hello Sharkman, you have a great site, great information about the shark. Keep on the good work, greetings Scorpius31
Sharkman Comments: Thanks my Friend.
Name: alonna
Referred by: From a Friend
From: frankfort,il
Time: 2000-09-10 19:08:50
Comments: This is my first visit to your web page and have found it quite interesting.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks ... I hope that it will not be your last. :-)
Name: Thomas "Tom" Thiel
Website: Partypage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 2000-09-10 13:18:56
Comments: Hi Alex, excellent site, nice sounds and pictures. Super informing texts. Hopefully we meet again in Malta, perhaps next year at Octopus Garden. Greetings Tom.
Sharkman Comments: H{a}i Tom. It was great to have you here with us at O.G. We had some great dives :-) Give my regards to Verena.
Name: Richard Freeman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Zealand
Time: 2000-09-07 07:31:34
Comments: Awesome Site!!!! We only really have Mako's and boring old Blues down here in the South island of New Zealand.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Richard.... but surely, Makos and Blues are definately not boring.
Name: Rudy
Website: Dolphin Whale & Shark Gifts
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Ohio, U.S.A.
Time: 2000-09-07 01:00:30
Comments: Alex, what a terrific job. The layout is so simple and easy to get around on with this new format. The pages load very fast now. I hope that everyone who tried your site before and did not wait will come back and try again.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Rudy. I am glad to see you here again.Thanks for your comments.
Name: Randy O'Donnell
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: north carolina-usa
Time: 2000-09-06 17:43:38
Comments: nice site
Name: Colette Wills
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Yorkshire, England
Time: 2000-09-05 17:18:28
Comments: Hello fellow shark lovers, I got interested in sharks 20 years ago after watching Jaws and being terrified. I'm now a mature student and in my second year of a Marine and Freshwater Biology degree. I do alot for sharks but not as much as the sharkman. Keep up the good work and lets hope the shark outlives humankind.
Regards, Colette.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Colette. It is only with education and knowledge, that we have a chance to make Sharks out live humans. There is a lot for us to learn about sharks and sadly there are many that still fear sharks and think they are just Monsters out to get us.
Name: Alex
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: miami
Time: 2000-09-02 01:47:03
Comments: I would like you to send me more picture and poetry
Sharkman Comments: Alex, if you keep tuned to these pages, you will see all you want.
Name: adam hoddinott
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: kenilworth, england
Time: 2000-08-31 22:41:17
Comments: hello Alex(sharkman), found you through the website address in the information leaflet. Will be coming back in October on holiday to go diving with you, see you soon, will E-mail you nearer the time.Also tell Udo to change the music on the octopus garden web site because it is dreadful. from adam ps text me soon if u got this message
Sharkman Comments: Hi Adam, Thanks for the message. Will be happy to see you again in October...... The music on the Octopus Garden home pages.... to which I {not Udo} am the webmaster, is the song from the Beatles called OCTOPUS GARDEN..... that is why I have it on the pages.... and we all like it. :-) .
Name: adam laws
Website: Adams British Military Site
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Britain, i'm living in the U.A.E
Time: 2000-08-31 11:38:01
Comments: Cool site, do you know the speicies of sharks living in the U.A.E. I go diviing and I'm really interested in sharks and other marine wildlife
Sharkman Comments: Hi Adam, There are many Sharks in your area; Black Tips, Silvertips, Whitetips, Grey Reefs, Silky Sharks, Treshers, Hammerheads....etc.... What I would suggest to you is to get the book...RED SEA SHARKS by Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch. {ISBN 1-900724-28-6} It is worth every cent.
Name: me
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: sweden
Time: 2000-08-30 18:19:39
Comments: great site!
Website: NONE FOR NOW!
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
Time: 2000-08-28 02:21:10
Comments: Private Message
Sharkman Comments: Thanks R/cat/ivy
Name: Mike
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-08-27 23:47:24
Comments: I would like to say thanks for this site it is simply good and I am glad to see a person out there who doesn't find these beautiful creatures of the deep to be monsters or anything horrible like a man eater because they are not. After all would they have a chance to eat us if we were not in their ocean? I think not.
Sharkman Comments: Mike I totally agree with you.
Name: Kayla Scales
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Ottawa
Time: 2000-08-27 23:11:30
Comments: This is good. I have see poetry about sharks but this one was so good i cryed.
Sharkman Comments: Hello Kayla, I too get tears in my eyes when I read that poem... It came out of my heart and believe me.... It hurts more to know that this massacre is still going on everyday. That is why we must all do our utmost to STOP shark finning.
Name: ~Kaz~
Website: Safe Haven
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: UK
Time: 2000-08-26 23:11:16
Comments: Hey Sharkman! Dived in here from Treasures of the Web, love the sounds, layout, animations... everything!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Kaz... Thanks for the comments.
Name: Theodor Janssen
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany
Time: 2000-08-26 19:24:40
Comments: I met you at Oktopusgarden. I bad I still have a bill at the Queens. Greatings to all from the Oktopusgarden. We'meet again in Oktober
Sharkman Comments: Hi Theodor, great to see you here too. Remember the "Black Eagle" waits at Queens.
Name: Octopus-Lady
Referred by: From a Friend
From: home
Time: 2000-08-20 20:46:41
Comments: Back in Sharkman's World... hope the new address is working.... nice page, but you forgot the octopusses, man
Sharkman Comments: Hi Octopus-Lady, Here is a special one for you.
Name: Graceful Catshark
Website: Shark Cove
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: SD USA
Time: 2000-08-20 20:49:07
Comments: Always wonderful to swim into these waters! The site looks great and I love the polls! Keep your fins up and keep smiling!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Cat... your site is also coming along great.
Name: Mary Newton (Aries)
Website: A Visit to Newtonia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 2000-08-19 06:59:14
Comments: Hi Sharkman, I enjoyed my visit to your site...awesome. It is great to see someone totally committed to something they believe in. Whilst I wouldn't like to be in the water with one, I do however believe that they have a right to live and do not endorse anyone killing them or any creature for that matter, just for the sake of killing or fear. I loved your poems (was the background sound the shark or your heavy breathing?...LOL) I came to see your site from the Treasures of the Web of which I am now a member. Keep up the Good work.
Sharkman Comments: Happy to have you here and on the TREASURES OF THE WEB.
Name: Sharkman ( Also)
Website: Do not have one
Referred by: AOL
From: Philadelphia PA USA
Time: 2000-08-19 01:24:35
Comments: Great site!
Name: Karin
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Germany
Time: 2000-08-17 21:37:01
Comments: Hi Alex,
once more I visited your homepage. It is not good, no, it´s very good!!! It´s wonderfull!! I like the animation, the information, the musik - and you!! You really made a very good job!!!!! Congratulations!!!
Sharkman Comments: Glad to see that you back. When are you returning to dive with me?
Name: Don King
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jacksonville Florida
Time: 2000-08-16 07:10:59
Comments: Awesome site, I also sent you an e-mail....I hope you read it, your friend Don King
Sharkman Comments: Hi Don. I did get your mail thanks, and I will be glad to help you out.
Name: Paul Shepherd
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England.South Coast
Time: 2000-08-15 22:53:44
Comments: Great site, keep up the good work!
Name: Thira
Website: Atlantis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Atlantis
Time: 2000-08-13 21:32:00
Comments: Hi Sharkman... Comming from Atlantis, u can understand i feel very much at home here between the sharks... We have mutual friends in those wonderfull animals... Take care Thira
Sharkman Comments: Glad to see that you like the Watery planet too. I too liked your site.
Name: Dee VanderHeyden
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: West Chester, PA.
Time: 2000-08-12 16:57:43
Comments: This was a totally awesome experience! Thank you Sharkman (Alex)for letting people know the plight of sharks. I now have much more respect for them & for wonderful people like you. I hope to see more of updates soon - good luck!
Dee VanderHeyden
Sharkman Comments: Will keep em coming.
Name: Phil "SharkMan" FROIS
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-08-09 22:33:39
Name: leslie cortinas
Referred by: Lycos
From: san antonio, texas
Time: 2000-08-08 19:20:12
Comments: nice pictures
Name: ashley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: new york
Time: 2000-08-07 15:36:46
Comments: Your website is cool and has alot of interesting facts.I can tell that you put alot of time and effort in this shark website.If you get anything new send the link to me! Thanx shark lover, Ashley P.s I am all so facinated by sharks!
Sharkman Comments: Keep an eye on here and you will get all the news..
Name: Fred, Karina
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Moscow, Russia
Time: 2000-08-06 23:20:43
Comments: Hey, men, you have the best page in the Net! Well, the best page about sharks... Well, the best Malta's page about sharks... Well, the best Malta's page about Malta's sharks... Ok! Kiddin' kiddin' kiddin' :)))) Lovely place! Seriously. We vote for ya, man!!
Sharkman Comments: Hi my friends... Glad to see that you got here. How is Moscow tonight? I bet you would rather be here diving with us :-).
Name: hana
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: singapore
Time: 2000-08-03 10:58:10
Comments: hey, a big toast to a man who is making a difference - to you! Because personally, I felt the bloody movie "Jaws" has really twisted the real facts! hana.
Sharkman Comments: Hana keep in mind that JAWS was Fiction.
Name: Rebjess
Website: Fantasy Fights
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-08-03 05:31:29
Comments: Hi there, I must say that you have done a wonderful job on your site and I thoroughly enjoyed my stay here, all the graphics you have chosen are just beautiful and I thank you for sharing your home with me... Have you ever thought about placing your site into a Fun & Friendly Website Competition? Well, my name is Rebjess and I am the Team Leader for our Water World Team here at the Fantasy Fights and I would like to invite you to come over and visit us here. We are currently in need of new fighters and I feel that your site would fit in perfectly with our team, or you may even wish to choose one from our many other teams.. You truly deserve recognition for all you have done here and here at the Fantasy Fights you have the wonderful opportunity of making many new friends and also increasing your site traffic at the same time... So please spare a moment of your time, come on over and visit us, I'm sure you won't be disappointed..
Sharkman Comments: Hi Rebjess, Thanks for your comments and I will check out your site soon.
Name: Susanne Großkreutz
Referred by: From a Friend
From: munich
Time: 2000-08-01 11:30:11
Comments: Private Message
Sharkman Comments: H{a}i, Eine E-mal Kommt fur dich.
Name: Samantha Bradshaw
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: St. Cloud, Florida (United States of America)
Time: 2000-08-01 07:51:41
Comments: I too am a member of the Shark-L list, and I always enjoy reading your contributions to it. You are an angel in my eyes. Sharks couldn't have a better friend on their side. I love your website! I'm so glad you put so much information into it. Thanks, and good luck!
Sharkman Comments: Thank you for your support.
Name: jeannine demarest
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: new jersey [ the sand shark state]
Time: 2000-07-28 22:44:49
Comments: I used to be deathly afraid of sharks......... now they are my favorite creature, learning about them studying them, just looking at them.... it makes me realize we are an aragatang compared to the shark. Once someone told me they were "Gods Monster" they were wrong. The shark is a gift to us. An animal that is as complex as the human, and just as genus as each and everyone of us. jeannine demarest
Sharkman Comments: We never stop learning.
Name: Ayzha
Website: Ayzha's Attic
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Virginia
Time: 2000-07-26 14:59:01
Comments: Hello fello "Treasures of the Web" member. Wanted you to know I visited your site and it is truly amazing!! What a wonderful thing you have done and continue to do for the sharks. My one and only encounter with a shark was many many years ago on a fishing boat when I happen to catch a sand shark. The men on the boat wanted to kill it as they said they are a nuisance to fisherman! Needless to say my shark was let go! I have enjoyed my visit with you.
Sharkman Comments: Well done for releasing the Shark. Maybe those fishermen learned something from you.
Name: Carolina Hauser
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Switzerland
Time: 2000-07-24 21:28:47
Comments: Hallo Alex, besten Dank für deine kurze Message. Das war sehr interessant, deine Homepage zu besuchen. Toll, was du da aufgebaut hast. Ich habe mit 14 Jahren die Bücher von Jacques-Yves Cousteau gelesen und mir geschworen, wenigstens tauchen zu lernen. Mir hatten es allerdings mehr die Wale und Delphine angetan. Haie faszinieren mich, weil sie uralte Tiere sind, und ich habe die ja gesagt, dass ich gerne mal einen beim tauchen sehen möchte. Mach weiter so und sorry, dass ich nicht in englisch schreibe, lesen geht eben besser. See you. Caro
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i Carolina. Ich Danke dir für deine Message. Ich hab Kiene probleme mit diene Deutch. Hoffenlich du kommst nochmal hier für Tauchen mit mir. Bis schpater. Tchuss.
Name: Jackie Fisher
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lancaster Ohio
Time: 2000-07-24 03:28:12
Comments: Hi Mr.Sharkman, I figured I would write you again since I dont know how else to keep in contact with you .Thanks for the e-mail I just got it today.But I would really like to keep in contact with you because I have never met a shark lover befor sence I live in a small town in Ohio. I think we have a lot in common you know. So I mean if you happen to get this please if you have another e-mail address that i could keep so I wouldnt have to keep on signing your guest book. Well hope to hear from you again Friends Jackie Fisher. I enjoyed your message .
Sharkman Comments: Thank you again Jackie. Try this email.
Name: Jackie Fisher
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lancaster Ohio
Time: 2000-07-22 22:28:16
Comments: hey my name is Jackie and I am 17yrs old and I would like to say thank you for caring about these magnificent creatures. I wish I could be doing the same thing you are. I have researched the Great White and the Whale Shark these are my favorite of that species. well I enjoyed your site hope to here from you. . Well yours truley Jackie Fisher.
Sharkman Comments: Thank you. I hope you got my Email.
Name: Dark Blue Knight
Website: Dark Blue Knight's Castle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Brisbane, Australia
Time: 2000-07-18 10:56:58
Comments: Hi, came here as I work my way through "Treasures of the Web". Not being a ocean person, sharks have never really been something I have given much thought to. However I admire your commitment and tenacity in protecting a species. Found out a lot of interssting information during this visit. You have much to be proud of and I thank you both for sharing and for caring about our "friends of the deep". I have never agreed with destroying life in any form simply for no reason other than fear. All life has a role on this earth and the shark is no exception. Take care and keep up the wonderful work...Dark Blue Knight.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks for your comments Knight. and welcome to the "Treasures of the Web".
Name: rosemary/adzelda (adzelda does not talk to me now. shes gone
Referred by: htmlGEAR
From: Leeds in England
Time: 2000-07-16 18:31:55
Comments: i have no thoughts, no comment. my mind is empty of all interest and being. ps sharks can not dance the waltz. i know this from past experience
Sharkman Comments: ummm looks like a bad case of multiple personality. Do you at least know that LEEDS UNITED is a SUPER FOOTBALL TEAM?
Name: Kalynda
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The Netherlands
Time: 2000-07-15 12:25:20
Comments: Hi, this really is an interesting website!!!!!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks..... and thanks for the song you sent me too.
Name: Mike & Heike Burg
Website: Shark Web
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany, Bergisch-Gladbach
Time: 2000-07-14 16:56:20
Comments: Hello Alex, a very good website (..the Best!!) I thank you for the help to produce my Website.
Sharkman Comments: You are Welcome Mike. So when do you come back to Malta for a few more Dives and some Anisettes?
Name: Julian Buttigieg
Website: -
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 2000-07-13 02:42:48
Comments: I'm not sure if you remember me. You are cousins with my father Tony Buttigieg. I found you on the net by looking to see the meaning of Buttigieg See ya icq# 23959851
Sharkman Comments: Hi Julian, sure I remember you. I hope that all is ok with the Family and Relatives down under. Hope to keep in Touch. Please give my regards to all.
Name: Ray Buttigieg
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Australia
Time: 2000-07-09 14:51:26
Comments: Brilliant site. One of the best web sites I have ever visited. Keep up the great work, both on the web, and on/under the water with my favourite creature, the Shark.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Ray. Are you any Relative of Mine?
Name: Massuma
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: a boring town in Germany
Time: 2000-06-27 13:40:05
Comments: Dear Alex, I'm bloody impressed by joining your absolutely fantastic webside.To be honest I admire you for creating it and for concentrating your deep passion to these wonderful animals ( as we all of this g-book do,I guess). Is it too intimate to ask you which "things" deserve the highest priority in your life? Are sharks more important to you than your circle of friends as for example? Maybe it's a totally senseless question but I'm just curious... Anyways, keep on doing your shark mission! You're cool, sharkman!!!!!!
Love and peace to all my soulmates, Massuma
Sharkman Comments: Thanks for your comments and interesting Question. Both are very important to me.
Name: Loree Hollander
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Time: 2000-06-22 15:01:32
Comments: Great Web Page! Thanks for your most valued contribution!
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Loree
Name: Bruce Roberts
Website: underwaterexplorer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cleveland Ohio at this time but just came back north from Florida spending 18 yrs. there
Time: 2000-06-22 01:51:05
Comments: I wish to thank you for a wonderful look into the life of a shark. Through your eyes and many others they will live many more years as they have in the past. Thank You Bruce Roberts
Sharkman Comments: Thank you Bruce.
Name: Blake Butcher
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NSW Sydney Austrailia
Time: 2000-06-22 00:32:16
Comments: I Love sharks
Sharkman Comments: Hi too.
Name: Sharknut
Website: Sharknut's Shark Site
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 2000-06-21 21:34:52
Comments: GREAT SITE!!! I love to see how many shark enthusists there are!! I've had a fascination with sharks for 20 years now (since I was 6) and I love to read, or watch, and "surf" through anything I can about them!
Sharkman Comments: Keep at it my friend.
Name: Julie Ann
Website: Julie's shark page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cincinnati
Time: 2000-06-17 15:30:44
Comments: I really like your web page. I too feel like I'm here to protect sharks and teach people about them. Your page is very informative. I hope you check mine out.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Julie..... I have been to your page.....Keep up the great work.
Name: Will
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 2000-06-14 05:59:42
Comments: hey sharkman! i really enjoyed ur sight. I go to Florida every year and i have to say I get a little scared getting in the water. I have a had a fear of sharks for quite smetime I am now 13 years old. I luv sharks and now respect them from my fear I hope someday I can get to meet a shark close in personal from a distance!!!!!! You have a great sight.
Sharkman Comments: Will, as long as you respect Sharks and go diving or swimming in the RIGHT conditions, you should not have any problems.
Name: kerzo
Website: Kerzo's Kingdom
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Scotland
Time: 2000-06-12 23:01:17
Comments: I have had a good explore and I thought your site was very well put together, keep up the good work, why not visit mine?
Sharkman Comments: Hi Kerzo.... I did visit your site, and i liked it.
Name: Stace or sharkgirl
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: arizona
Time: 2000-06-05 23:15:09
Comments: i think your website is awesome! being that i live in arizona and have for most of my life, i really enjoy finding someone with the same affection for sharks as me!!
Sharkman Comments: Glad to meet you too Stace Sharkgirl
Name: Katie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Diego, California, USA
Time: 2000-06-02 04:15:54
Comments: Hello, Sharkman! I am a sixteen-year-old shark lover living in California. I would just like to thank you for the conservation efforts you have gone to in Malta. The Great White is protected under California laws, thankfully, but I fear stricter enforcement is needed. Hopefully, this magestic animal can rebound. This web page paints a wonderful picture of the true nature of sharks, and for that, I applaud you. Before reading your guestbook, I had no idea there were so many other shark lovers. I would like to conduct research after college. This summer I hope to work at our local Sea World in the shark encounter there. Even just that would be a dream for me! Sorry about the rambling. It's just so nice to meet other people that have this same interest (my friends think I am more of a shark freak because of my passion and obsession for them). Again, thank you for your efforts and great job with the web page! Katie
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Katie.... I wish you luck in your study. Even some of my friends still think that about me but it only adds to me working harder in the name of The SHARKS.
Name: katy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 2000-06-01 20:56:12
Comments: I absolutly love your page its the best shark site i have seen so far!!!!!!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Katy.
Name: Lisa
Website: Harraden's Habitat
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: New Bern, NC
Time: 2000-05-29 23:26:48
Comments: WOW! What a great site. You have done quite a justice to the wonderful shark. It's so nice to find someone else who cares so much for endangered animals and does not go by just what everyone else says about them. I love sharks, thay are beautiful creatures and your site has so much education to teach about them. Very good, keep up the great work!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Lisa for your Comments. I am glad that you too love sharks..
Name: Kitty Schaap
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Holland
Time: 2000-05-28 11:41:22
Comments: Hai Alex, Nice page you got! Greetings from the one that survived your abc-test! Kitty
Sharkman Comments: Hi Kitty. It was a pleasure to teach you. I hope you have recovered from the abc test. Sorry if i was a little hard on you.... but we make GOOD DIVERS.
Name: Shannon Calabro
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: michigan
Time: 2000-05-25 16:37:19
Comments: This is the coolest site that I have ever been to. You did a great job!!!
Sharkman Comments: Hi, thanks for your comments.
Name: Debbie Stufft
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Windber Penna
Time: 2000-05-23 07:52:17
Comments: Really think this is a great site, I loved the music and the sound effects. Would like to see more java in the future at this site, the java was awesome!!
Sharkman Comments: Hi, thanks. More Java will be added soon
Name: Petra
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany - Bremen
Time: 2000-05-21 19:45:23
Comments: Hi Alex, now I've looked again to your homepage and decide to sign your guestbook, too. Thats a very interesting and detailed site and I spent some time to surf through. We'll see us at the end of may and I'm happy to see you again after this long time. "see you soon" Petra from Bremen
Sharkman Comments: Hi, Petra..... it will be great to see you and dive with you again.
Name: JACK
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-21 12:46:04
Sharkman Comments: Hi, I agree.
Name: mark cosgrove
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: cheshire, England
Time: 2000-05-17 21:50:07
Comments: No sharks here in Cheshire!,love white sharks,keep up the page. Good show Regards Mark
Name: Linda Colene Ashcraft
Referred by: AOL
From: yuma, Arizona
Time: 2000-05-13 02:14:55
Comments: I LOVE YOUR SITE!!!! I am also a huge fan of sharks and I want to thank you on behalf of all shark enthusiasts for getting the great white shark protected in Maltese waters. Now the rest of the world needs to follow suit and do the same. Congratulations to you!!!! I am going away to college next year and am going to major in photography and hope one day to photograph sharks for a living. And I am so glad that there are people like you and me who care enough about these wonderful creatures to try to get them protected!!!!
Sharkman Comments: Hi, thanks for your comments and good luck for your college.
Name: Andreas Quelle
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Hamburg/Germany
Time: 2000-05-11 02:23:17
Comments: Hi Alex !!! On my surfing thru the Internet I was trapped by your fantastic website. Congratulations. I hope you feel better now.
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i Andreas. Nice to see you here too... Carsten was at this page last week :-) I am still not feeling good, and am going crazy not diving. Well there will always be a next time I know as you guys always come back. Give my regards to Silke and Carsten.
Name: Oliver Kaiser
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 2000-05-09 15:57:17
Comments: DearAlex!
I found your page using a link on 'mediterranean shark news' . When I first saw the nick 'shark man' it made me think of Victor Hislop, one human monster himself (for killing sharks for fun, or caused by personality problems). After reading your page I am glad there are people like you or Rodney Fox, because no animal deserves to be killed without a given reason (And being a threat is not a reason). Sure those big sharks are dangerous, but they are not killers like some humans, they kill only for feeding. Your site is nice, but your attitude seems to be even more honorable :) keep up with the good work with kind regards
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i Oliver. Ich Danke dir. If I could have things my way.... People like The Hislop Maniac will all be used as SHARK BAIT. :-)
Name: Chris and Dylan
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Vermont in USA
Time: 2000-05-08 04:57:08
Comments: We absolutely loved this sight! The music,pictures,and all the information was great! The whole family enjoyed visiting Sharkman's World. I'm so glad your dream has come true.
Sharkman Comments: Well..... Thank you for all the Family :-)
Name: Thomas Burns
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Texas
Time: 2000-05-05 00:50:59
Comments: Hey I really like this site. and it helped me on my Biology project alot. Thanks!!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks.... Glad I could Help..
Name: Joyce Lemmer
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Coon Rapids, Minnesota USA
Time: 2000-05-03 18:32:45
Comments: WOW! This is an excellent site. I was looking at SHARKFRIEND.COM and this was a link. I am so glad that it was there. I see that you are able to live the life people like myself can only dream about. I love sharks too, but am not able to do much about it. I do scuba dive in the Carribean and Mexico. I have seen some reef sharks there. Lucky for me. This site has everything you need to learn about or research sharks. Thank you. With people like you maybe we can educate more folks to the shark facts. Thanks, Joyce Lemmer
Sharkman Comments: We all can do our best to help Educate the rest of the world. Thank you for your support.
Name: Carsten Lacina
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany
Time: 2000-05-02 18:01:29
Comments: What a nice homepage, but I need a lot of time to read and translate, I try my best. See you soon, Carsten
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i Carsten. Sorry I did not get a chance to say goodbye, but you know how I was in the last few days. Give my regards to Silke and Andreas. Hope to see you all again soon.
Name: Lolita Petriconi
Referred by: From a Friend
From: not too far away
Time: 2000-05-01 15:57:28
Comments: Still not fed up with my comments ? More are coming. Actually I couldn't find the peanuts on your web-page...:-) Keep on your smile, man. Regards from the Octopus-girl.
Sharkman Comments: Just a few days ago we were diving together, and now you are over there in Germany.... Cold, Gloomy and Wet.... but worst of all, now you have No BLACK EAGLE or PEANUTS. By the way..... Thanks for that Fantastic Massage.
Name: William Galli
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: n.adams,ma01247
Time: 2000-05-01 03:31:00
Comments: this a very interesting and informative site!!
Name: Ed Haworth
Referred by: NewsGroups
Time: 2000-04-30 23:19:16
Comments: Great page Alex - keep up the good work. Ed (from Shark-l)
Name: Pink and Lime
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Germany
Time: 2000-04-30 19:38:54
Comments: Hi Alex ! Private Message Best Wishes Björn (Lime) with Sabine (Pink)
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i, Wie geht Ihre Hochzeit Pläne? Tauchen in Malta für Ihren Honey-moon!!! Groß. Ich bin hier, mit dem "Black Eagle" annisette .
Name: sonicpower
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: falls city oregon
Time: 2000-04-28 15:49:03
Comments: hello love, very nice...i love your site you did a great i know what you look like......hope to hear from you soon sonicpower
Name: SusieWis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida, US
Time: 2000-04-28 01:13:27
Comments: Thank you Alex for sharing with me. Fondly Susie
Name: Annette
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany
Time: 2000-04-26 11:59:40
Comments: hi Alex, looked into your homepage. GREAT JOB, it looks brillant. I like it, well done. good luck to you and keep smilimg I'll see you in June Annette from Wiesbaden
Sharkman Comments: H(a)i Annette, Welcome to my Web home. June is not far away and we will sure have some great dives.
Name: Lyn
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ocala Florida
Time: 2000-04-24 20:17:24
Comments: Hello Sharkman, I have spent more time on your site today and I find it fasinating.Hope to be better friends. ICU Lyn
Sharkman Comments: Nice to see you again Lyn.
Name: Susan Ann Caterino
Referred by: Just Surfed On In From:
Time: 2000-04-23 21:58:38
Comments: Great website. Do you know of any place in California where I can observe white sharks from a boat? I don't want to go into the water, just observe from a distance? Thanks.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Sue... Check out my links pages.....
Name: Betty
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Netherlands
Time: 2000-04-23 18:39:43
Comments: Since I've seen the first "Jaws"-movie, I'm fascinated by sharks; especially the "Great White". I think its a great job to protect the sharks. Can you give some names of organisations where I can join in to save the sharks? Sorry for my bad English, but I hope you understand me. Keep on going your great job!!
Sharkman Comments: Hi Betty..... Just follow some of the links in my pages.
Name: Andrea long
Referred by: From a Friend
From: central point, Oregon
Time: 2000-04-22 05:54:24
Comments: Sharkman, Your site is awesome! The great white needs more people out there like you to help try and stop their destruction if it isn't already to late. Extinction is forever. The are the most magnificent and graceful creatures God has created. My dream is to be able to go down in a shark cage and see a Great white face to face. I wish there was more i could do. Thanks for getting a law to protect them in place in Malta. Every little bit helps!!!
Sincerely, Sharky
Sharkman Comments: Thanks ..... You are doing a great job too in convincing people about the true facts of our Finned Friends.
Name: Shark Girl
Website: Shark Cove
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Yankton, South Dakota; USA
Time: 2000-04-19 08:26:56
Comments: OH MY! What an awsome site!!! I hope my little website will grow up like this one someday! :-) I have bookmarked you and will return often! Congratulations on getting the Great White, Basking Shark & Devil Rays protected! And most of all thank you for encouraging my efforts with my site!
Sharkman Comments: That is how I started.... all you need is a little more practice and you are already showing a great sign of improvement. Keep it up.
Name: Vanessa Torres
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Puerto Rico
Time: 2000-04-16 10:39:12
Comments: Iloved your page. it was very educational. Keep up the good work!!!!!!
Name: Julie Stropp
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Knoxville, TN (USA)
Time: 2000-04-11 15:48:36
Comments: I'm also a shark lover. My fav is the Great White. I also would like to learn more about the Megaladon. I would love to have one of there teeth. Where could I find/buy one? I have many teeth that I've found or bought but nothing like that. I don't think I even have a Great White tooth, a whole on anyway. Your web site is great! Where did you find all your cartoon sharks that swim? They are soooo cute.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Julie..... I hope the email I sent you Helps.
Name: Brenda
Referred by: From a Friend
From: USA
Time: 2000-04-11 04:17:40
Comments: Private Message
Name: Mayo
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Hude / Germany
Time: 2000-04-06 22:51:09
Comments: Hi Sharkman ! It's a terrific hompage. Well done. A lot of Information and not as boring as the most science-books about that topic. Hope to see you soon again.......and as I promised you, without my guitar.
Sharkman Comments: Mayo.... your music is not THAT BAD :-) but luckily, I do not hear it UNDERWATER. Will be great to Dive with you again in a few Days.
Name: Pavel Srnensky
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York, NY
Time: 2000-04-04 15:57:23
Comments: I luckily found your homepage. I am in search for the greatest pictures of great whites taken to date. If you know of other places where I may locate such pictures please contact me. Thanks again
Sharkman Comments: Follow my LINKS Pavel, and you will find what you need. :-)
Name: Krista
Website: Mindstalker's Mansion
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Ontario
Time: 2000-04-03 06:28:55
Comments: You have a wonderful site. I enjoyed reading it.
Name: Uta Goepel
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany
Time: 2000-04-02 13:58:15
Comments: Hello Alex, after returning home I looked at Your homepage. The page is great. How long did You "built" it? Also the page of "Octupus Garden" is very fine. I hope for You that Your dream get true. Don't forget then a camera. Greetings form Uta.
Sharkman Comments: H{a}i UTA. It was great fun diving with you these last 2 weeks. Remember the advert from the cigarette packet? ;-) . I hope your leg is better too. Hope to see you again in Autumn. Say Hi to your brother too for me.
Name: G.W.Shark Bobinac
Website: G.W.Shark Bobinac shark conservation (this site is not created yet...)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan, and I hate not being near the sharks
Time: 2000-04-02 06:40:08
Comments: I know you have probably heard things from kids like this before, but Sharks are my true passion. Since i am only 13, i have much time to learn as much as i can about these amazing and wonderful animals. And like you help protect them for further generations... I am hoping to become a marine biologist, that specailizes in sharks. I hope to learn from your experiences to help mine in the future. your sorta like a role model to me... I already have too much of a reputation at school, First talk of sharks, someone yells out my name... Alot think i am a shark Know-it-all, because i know more about them then they do... Well that is not true. That would be like me saying some of my friends are soccer know-it-alls, thats because i know diddly-squat about soccer. I have still much to learn. I am also an artist. I hope that during my encounters with the wonderful creatures, i can capture there image, and paint them, to show the world how beautiful such an animal can be. I must be annoying you with such babbling. I would like to here from you. It would be a great joy to recieve a reply... I love Sharks too... Sincerely, G.W.Shark Bobinac
Sharkman Comments: Thanks for your compliments.... Yuo did not annoy me. I wish you all the success, in your studies and your paintings.
Name: Jesse Robinson
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Upstate New York
Time: 2000-03-31 20:06:11
Comments: I think that this is a great site to learn about shark education. Hats off to you sharkman.
Name: Rebecca
Website: Home of Ice and Rae
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: North Carolina
Time: 2000-03-30 21:52:00
Comments: Hi! Terrific pages! Very interesting and informative... I truly enjoyed my visit. Come by and visit me and my family sometime! :-) Rebecca
Sharkman Comments: I was there already Rebecca, and I will return. :-).
Name: Frank C. Sulka
Website: Paratus, Inc. business card shaped cd roms
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Time: 2000-03-30 20:04:28
Comments: Love your site. More importantly, I love the rhetoric you are putting forth to admire, protect, and most importantly RESPECT these magnificent creatures. -Frank
Sharkman Comments: Well ... SHARKS should be respected for what they truely are .. Magnificent, Mysterious and Misunderstood Creatures.
Name: Jennifer Parker
Website: N/A
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 2000-03-30 17:44:28
Comments: This was a really neat website. It seems ovious your extreamly dedicated to your work. This was a great website! It was very unique. I'd like to see more sites like this!
Name: Kurt Nordquist
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Houston, Texas, USA
Time: 2000-03-30 14:13:00
Comments: Hello, Alex..... After hearin ya all the past year, I just had to visit your site... We've just been discussing what to name my first child as I've just become aware that I'm having one, and we had fun with the Listers with calling the new one BRUCE after the shark in JAWS. Fantastic site and GREAT JOB getting the CC protected in Maltan waters... hopefully, it will become global in the near future! Cheers, Kurt
Sharkman Comments: Hi Kurt... Nice to see you here too. Why not keep it simlpe and name the Baby "SHARKIE" :-)
Name: gail shelley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: oneida, tn. usa
Time: 2000-03-30 06:04:24
Comments: your page is awesome. i have always been fascinated by this shark, too.
Name: Josie Micallef Ruyf
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Canada
Time: 2000-03-29 22:47:43
Comments: Great page! Awesome effects!
Name: Natasha Propsting
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 2000-03-29 04:29:47
Comments: What a great page. it is about time our sharks had a fair go they are some of the most graceful beautiful creatures we have yet they are maligned and feared. CONGRATULATIONS on your recent VICTORY with the sharks in Malta
Sharkman Comments: I only wish that ALL SHARKS will be protected WORLDWIDE.
Name: Dominique da Silva
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Maine, USA
Time: 2000-03-28 14:12:55
Comments: What can I's my favorite site on the whole wide web - and that means something!!!
Sharkman Comments: WOW thanks.
Name: Kai Sendrowski
Referred by: AOL
From: Germany -Wolfenbüttel
Time: 2000-03-28 11:41:36
Comments: To my best friend Alex, remember, the best place to be is under the sea with me. Kai the cook.
Sharkman Comments: Hi my friend, Welcome to the Internet. Kai, the best place to be is under the Sea, diving with me..... but you know that already, that is why you keep coming back. See you in Summer my friend.
Name: Jay Treberg
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Presently in Newfoundland Canada
Time: 2000-03-25 13:28:09
Comments: Hey Alex, just another lurker from shark-L, thought I'd drop in and see your site. Very well done! Later, JT
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jay, nice to see you in here.
Name: I.Henwood
Website: Senglea during the war
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Senglea Malta
Time: 2000-03-25 12:23:46
Comments: Hi a great home page you have . I too love the under water life but I am afraid that its like hunting on land no one will do anything to protect the sea life. I was the master of the under water safari and could see divers catching small octopus and a lot of silver bream in the channel of St. Paul's island ..Well done for a great web site keep it up. Regards I. Henwood
Sharkman Comments: Hi, Great to see someone from Malta in here. It is up to each and every one of us to help protect Nature and as I have seen from past experience, a few can make a big difference. It is true what you say about the spearfishing and soon there are going to be laws about that too. :-)
Name: Stefan Batista
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sarasota, Florida USA
Time: 2000-03-24 03:45:01
Comments: Hello....Sharkman. I follow you on the Shark-L site. I have great respect for your knowledge and commitment to sharks. I am only 11 years old, but have loved sharks since I was 3 years, and want to make my future studying them, drawing them, and saving them. Your poem, A True Nightmare, made my cry. I hope that together we can save them. From a fellow shark lover, Stefan Batista
Sharkman Comments: Stefan, That poem still gets tears to my eyes. Glad to know that you too want to help protect them.
Name: Chrissy Yeaggy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cincinnati
Time: 2000-03-21 22:38:57
Comments: Sharkman you are the coolest and I would really be excited if you could send me some information on the great white shark for a paper I have due at the end of april. i love your webpage. SHARKS RULE!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks you are COOL too. keep loving those sharks, hope you got my mail.
Name: Matthew
Website: The Shark Archives
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida
Time:2000-03-19 10:36:07
Comments: Great site bud! I have been into sharks ever sense a 12 foot tiger bumped me in 95 while fishing in Florida, he took the fish off my stringer but left me with all my limbs. Keep up the good work!
Sharkman Comments: I wish i was there to see it.
Name: Jeff Pursley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: America
Time: 2000-03-18 19:42:47
Comments: Well done sharkman! Great site. Very informative and well put together. I have been fascinated by sharks all my life. I would love to find a job where I can study them. I plan to be a Marine Biologist and am currently a divemaster working on becoming an instructor. Keep up the good work. Jeff
Sharkman Comments: Thanks and good luck.
Name: William Hankins
Referred by: Net Search
From: Millsboro,Delaware (USA)
Time: 2000-03-18 00:43:41
Comments: Found your site to be fantastic, between the writtings and the audio that goes with it.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks for your comments and even your Email.
Name: bob
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: North Carolina
Time: 2000-03-18 00:20:00
Comments: Sharkman, my name is bob, and im 13 years old. i wrotte you an E-Mail and would appreciat it if you could write back, thanks
Sharkman Comments: Your Email has been answered Already Bob.
Name: Gregory B. Paul
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Missouri
Time: 2000-03-17 17:23:24
Comments: Cool sight! Like you, I have been fascinated by sharks most of my life. Unfortunately, even though I am a scuba diver, my dives have been restricted to mines and lakes. I envy you and your pursuits, but am grateful there are people as yourself, dedicated to the preservation and understanding of one of the worlds greatest creatures. Bravo, dude.
Sharkman Comments: thanks Greg..... Happy bubbles.
Referred by: NewsGroups
Time: 2000-03-15 02:54:15
Name: Becky
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tennessee, USA
Time: 2000-03-15 01:06:40
Comments: Nice website! I'm a relatively new scuba diver......gave myself lessons for my birthday so I can see what's under the water. Anxiously and apprehensively waiting to encounter my first shark.
Sharkman Comments: well I wish you luck Becky and hope that you will have many beautiful Shark encounters when you dive.
Name: C Ruggiero
Website: Neptune's Eden
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York City
Time: 2000-03-12 21:42:35
Comments: Great site! Long live the Shark!
Sharkman Comments: And so say all of us..... :-)
Name: Thomas Hinsch {Assi}
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kiel
Time: 2000-03-12 21:09:59
Comments: Octopus Garden! 1999 / Sept. How are you? See you May/2000
Sharkman Comments: Hi Thomas. It will be great to have you back as part of the "Octopus Garden Diving Team". We can share a few more Adventures both in and out of the water.
Name: Chrystal
Website: Wildlife of the World - It's Their World Too
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 2000-03-12 15:08:52
Comments: Great shark site! One of the best I've seen I'd say. Keep up with the wonderful work! ~Best wishes~ Chrystal
Name: Phil
Website: Phils place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Toronto Canada
Time: 2000-03-12 12:38:41
Comments: Very informative website. I totally agree with your cause. Your website is beautiful too. Every animal has its place,when one vanishes we too vanish a little bit. Greetings Phil. PS. If you visit my website, please leave a small message in your mothertongue, with a translation eventually. Thanks
Sharkman Comments: Will do Phil, but do not try to pronounce the Maltese words. :-)
Name: Greg B
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dallas, Texas
Time: 2000-03-12 06:40:25
Comments: Enjoyed your site. Have any info about Scallop Hammerhead shark behavior during Grouper spawning season. How do they team to attack. What is the circling behavior I've witnessed, sharks nose to tail, about 13 to 16 going in a clockwise circle? Havent found a description of this behavior ..............keep up the work/site. We enjoy your enthusiasm.......g
Sharkman Comments: hi Greg, thanks for the info..... I will do some research on this and see what I can come up with.
Name: Poul
Website: The Beauty & The Beast
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Denmark
Time: 2000-03-12 06:35:11
Comments: Thank You for signing my guest book, thought I would return the favor, You have a great place keep up the great work.
Name: C Ruggiero
Website: Neptune's Eden
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York City
Time: 2000-03-11 04:41:57
Comments: As a lover of all aquatic creatures and an avid scuba diver I think your site is extremely informative and I'm glad I came upon it. I would very much like more information regarding protection of these majestic creatures. Thank you.
Sharkman Comments: There are many ways we can help protect Sharks, but in my opinion the very basics start from first educating people more about the important role these creations play in Nature. We must learn to understand and respect them for what they truly are. Joining in environmental organizations and supporting them, is also a good step. Then there is "Direct Action" where one can start petitions, or boycott products made from Sharks.... e.g...... Shark Fin Soup.
Remember.. Even a few people can make a BIG DIFFERENCE.
Name: Jaap Varkevisser
Referred by: Net Search
From: The Netherlands (Holland)
Time: 2000-03-09 16:01:06
Comments: Sharkman, Great site you got, I really enjoyed it. Personally, when I'm swimming in an shark habitat, I'm always afraid of a shark approach. But sharks are truly the eight wonder of the world. I had always been fascinated by sharks but also afraid of it !!! I read hundreds of books about fish and other sea-creatures but took time to read when i walk into a sharkpage. Keep on your good work and stay hungry for information about sharks, Greetings, Jaap Varkevisser
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jaap. It is good that when you dive with Sharks you are a just a LITTLE afraid. Not too much. That will keep you alert and stop you from doing any silly mistakes. It also gives you more respect for these beautiful creatures.
Name: Midnight lady
Website: Midnight Lady's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 2000-03-06 07:20:26
Comments: Hello Sharkman Hmmmmmmm you have a very informative page about Sharks but I hate Sharks YUCK the poems are great tho. But I will stick to my Roses and will send you an award :o) lol Take Care Midnight Lady :o)
Sharkman Comments: Careful..... Sharks are no YUCK. Stick around me and I am sure you will be convinced of their BEAUTY. and by the way... Do you know that Roses hurt more people in a day than Sharks do it a year?
Name: Sandra
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-03-06 00:00:39
Comments: Hello Alex...I would like to congratulate you on your recent update to these pages. I was amazed at the amout of Web Awards you have earned. I know the effort and dedication you put into these pages. You really deserve them. I would also like to say Well Done for the Java is great and I am looking forward to more updates. Alex keep up the excellent work, it is greatly appreciated. Your friend....SANDRA.
Name: Dallas Ehman
Referred by: Net Search
From: Terrace B.C., Canada
Time: 2000-03-03 19:34:45
Comments: Sharkman, my interest in sharks goes back to the third grade, I am now 29. I have been fascinated with sharks for a long, but have yet to see one in the wild. First of all what do you think of a person going to Australia and taking a shark watching tour, especially one with Rodney Fox to see Great Whites in a diving cage. Do you think this is exploitation of a magnificent creature? I realize he has more first hand experience than most of us would like, but still, is it such a good idea for him to be associating humans with food? Secondly, have you heard of any more information on the Moses Soul, and it`s repellent effects? Lastly, what is your position on the electrical nets around diving areas? Do you think this is a plausible answer to peoples fear of attack in recreational areas?
Sharkman Comments: Hi again. I cannot go into a lot of detail here.... but I will give you a few brief answers. You can read about Rodney Fox in my "Shark Attack" page. About the "Electrical fields" to protect swimming areas, I personally do not feel that it is the right answer. We do not know enough yet. Re... "the Moses" I will ask and let you know.
Name: T. J. Daniels
Website: ''POETRY'' by: T. J. Daniels
Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement
From: WI US
Time: 2000-03-03 11:30:59
Comments: Hi Shark Man. I found your site through FMOTW. Your 'passion' is sharks, mine is in other fields. I'm glad that there 'are' people such as yourself. I'm very glad that many people are 'passionate' about the many different things that we others are not. Your 'passions' are good for ALL. I'm very glad that I found your site. Thank you. TJ
Sharkman Comments: Thanks T.J. I will try and visit your page soon.
Name: Dallas Ehman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Terrace B.C. Canada
Time: 2000-03-02 20:29:08
Comments: I would really be interested in more information on shark reproduction, and various other concerns about the dwindling number of certain species of sharks.
Sharkman Comments: Hi...... keep your eyes on this pages....
Name: Elena
Website: Elena's Homepage
Referred by:From a Friend
From: Russia
Time: 2000-03-02 03:44:32
Comments: Hi Alex. I've visited your site again. You update it every day. I love music and new Java Applets.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Elena.... I am also learning a lot from your pages.
Name: Jürgen Neugebauer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 2000-02-29 22:52:03
Comments: Hello Alex, here is Jürgen from Germany. I hope you remember me from the last holiday. May be you remember our small adventure with the seeneedel. First we had only one but a litte bit later we had another one (but it was only grass). Where is Max the Crab, i hope you remember too. I wish you a lot of good dives in the future. Please excuse my bad english. Good bye Jürgen Neugebauer from Germany.
Sharkman Comments: H{a}i Jürgen, how can I forget you and the "seeneedel" :-) I was laughing so much. I still tell that funny dive to all my divers. :-) Greetings from Max also.
Name: Vicki Reece
Website: Mothers of Addicts UNITED
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Trinity, NC
Time: 2000-02-29 01:49:04
Comments: I received your URL in the mail to review for my award. I have reviewed your site and must say that when I first received the URL through Award Submit for review .. I thought, "sharks, yuck". But ... after going through your site, I certainly have a new respect for these terrifying creatures. Your love and respect for them is evident in your work. You've put a lot of hard work into this site .... it is very evident. I am sending you my award. You certainly deserve it. Thank you for the opportunity of viewing your site. I really enjoyed it and am going to pass it along to my friends. Have a great day! - Vicki Reece
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Vicki. One of the things that give me the most satisfaction, is to see a change in the opinion of someone like you towards Sharks. Hopefully you will no longer refer to them as "Terrifying" but as "Magnificent and misunderstood".
Terrifying is the ordeal that YOU are dealing with everyday. The horror and danger the world faces from Drugs, is a million times greater than that of Sharks. I admire your strength and courage. It is people like you that make this world a better place to live in. You truly deserve to be called "PHENOMENAL WOMAN of the WORLD".
Name: Mary Thompson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Orlando, Florida USA
Time: 2000-02-28 20:27:52
Comments: I must commend you on the BEAUTIFUL job of portraying what I feel to be the most beautiful of creatures that God has put on this earth ( next to my husband of course). I have always been enthralled with the sharks that surround us. Thank you for all of the wondreful information you have given. Good luck there in Malta and hopefully the rest of the world will soon follow suit!!
Name: Kathy Benedict
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-28 04:37:34
Comments: Your web page is very good. I learned alot about sharks I had never known before. Your poem was very sad. I love animals and don't like to see any mistreated. You have an interesting job and an interesting hobby
Sharkman Comments: It is true that the poem is sad {it still brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it } but the horror of it all is that it is very true and is happening every second of the day.
Name: Janet Perry
Referred by: Net Search
From: St. Charles, Illinois, USA
Time: 2000-02-28 04:26:47
Comments: Like I've said, your site is truly remarkable in its detail and technical presentation. And, I'm very impressed by your emphasis that you are an enthusiast, not an expert. It's great to meet honest people who nevertheless have a huge amount of knowledge to share. Thanks for doing this and for helping!!!
Sharkman Comments: One message I always give to my students is that no matter how much you know.... you never know much.
Name: Exhead
Website: Poetry In The Key Of Pain
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Reno
Time: 2000-02-27 22:13:15
Comments: Great site that you have here. Very informative for everyone. The only problem I had was with load times which was very slow at 31200 bps. Beyond that the site is great. You might want to cut down on the images of reduce the size of them as most people won't stick around long enough for them to finish unless they really want to see what you have here. If they are only marginally interested they will be gone before the 3 image is loaded. Remember that not everyone has a 56k modem and some that do (like me) have a crappy phone line that connects at a much slower rate. Just thought I'd let you know this. Hope it helps and you don't take it wrong.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks for your comments. I have reduced some images so it should be better now.
Name: Michele (Miki) Peltier
Website: Just family and friends and writings
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Plymouth MN US of America
Time: 2000-02-27 04:29:01
Comments: Hello Alex, once again your site is awesome, as are you!! You have done a wonderful job and it is all very impressive. I love coming here to see your updates and my son, Zachary, loves the shark pictures! Will talk to you soon.....your friend always, Michele
Sharkman Comments: Hi Miki & Zach, nice to have you back here.
Name: Holly Lummus
Website: dont have one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Huntington , Texas
Time: 2000-02-25 23:36:25
Sharkman Comments: Hi Holly, as far as I know, {and in the last three years, none of my many reseach friends who have been here, have told me otherwise,} all the facts listed in the Facts pages are true!! If there are any you care to clarify, kindly contact me. I will be glad to discuss them.
Name: John Betts
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mosta, Malta
Time: 2000-02-25 16:39:49
Comments: Hi Alex, terrific site. And special (if late in the day ) congrats on the Great White and Basking protection legislation. Beer's on me!
Sharkman Comments: Hi John.... Thanks.... When shall we drink the Beer? ;-)
Name: Erika
Website:Akasha's Realm
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: FL
Time: 2000-02-23 03:30:38
Comments: This is a great page. I love sharks. Keep up the good work.
Name: Alyssa Follansbees
Website:!Shark! !shark! !shark!
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: New Hampshire, USA
Time: 2000-02-23 02:04:36
Comments: I didn't really come from Yahoo!, in fact you e-mailed me a correction about my page (for which I thank you for), and THAT'S how I got here. I'm 15 and in LOVE with sharks (have been since I was 3), and I would like to say that your page is the BEST I've ever visited about sharks! It's very well done, (and the music's cool) and I wish I could do my page this well. Two thumb's WAY up for your spectacular effort to help the White Sharks!! I'm sure that they all appreciate it. As I said before, a fantastic job on both your webpage, and for your tenacity to help sharks!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Alyssa..... keep up the good work on your pages too.
Name: James ter Beek
Referred by: From a Friend
From: The Netherlands
Time: 2000-02-22 10:27:27
Comments: Private Message
Name: roxanne van der Beek
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The Netherlands
Time: 2000-02-18 17:29:12
Comments: Good website. I am fascinated of sharks but especially the white shark. I have done an internship in South Africa at WSRI and have seen the great white I would love to be involved in the protection of the great white and other sharks. I study animal management and I will graduate in december this year. My goal is then to concentrate on sharks from a management perspective
Sharkman Comments: I hope that your goal is reached. Sharks need all the help they can get.
Name: Tiburon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: east coast of U.S.
Time: 2000-02-18 13:02:51
Comments: I think your page is extraordinary, and it is truly a great achievement to have put the Great White, along with the other species of sharks on the endangered list. It is so true that many people are still of the mind set that the only good shark is a dead one. I think that is truly amazing that you brought such great awareness of sharks to to your country.
Sharkman Comments: As I always say, It was not only "my" work, we { Marine Life Care Group} had a lot of help. And again here, I would like to thank everyone involved.
Name: Brenda Covington
Website: Microsoft Network
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Spokane, Washington
Time: 2000-02-17 20:04:57
Comments: You have a great site! Do you think possibly you can post the differences and similarities between a shark and a fish. A shark is not technically a fish is it? The ability a shark has to manipulate its body temperature definitely differentiates it from other fish. But I was just wondering what the differences between a shark and a fish are. Brenda Covington
Sharkman Comments: Hi Brenda. To answer your question, I would need a lot more space than this page, but let me tell you a few things. Sharks are indeed a type of Fish. Like all water breathing vertebrates, they have a spinal cord, gills, brain, fins, and also paired sensory organs like eyes, ears, and nasal. But Sharks do not have swim bladders or lungs like other fish and their skeleton is not made up of bones but cartilage. Most Fish have 1 external gill slit per side, whilst Sharks have 5, 6 or 7 external slits per side. Sharks scales are different from those of bony fish and they are rough placoid scales called Denticles, and they have the same structure as teeth. I hope this little information helps. As I said...there is much more to talk about.
Name: Elena
Website: personal page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Russia
Time: 2000-02-15 02:44:41
Comments: Well done. I can only admire this successful effort of Alex to tell people about these creatures. I didn't know much about sharks before. Now I do know. Thank you, Alex
Sharkman Comments: Thank you for showing me the beauty of your city too.
Name: Joe Fitzgerald
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Halifax, Canada
Time: 2000-02-12 20:13:21
Comments: Great site, Alex! I admire your conviction.
Name: Barry Corbin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Northern California,USA
Time: 2000-02-12 19:15:12
Comments: great site!!!!!tons of facinating info.
Name: Julie Taylor
Referred by: AOL
From: UK
Time: 2000-02-10 23:56:23
Comments: Excellent site. I too love sharks, the Zambesi being my favourite. I also video sharks when I get the chance. I am a technical diver and will shortly be involved in a great new venture in the UK for tech divers. Keep up the good work. Julie
Sharkman Comments: If you are ever in Malta, we can have some good dives.
Name: Tammy Meeks
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: orignally? LOL Calif-AZ-NY
Time: 2000-02-09 05:13:20
Comments: Nice Tat, gotta love it!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks.... I love it too.
Name: Michelle Clay
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: here and there in the US
Time: 2000-02-07 19:43:30
Comments: I'm just another soul who loves sharks and always have. My first report in school was on sharks and I've tried everyway possible to do every report since and I'm now 29. My mother use to think it was a phase, but I've proven her wrong for a while now. During shark week I'm one of those that yells at the TV with old footage that shows the wrong message but watch everyshow anyway yelling all the way, with my husband in the other room. I read all I can about them and try to enlighten others on how beautiful they are. All I can say is I love sharks. Thank you
Sharkman Comments: That is what I love to hear.... :-)
Name: Justin Friedel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 2000-02-06 18:52:33
Comments: Hi i am 15 years old and I really LOVE sharks. However, i am embarrased to say that the only shark that i have seen is a leapard shark and a lemon shark. And a nurse shark and some white tips. And all of these i had to see in the aquarium. I am on the internet right now looking for some great pictures of sharks so if anyone reads this could they send me some at Thanx Justin Friedel
Sharkman Comments: Justin you will find hundreds of pictures here on the net.
Name: Nirvana
Website: Nirvana's Home Sweet Home
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Canada
Time: 2000-02-05 21:38:41
Comments: Well Alex.....I like what you've done with the Place!! Its really well laid out, and easy to navigate. Not to mention interesting.....:-) Its wonderful to know you.....keep up the good work!!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Nirvana....... Your own page is great too.
Name: Peter Giger
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-05 17:54:23
Comments: Well done! Keep doing your work. There are not too much people who know how sharks REALLY are. Let's help them to understand!
Sharkman Comments: I do my best....
Name: Nickey Shah Jr.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Time: 2000-02-04 20:06:38
Comments: Congratulations on a very interesting web site. The devotion and committment you have toward your cause is most commendable. I simply found your site while searching for deep sea fishing info...
Name: heather
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: uk
Time: 2000-02-04 00:25:38
Comments: thanks for email re Malta and Great whites!! I just won an argument!!! cool
Sharkman Comments: So..... Do I get a beer now?
Name: alfred lindelof
Website: jokes jokes jokes
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: florida
Time: 2000-02-03 07:57:53
Comments: i am 11yrs old i have loved sharks for as long as i can remember. i wish to be a vet when i get older; my parents take me and my brother to venice florida every august to the sharks tooth/sea food festival,where i go to the beach behind the airport, usually we find about 40 or so fossilized sharks teeth, not megaladon but they are nice sizes.being here in florida is nice because after a hurricane goes thru the gulf of mexico the storm waves bring bigger teeth up on to the beach and it is easer just to pick them up, instead of having to go into the water with my dads home made sifters.anyway keep up the good work. your friend in sharks sir alfred the sharkboy p.s. i have lots of shark documentaries on tape and my favorite movie is Jaws of course, i know it's not real but the shots/pictures are wow anyway have a nice day.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Sir Alfred the Sharkboy, great to hear from you. Keep learning about Sharks. The more kids like you ... the better the future for The Sharks.
Name: Richard L. Lamb
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-02 19:47:32
Comments: I found your web site from the shark list. What a treat! I live in the middle of the North American continent, about as far away from sharks as you can get; but my background is in veterinary medicine and have a special interest in the ecology and biology of chondrichthyes. Nice web site. Keep up the good work. Richard
Sharkman Comments: Hi Richard.... Shark L is a great List.... Good luck in your work.
Name: stoney
Website: Stoney's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Paragould, AR
Time: 2000-02-02 14:36:38
Comments: Alex, Congrats on the awards. Your page looks great. By the way, have you tried the Dark Shark cigars? They're not bad. Later, stoney
Sharkman Comments: Nope... wanna send me some?
Name: Tom Lohre
Website: DeLohre Shark Skin Leather Goods
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cincinnati, Ohio USA
Time: 2000-02-02 02:26:12
Comments: Have you ever been bitten by a shark? Do you think you could have burial at sea where the sharks eat you? Keep up the good work.
Sharkman Comments: Nope no bites yet, but Sea burial is my dream and the sharks can make party of me then...... Can you find another job and keep the shark leather on the shark please?
Name: David Sausser
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Baltimore, Maryland USA
Time: 2000-02-02 02:23:32
Comments: Hi Sharkman, How are things? Is scuba diving difficult to learn? I'm 43 years old and in decent shape and have always been a good swimmer.
Sharkman Comments: Hi Dave... should be no problem if you are fit. My oldest student is 78 and we gave her here first lesson when she was 71. So if Maggie did it... so can you.
Name: DreamPackers
Website: DreamPackers Rainforest
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 2000-02-01 19:32:04
Comments: This is the Packer Family just stopping by for a little visit. We are pleased to give you our Choice Site Award and encourage you to continue your efforts on the behalf of Sharks. Thank you for sharing your site and talents.
Sharkman Comments: I am the one to THANK YOU.
Name: Bev Harrison
Referred by: From a Friend
From: England
Time: 2000-02-01 18:33:24
Comments: Great poems Alex, hope you don't mind if I use them in class!!! I'll give you credit of course.
Sharkman Comments: Ahha first Kim then you. Anything for you love. How is your PC doing ?
Name: Kim
Referred by: From a Friend
From: down the road
Time: 2000-02-01 18:18:01
Comments: nice one alex, now i know what you get up to these long dark evenings
Sharkman Comments: Hi mate..... better to be in front of your underwater camera. Just a few weeks and than on to a new season. Have that camera ready coz soon we get wet again.
Name: Janet McClure
Website: Marine & Wildlife Airbrush Art
Referred by: From a Friend
From: New Zealand
Time: 2000-01-29 23:45:09
Comments: Alex, you and the other members are to be commended for your dedication and perseverance in getting the Protection bill passed. Well done on a great site. Education is the first step to conservation. You are certainly doing that with your site. Keep up the good work
Sharkman Comments: Thanks ... My FIRST AWARD. :-)
Name: Spray
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 2000-01-29 02:19:47
Comments: extremely well made and informative page
Name: madison leigh middleton
Referred by: From a Friend
From: erie, pennsylvania
Time: 2000-01-28 06:32:47
Sharkman Comments: There will be more adventures... I am sure.
Name: Brooke Flammang
Website: all you wanted to know about me
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: CT, NJ
Time: 2000-01-28 01:55:41
Comments: your website looks great! i found out about it from shark-l. keep up the good work!
Sharkman Comments: long live Shark-L List.
Name: Kenneth Buhagiar
Referred by: From a Friend
From: South San Francisco, California USA
Time: 2000-01-24 23:29:29
Comments: Alex: Kif inti, Cugin....Nice job on your Web site. The Great White caught by that guy Abela was featured here in the States on the Discovery Channel, and they're still calling it the largest one ever snagged. We'll be in Malta in August 2000...hope to see you! Cousin Ken ta' California
Sharkman Comments: Hi Ken..... GREAT....Would love to see you again after all this time.
Name: sharkgirl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-24 20:26:52
Comments: I think this is a great site.I think the great white should be protected.
Sharkman Comments: So do I. and as you see from my pages, we can all make that happen.
Name: Lisandra
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sarasota, Fl
Time: 2000-01-24 19:06:06
Comments: Good info and keep with your unique activities.
Name: Jim Morris
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-22 08:01:37
Comments: I just checked out your cool Web site, so you can't give me any more shit!!!! Hope you are having a nice weekend!:)
Sharkman Comments: Hi Jim..... o.k..... Pass it on to the next guy. :-p
Name: Sandra Parcus
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Oxford, Michigan
Time: 2000-01-19 22:44:16
Comments: Great work Alex. I love your photos of the sharks and the music you chose. I admire that you fought to protect the sharks, most important, since most people fear the thought of them. They truly need protection from the ignorant attitudes surrounding them. Keep up the good work!!!! Your fan, Sandy
Sharkman Comments: GUESTS please note that the above comment is coming from the Mother of a Small kid who was actually bitten by a shark.
Name: Valerie Taylor
Referred by:
Time: 2000-01-18 23:25:40
Comments: Dear Alex,
Well done, soon that most incredible of all sharks will be protected worldwide. We just have to keep working on it. Keep up the good work.
best wishes Valerie Taylor
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Valerie. This is an honour coming from you .... but I am only following your footsteps. What you and Ron, along with Rodney Fox have done for Sharks in General was what inspired millions of others like me to start to see the true beauty of Sharks. WE OWE IT ALL TO YOU.
Name: Nikolai Micallef
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-01-18 22:59:58
Comments: Hi Alex, Haven't seen you in ages now...i hope you're doing fine and i would like to congratulate myself for your success in the protection of the white shark. Hope to see you soon...
Sharkman Comments: Me too.
Name: clay walters
Website: the fox
Referred by: From a Friend
From: carmel, IN
Time: 2000-01-18 21:41:28
Comments: Private Message
Name: Patricia
Website: This is the site I work on the most
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Washington State
Time: 2000-01-18 20:09:42
Comments: I don't believe it, your from Malta... just lately I found out of another aquantance that is also from Malta... when I lived in Europe a LONG time ago, I had a flatmate that was from Malta, he always was saving my neck from something bad!!! Best friend and big brother all in one... I will be back to look more at your site, Alex... Later cause right now we are getting ready to relocate to Rocklin, CA out of Sacramento... best to you and your revised site is GREAT!!!
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Pat..... we Maltesers are special... :-)
Name: Henry Endres
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 2000-01-18 19:47:11
Comments: Private Meggage
Name: Lorraine
Website: Personal info
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malta
Time: 2000-01-18 13:46:22
Comments: Well done again Alex ! very knowledgable and intresting sites....hopefully the only shark we will fear is you ! hahah lets just hope you wont be diving were i swim next summer !!! take care and keep it up.
Sharkman Comments: Hi. L........ tell me where you go to swim.
Name: Lisa
Website: SharkFriends
Referred by: From a Friend
From: USA
Time: 2000-01-18 04:12:53
Comments: Hi Alex! Just wanted to say publicly how impressed I am with the new look of your site! Your "SharkFriend", Lisa :)
Sharkman Comments: Your page turned out great also. :-)
Name: Elke Fischer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Austria
Time: 2000-01-17 12:29:43
Comments: Alex your homepage is great!
Name: Sandra Dee
Referred by: From a Friend
From: USA/ Michigan
Time: 2000-01-17 06:05:55
Comments: Hi Alex...........This web page is amazing...thank you for sending it my way. Really enjoyed it !!!! Your Long time friend Sandra Dee
Name: siren
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-16 21:07:02
Comments: 3 Private Messages !!! :-)
Name: John Meuse
Website: John Meuse's Page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cherry Hill, New Jersey USA
Time: 2000-01-16 20:45:01
Comments: Private Message
Name: Donn Sayer
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Towson, Md. USA
Time: 2000-01-16 20:17:43
Comments: Alex: VERY cool website, really impressed with the layout, graphics, music, info, pictures, color combinations... enviable. Best//Donn
Name: Elaine
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: U>K>
Time: 2000-01-16 02:21:06
Comments: This is an interesting site, Elaine.
Name: Ralph S. Collier
Website: Reporting Forms Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: U. S. A.
Time: 2000-01-16 01:41:16
Comments: Alex, Your new web site provides your readers with a wealth of information in a very friendly manor. Congratulations on a job well done. Best Regards, Ralph S. Collier Shark Research Committee
Sharkman Comments: Ralph thank you too..... your work helped my knowledge too.
Name: Sandra
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-16 00:30:16
Comments: Hello Alex, Loved going through your pages...they get better and better every time. You did a real great job here...keep up the good work. Love, your friend....Sandra.
Name: Albert Tolner
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-01-15 20:12:23
Comments: Nice work, Alex
Name: m pisani
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Tennessee
Time: 2000-01-15 17:14:48
Comments: This is a Great web page. Marcel P.S. Say hi to your brother
Sharkman Comments: brother says Hi.
Name: neil
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Australia
Time: 2000-01-15 17:11:55
Comments: Great site Alex ! I'll be watching for further updates. Congratulations and thanks for helping to get GW and others protected.Good luck for the future. regards, Neil. (shark-L list lurker!)
Name: Penny
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ontario, Canada
Time: 2000-01-15 15:29:44
Comments: Private Message
Name: Marc Baldwin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sussex, England
Time: 2000-01-15 14:41:44
Comments: Alex, Just to say well done on creating an interesting and informative web page. It's about time we had some decent sites that weren't hung up on how many gruesome attack stories they can fit on one URL! Congratulations! Cheers, -- Marc.
Sharkman Comments: Thanks Marc
Referred by: Net Search
From: malta
Time: 2000-01-15 14:04:06
Sharkman Comments: Guests..... Meet the Islands Best Singer.
Name: Raimo
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Frankfurt
Time: 2000-01-15 13:51:06
Comments: HAI ALEX, Happy new year ! Your new site is really good. Weiter so... CU Raimo :-)
Sharkman Comments: Sea Annemones beware.... Raimo is Here!!
Name: chris fallows
Website: african shark eco-charters
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: south africa
Time: 2000-01-15 13:14:09
Comments: Hey Alex , I had a look at your site for the first time and it was really great to see that there are people out there that like myself feel so strongly about these awesome animals. Hope you enjoy a couple of the images on my website Chris
Sharkman Comments: have a great site too.... maybe 1 day if i am rich enough, I visit you.
Name: Michele Peltier
Website: Just family and friends...not updated
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Plymouth MN 55441
Time: 2000-01-15 10:27:50
Comments: Hello ALex...I am once again in awe of your is beautiful ...dedication to such wildlife in our exceptional compassion, at the very least... Your friend always
Michele Joy Peltier
Name: Neumann
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wuppertal/Germany
Time: 2000-01-08 21:19:23
Comments: Happy New Year! Greetings from Wuppertal. All the best for you! Didn`t have your adress until your e-mail came. We hope, you are still chef-diver at octopus garden because you stopped smoking, right? Best wishes for you sent from Ralf, Niels, Sabine.P.S. Your home-Page is great
Sharkman Comments: Hi .... Can I have my cigarette Lighter.
Name: Chee Sum
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malaysia
Time: 2000-01-08 19:40:16
Comments: Your homepage is great. Keep up the good work.
Name: Bounce
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Alaska
Time: 2000-01-07 20:45:38
Comments: I liked the pics. I thought the graphic at the top was pretty cool too
Name: Alessandro De Maddalena
Website: Dr. Alessandro De Maddalena's Sharks and Cetaceans illustrations
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Italy
Time: 2000-01-06 16:08:26
Comments: Very interesting.
Name: Lisa
Website: SharkFriends HomePage
Referred by: From a Friend
From: USA
Time: 2000-01-01 23:33:34
Comments: Hi Alex! I really enjoyed my visit to your site! Its a really great webpage and I can tell that you really love sharks. I will definitely be adding your site to my links page! :)
Name: Csaba Tarnai
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Netherlands
Time: 1999-12-26 12:20:17
Comments: Great Site Alex, Are you still diving - it must be getting rather nippy :-) Ciao, Csaba
Name: Vicente Anislado-Tolentino
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: México
Time: 1999-12-14 02:10:09
Comments: I´m happy by meet you, I´m 31 years, and I study a master grade in biology of resources andaquatic system in UNAM., I work in the demographic and artesanial fisheries with the scalloped hammerhead, I have about 10 years in that study. Also I love the shark, but in my contry the puppies, named "cazón", about are 80% of the catch, this is an tradition. My homework is propose a conservation and haverst strategies. See you letter, good luck.
Name: Belladora
Website: Belladora's Worlds
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Indiana
Time: 1999-12-06 08:07:57
Comments: Hi Sharkman, I enjoyed you visiting my world Castles and hope to see you again. I loved your page... Bravo. Bell :)
Name: ian
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: new york city
Time: 1999-11-30 23:21:09
Comments: nice tattoo
Name: Gerald Jennings
Website: Calypso Publications and Research
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: London
Time: 1999-11-30 21:23:57
Comments: Great site. We are heavily involved in sponsoring a free on-line aquatic journal and would love to exchange links checkout and sign our guestbook
Name: kay
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: south dakota
Time: 1999-11-30 02:22:45
Comments: thank you.
Name: jason fabri
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: sliema
Time: 1999-11-26 19:12:01
Comments: I'd like to congratulate you on such a cool web site. It's true that some of the pages take a while to load but it was worth waiting. I really enjoyed seeing all the little frills you put in the site,especially the animated sharks.the photos are great too.Prosit & keep it up. jason fabri. (marine life care group-education)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: malta
Time: 1999-11-24 20:16:28
Comments: well done Alex, great page and good work with the achivement of the Great White Protection. your brother.
Name: Nirvana
Website: Nirvana's Home Sweet Home
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Canada
Time: 1999-11-17 02:19:46
Comments: Congratulations on your recent accomplishment.......we need more people like you in the world.....:-)
Name: David C. Powell
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Monterey Bay Aquarium, Calif.
Time: 1999-11-17 01:45:59
Comments: Congratulations on finally getting protection for the white shark around Malta. South Africa, California, S. Australia, Malta and next, the World! Keep up the good work. Dave
Name: Lady Dragon
Website: Maltesear
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malta
Time: 1999-11-16 22:41:07
Comments: Well Done Alex !! Congrats....lets only hope they will make swimming areas safe in the future ! heheh Good luck
Name: Arlene
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Canada
Time: 1999-11-16 21:40:22
Comments: Congratulations Alex you have worked long and hard for this and I am so pleased that they have paid attention to all your efforts. You deserve all the recognition for all the work you have done. You do the sharks proud. I am honored to have you as a friend.
Name: Sandra
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-11-16 21:14:11
Comments: Alex, here is my hearty congratulations for getting The Great White Shark protected by Law. WELL DONE MY FRIEND! I know you have been working hard for this. Great News!! Love Sandra.
Name: Mary Matheny
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-10-28 03:38:52
Comments: Your page is the best Hon - keep up the good work!!!!
Name: M.Bailey
Referred by: From a Friend
From: England
Time: 1999-10-12 00:38:07
Comments: Hi, it's Sarah from Southampton, the totally inexperienced diver! I've just showed my mum your website. She found it absolutely fascinating even though she had too much wine and wanted to go to sleep! See ya, Sarah and Mum Mum says to say goodnight and I've got to go to sleep!
Name: Lynn
Website: Shark Chat
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Toronto, Canada
Time: 1999-10-05 20:51:16
Comments: Great Website! Very informative. Thanks! Lynn
Name: Virag & Gabor
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Hungary
Time: 1999-09-30 23:13:53
Comments: Dear Alex, We learned a lot about sharks on your web site. Once again thank you for the excellent dives. See you soon.
Name: Axel u. Sylvia
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Germany, Stuttgart
Time: 1999-09-30 21:56:17
Comments: Alex ist der Crazy - Men und nicht der Shark - Men, daß weis jeder der mal mit Ihm getaucht ist. Denn im Wasser ist er in seinem Element -> nicht gefährlich sondern eher etwas verrückt, was jeden Tauchgang zu einem absoluten Erlebnis macht! Wer mit Alexander auftaucht und sagt er hätte nicht einmal unter Wasser gelacht der Lügt!!! Axel irgenwann 99
Name: Mary
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-09-30 03:13:59
Comments: Excellent sit, enjoyed the wide variety of graphics , it made the information present in an interesting and entertaining way. Good job Sharkman
Website: West-LaCount Photography
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: San Diego, CA
Time: 1999-09-25 01:59:50
Comments: Great Page, it's Really nice to see all of this support for these wonderful creatures. I myself am trying to help educate and save these beautiful fish. I'm sure I'll be back often to visit.
Name: Melanie
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Stuttgart / Germany
Time: 1999-09-22 17:02:53
Comments: Hey Alex, now I've had a look at your homepage and I'm deeply impressed!!!!!! When the hell do have all the time to build up such a homepage???? It's Great!!!! Unbelieveable!!!! I enjoyed to surf in! And I tell you it was not the last time! I put your homepage to my "Favoriten" Best wishes for you and Max! A big Hug Yours Melanie
Name: Puck Bosch
Referred by: From a Friend
From: The Netherlands
Time: 1999-09-22 02:30:45
Comments: I think this webpage is great
Name: NIKI
Referred by: From a Friend
From: NY
Time: 1999-09-19 23:34:39
Comments: Thanks baby for letting me be a part of your world!!!!!!! I enjoy every moment that we share!!!!!!!!! You are totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Richard Briggs (Hawaii Diver)
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Oahu, hawaii
Time: 1999-09-16 22:23:36
Comments: No comments. Just like sharks so i check out every site, or link i can.
Name: Kate Holly
Website: Shark Conservation Legislation in California
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Fresno, California
Time: 1999-09-16 01:55:38
Comments: Great Site! Very informative and great pics. Love the tattoo! Hope you succeed in protecting the Great White in Malta.
Name: Chris(Daddy of Max the crab)
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany
Time: 1999-08-30 23:39:10
Comments: Hi Alex, I´ve seen a lot of pages in the net. But, believe me, your one is one of the most cordial one. I can feel your passion for the shark when I´m looking your page.
Name: Sarah Smith
Referred by: Net Search
From: Southampton
Time: 1999-08-28 22:38:02
Comments: Very impressed! Did you build your own webpage? I can't do that yet, but I'm working on it. I see you are on ICQ I was on there but we haven't got enough memory on our computer so I came off. Martin might be getting me a new one though. Martin's at the pub so I'll show him your website when he gets back. Bye for now Sarah
Name: Hommel Udo
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany
Time: 1999-08-26 17:58:42
Comments: Hi Alex, now I have time to visit your wonderful page. Last weeks I must work very hard and so I have no time. I hope to hear from you soon. Keep going.....
Name: Elisa Haggard
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Concord, CA
Time: 1999-08-26 01:46:27
Comments: Alex, I got your web address from Shark-L. I have been a member for sometime, but I usually just sit back and read the emails and don't say a word. I have been fascinated with sharks ever since I went on the Jaws ride at Universal Studios, CA.
Name: Brian
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kentucky, USA
Time: 1999-08-24 19:35:32
Comments: I like the site, but i was looking for some info on the megalodon.
Name: Marianne
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Norway
Time: 1999-08-23 20:20:39
Comments: Hello! Thanks for responding my mail! Well, here I am, signing your guestbook as you told me to! I have already told you what I mean about your pages - truly one of the best ones I have ever seen! Well, do as you promised, mail me when you know if there is anything, anything at all, that I can do to help! Love always.
Name: Jim Morris
Website: Hawaii Shark Finning Article in August Issue of Genocide
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1999-08-21 04:06:20
Comments: Hi Alex, Just read your shark finning poem! I have passed it on to some like-minded contacts of mine.
Name: Penny
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ontario
Time: 1999-08-16 04:29:11
Comments: {Private Message}
Name: Cecelia
Referred by: From a Friend
From: kentucky... usa
Time: 1999-07-21 03:03:26
Comments: Did a great job enjoyed the tour!!!
Name: Lou
Website: Lou's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 1999-07-19 01:04:44
Comments: Nice web site Sharkman!
Name: Mary E. Matheny
Referred by: Tripod
From: Buchtel, OH, USA
Time: 1999-07-09 12:47:20
Comments: Alex, Just checking to see your updates - VERY nice!!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon and that you are well. I've missed chatting with you. Take care. Mary
Name: Ane Mari Bjørnæs
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Norway
Time: 1999-07-03 21:11:26
Comments: Great page!got your address from the Elasmo_L mailing list. I`m enjoying your links right now, while eating a muffin. Have a nice summer!
Name: Michele Joy Peltier
Referred by: Net Search
From: Glenwood Minnesota USA
Time: 1999-06-20 06:44:17
Comments: Site is quite awesome.....wonderfully put together...colorful...informational...truly done quite well!! I actually found site on ICQ.... Was looking for new friends who had Web pages... Why Malta, I have another friend on ICQ from Malta, and I enjoy him and never knew of Malta...broadening my horizens, so to say. Life can only be lived if we search out new experiences. The net allows us many many choices!! Keep up the excellent work Sharkman! And thanks for sharing....kaliapi
Name: bundy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Minnesota
Time: 1999-06-15 02:18:07
Comments: Loved the site, keep it going! The best shark site I have found yet.
Name: Ernst Weissbrodt
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany
Time: 1999-06-14 01:18:20
Comments: Hi Alex, last Friday I was still sitting with you at Benje´s, listening to your fascinating stories and now I am back at home and all fun I have is visiting your great Homepage. Hope I can come back as fast as possible to dive with you too (or better not ? Else you´ll really write me down in your "third book" :-) ) I hope that you can dive again as fast as possible ! Keep on fighting ! Ciao, ernesto.
Name: Jens-M. Wegener
Website: Planet Work
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany
Time: 1999-06-04 19:51:50
Comments: Hi Sharkman, I didn´t know that you have such a wonderful page about sharks. I really enjoyed diving with you and will see you again - hopefully within the next months. Yeah, I would like to go for sharks with you. Maybe there will be a chance sometime in the future! Stay cool! And don´t drink and dive! JEns
Name: Annette
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: North Dakota
Time: 1999-05-23 20:34:30
Comments: Hey Sharkman, Just wanted to give you my new e-mail address. And my website is now finished. It's fun and informative and features Georgie, The Great White. Annette. AKA Sharklady.
Name: Patricia Lanz
Website: All About Scuba Diving with Carl Roessler
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Novato, California
Time: 1999-05-20 22:53:51
Comments: Hey there, I was just wondering where did you get all your shark pictures from...? Do you do underwater photography, too? Some look a lot like the ones that Carl has done. Has he sent you any pictures? Thanks again for all you help with the great background and Your Site is very interesting and I'll be back when I have more time to look longer!
Name: Patricia Lanz
Website: All About Scuba Diving with Carl Roessler
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Novato, California
Time: 1999-05-20 22:30:28
Comments: I enjoyed but still have a problem with getting the links to work from the area as Shark Attacks, Shark Facts etc... what am I doing wrong, too old a browser??? Talk with ya soon. Patty of Sea Images with Carl Roessler
Name: rick .o.
Referred by: From a Friend
From: kansas
Time: 1999-05-15 06:19:16
Comments: cool page we only have land sharks in kansas lol
Name: Jen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wichita, KS
Time: 1999-05-15 05:28:36
Comments: Hi Alex :) I love what you have done with your is really nice. I hope that you will be adding more facts and information to it in the future. I was never really that interested in sharks before i met you, but now that i see what a love you have for them, it makes me want to learn more about them too (and i couldn't have found a better teacher) Keep up the good work my friend :) Love, Jen.
Name: SharkLady
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: North Dakota
Time: 1999-05-07 23:27:54
Comments: I really enjoyed Your Web site. I'd have to say it is now one of my Faves. :) I'll send you my URL once I get my page completely put together. Thanks. SharkLady.
Name: Sandra Sammut Alessi
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-05-03 21:21:07
Comments: Hello Alex!! So here I am again visiting your newly updated pages. It is a most enjoyable and informative journey going through all the site. It gets better and better everytime. Well done My Friend, you did an excelent job. Looking forward to your next update *S*.
Name: Leann Hubiak
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Statesboro, Georgia, USA
Time: 1999-05-03 19:53:30
Comments: I checked out your page after you sent the message to elasmo-L.
Name: Susssy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Michigan USA
Time: 1999-05-03 14:09:21
Comments: WOW page..never have heard anyone talking on their page before..and never knew about the shark fin soup--that's disgusting...glad i never eat it! Your poetry is good too..good luck in your endeavors...:)
Name: Mary E. Matheny
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Athens, OH
Time: 1999-05-03 13:41:18
Comments: Alex, Thank you for notifying me (and probably hundreds of others - LOL) of your new web page. It's wonderful - you should be SOOOOOOOOO proud. Best of luck in your quest. Take care and God Bless.
Name: Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Italy
Time: 1999-05-03 07:44:07
Comments: a most imaginative and impassioned website. Shark in the Mediterranean need a lot of attention, but ... don't forget the rays!
Name: Atreasure
Referred by: From a Friend
From: USA
Time: 1999-05-03 04:06:42
Comments: Hi sweetie...once again it is a wonderful page. You do such great work. Keep up the good work,but don't work too hard . Your graphics are awesome. They really get your attention : ) and that is always good to see. Take care and hope to get to talk to you soon....You know where to find me when we are both online.... God bless you and take care......
Name: Penny
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Toronto, Canada
Time: 1999-05-03 03:41:17
Comments: Alex, I really like the looks and the content of your new homepage. It looks GREAT!! Although I was a little saddened to see that there was no picture of "Little Sharky";-) I'll catch you soon! Keep up the good work sexy;-)!!!! Love Always, Penny (purplefish)
Name: Sarah Oliver
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Eastbourne, England
Time: 1999-04-17 10:48:06
Comments: This is a really lush site!!
Name: Graham Url of Exminster
Website: Exminster Dot Co
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: U.K
Time: 1999-04-16 20:48:02
Comments: Everything seems to be moving a little slow this evening but apart from that this site looks really great. Keep on with it.
Name: Haaitje Bijtje
Website: The Dedicated Shark Site
Referred by: From a Friend
From: The Netherlands
Time: 1999-04-11 15:30:45
Comments: I like the site and I linked your site to mine, go check it out, maybe you have some kind of banner that I can put on or something. Love Haaitje
Name: Joseph Abela
Website: surfing my world
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malta
Time: 1999-04-03 20:10:36
Comments: I think your favorite film is JAWS,nice homesharks.
Name: Sandra Parcus
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Oxford, Michigan USA
Time: 1999-03-26 01:28:48
Comments: My son was bitten in the calf in about two and a half feet of water in Volusia County Florida. Since then I have been looking up facts about shark attacks and trying to learn more about what makes a shark bite. Your page is very interesting and I love the pictures!!!
Name: Dennis Timmers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: the netherlands
Time: 1999-03-18 20:58:10
Comments: Great to see that there are more people who believe that a shark isn`t just a killer machine and complete misunderstood. Some day i want to go to south africa and to see one myself to take pictures and some film. Maybe, some day, before they are not seen again.
Name: icecube
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Msida/Mosta
Time: 1999-03-16 23:29:59
Comments: Nice...keep up the good work Alex.
Name: Tim Sturges
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Phillip Island , Australia
Time: 1999-03-12 14:26:41
Comments: Great site!! The links are fantastic. Your Shark knowledge is enviable, I wish I knew half the stuff you know about Sharks.
Name: Dusty Shaw
Website: Dusty's Hangout
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tallahassee FL
Time: 1999-03-09 19:23:19
Comments: I like your homepage.
Name: Jobie71
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1999-03-08 20:42:56
Comments: he he he,,,, Alex nice pix,,, I did come,,, not a fan of sharks though...Bonnie
Name: Jeorg & Nicole Steinmann
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-03-02 20:51:03
Comments: We are coming hopfully back to Malta this year
Name: henry endres
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Germany
Time: 1999-02-28 09:53:46
Comments: thank you for this information about sharks. I love the maltese islands, and when i stay in malta, i sometimes read about sharks in your newspapers.But now I know more. Even if i could not imagine, that there are white ones in the maltese sea. Thank you and many greatings from germany
Name: Natalino Ciantar
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Cospicua Malta
Time: 1999-02-28 07:44:53
Comments: I just love sharks ,thank you for this very interesting information,keep up the good work....Grazzi Habib
Name: Janice
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: my world
Time: 1999-02-25 02:38:46
Comments: Dear Sharkman..... Wonderful pages here....excellent for my son's school project! Let's keep in touch!!
Name: fuzzy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: greece
Time: 1999-02-24 15:55:44
Comments: please if possible put more information about their predatory behaviour
Name: kyle
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: florida
Time: 1999-02-21 23:22:01
Comments: we really enjoyed your sight! we too believe that the slaughter of sharks must end! thankyou for a great sight!
Name: Albin Gustafsson
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Sweden
Time: 1999-02-21 13:02:39
Comments: Nice work. Information is the only way to fight old missunderstandings and preconsieved facts. Lets all try to keep these magnifient creatures alive on this planet for another 0.5 G-years.
Name: Jesco Hoffmann
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Heidelberg,Germany
Time: 1999-02-15 13:04:11
Comments: I also have a great passion for sharks. Great job you are doing! Go on!! There should be more people like you.
Name: Michael Collins
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Brooklyn, N.Y.
Time: 1999-02-14 02:38:14
Comments: Although I am not a scientist or researcher, I have always been fascinated by the undersea world, especially sharks. I'm always looking and listening for information and up-to-dates on these awesome creatures.
Name: Sarah Ely
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Maine, USA
Time: 1999-02-09 21:44:23
Comments: Hello Alex...I love your site, it has provided me with tons and tons of info for my shark project. I appreciate the respect you give to all shark species, not very many people feel so passionately about sharks as you do. Keep up the good work, Alex!! PS. I love the music, it guides me smoothly across your site like i'm wearing flippers...hehe
Name: Jim Abernethy
Website: Jim Abernethy's Scuba Adventures
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: North Palm Beach, Florida
Time: 1999-02-08 04:44:14
Comments: Hi Alex, Beautiful Site! I wish you much success, in you endeavors for the sharks! Please visit me and see my sharks on your next visit to Florida, as my guest! Thanks for all your help with the sharks.
Name: Rudy Socha
Website: Dolphin Whale & Shark Gift Store
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Avon Lake, Ohio
Time: 1999-02-08 01:48:58
Comments: Alex, sorry didn't get to finish. as I started to state before I'm amazed at the amount of additional work that you have put into the site since I first saw it 3 months ago. God only knows how much more info will be included both direct and via links in a years time. Also, I would like to know the true scoop on all of the women in your fan club. Rudy
Name: Rudy Socha
Website: Dolphin Whale & Shark Gift Store
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Avon Lake, Ohio
Time: 1999-02-08 00:43:31
Comments: Much more content than the last time I visited about 3 months ago.
Name: David C. Powell
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Monterey Bay Aquarium, Calif.
Time: 1999-02-07 17:07:19
Comments: Found your site through Elasmo-L.
Name: Brian Switek
Website: The Sharks Pool
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Clark, NJ< USA
Time: 1999-02-07 17:02:52
Comments: Hey Alex, Great site you've made here. Keep up the great work and keep fighting for our finned friends out there!
Name: Rita
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Connecticut
Time: 1999-02-07 05:25:37
Comments: Great page, very informative
Name: Dr Chris Allman
Website: Shark World Bookstore
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: West Wales, U.K.
Time: 1999-02-07 01:43:16
Comments: Great site Alex, and nice to put a face to the contributions in
l-shark list. Cheers, Chris
Name: Lynda
Website: Welcome to my Star !
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Kansas City..7th star left side of the Moon...
Time: 1999-01-26 19:31:17
Comments: Alex... Thank you for sharing the secrets of the deep with us.. a truly fascinating website and I am looking forward to reading more and exploring your other links... You've done a great job and let me know when the new page is ready for viewing... Keep up the good work...its a beautiful site... ::blowing a kiss to sharky:: xoxox
Name: Jen
Website: Jen's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kansas
Time: 1999-01-20 07:02:06
Comments: Hey Babe :) How are you doing? I'm in vp right now and decided to take a peek at your looks GREAT!! Hope to talk to you soon. I miss you :) XOXOXO
Name: Alex Cooke
Referred by: From a Friend
From: England.
Time: 1999-01-04 20:01:33
Comments: More power to you. We will sink a few jars of beer in March.
Name: Lisa L. Dean (sharklady)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Maine........USA!
Time: 1999-01-01 04:19:22
Comments: cute
Name: Nancy Mark Honig
Website: Animal Attack Files
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-01-01 03:53:42
Comments: Hello Sharkman! Love this site and your photos are awesome. Your site will be added to the Links Page of the Animal Attack Files, with your permission. Please cruise on over and check it out. Thanks!
Name: Mark Small
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 1998-12-21 23:20:51
Comments: I am very interested in Sharks, Rays & Dolphins. I have been interested in Sharks from a very early age. Other people, think of me has mad, for liking Sharks. They think, they are very horrible & ugly looking. Just by watching them swim, they don't swim, they glide. They are elegant swimmers. I got a few news paper cutting, about sharks attacks, but I need to collection, to become bigger. Is there a WEB site, which deals in shark attacks? Could you tell me about any great Shark WEB sites! Cheers Mark
Name: Nick
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Sussex, England
Time: 1998-12-19 23:10:27
Comments: I enjoyed viewing your pages as I too share a fascination with sharks. Keep up the good work.
Name: Michelle
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Washington State
Time: 1998-12-18 04:54:37
Comments: {Private Message}
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1998-12-05 23:44:56
Name: Krešo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Croatia
Time: 1998-12-04 01:13:25
Comments: I am a BIG fan of sharks and I really like your page.Keep a good work!
Name: Judy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jersey in the Channel Islands, UK
Time: 1998-12-03 13:09:58
Comments: Hi Alex !!! Well I made it here at last. Great Web Site I'll make sure I pass this around. Keep up the good work!!!!
Name: PIXI
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 1998-11-28 22:51:22
Comments: at this page aswell : HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! have a lot of dives more in your life.
Name: spiritpath
Referred by: From a Friend
From: USA
Time: 1998-11-22 03:05:14
Comments: very interesting and educational site.....will tell others about it.
Name: Carly J. Grigg
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1998-11-21 02:40:58
Comments: Hi Well you have a great page, I spend six and a half weeks in Malta during the summer of 97 Unfortunately I did not encounter any sharks! I did not go scuba diving but spent most of my time snorkeling. I am fascinated with sharks of all kinds and am always looking for more info on them. We have some great shark diving here in Canada, more specifically in British Columbia. They are six gill sharks and are about 12- 14 footers. They are very beautiful and easy to film. I hope to return to Malta this summer and perhaps we can meet up and talk sharks! do you know of any good places to sight them, while scuba diving? thanks for a great shark page keep it up
Name: Ralf
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cologne, Germany
Time: 1998-11-19 19:19:33
Comments: Excellent work Alex! Save the sharks! :-)
Name: Giuseppe
Website: The King of the Sea
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Italy
Time: 1998-11-15 03:23:24
Comments: Hey! Thanks for having looked at my page! I visited yours... It's really cool! I've put your link in my page. I hope you can do the same with mine. Bye Giuseppe
Name: Sharon Behnke
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-11-08 05:15:12
Comments: Hi Alex! It's beautiful! Feel like I wanna just dive right in!
Name: Mark Formosa
Website: #MaltaZone Official HomePage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malta
Time: 1998-11-03 09:41:36
Comments: Good web site mate, I am afraid of sharks but I think they are nice to see, on a pic obviously!! Anyway good job!
Name: Anna
Website: no homepage of me
Referred by: From a Friend
From: you know it
Time: 1998-10-29 14:09:41
Comments: Hai Alex, how are you. This is second time I look into your page and I like it. Who did the work for you?? I hope that my mail address is now correct and you can sent me a message and I have to write you a letter because, there happened a lot. Bye bye and take care Your friend
Name: Wendy
Website: Silowetcat's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pittsburgh PA
Time: 1998-10-27 20:19:35
Comments: Post from Shark-L. Interesting site. The intro voice is great. (I suspect it's yours....) and the music kills me :-) Hope all is well in Malta with the sharky situation there. From one diver to another ;-)
Name: Fernando
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: La Coruna (SPAIN)
Time: 1998-10-27 14:43:06
Comments: Good Web Site I enjoy it. I would like to know more about GW in Malta. Greetings from Spain, Fernando
Name: Shark-Fred
Website: Swedish Elasmobranch Society
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Sweden
Time: 1998-10-27 08:53:44
Comments: Hi there Sharkman! Nice to see a serious page on sharks. Keep it up!
Name: Nikolai Micallef
Website: Detonator's Page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Zebbug
Time: 1998-10-25 23:26:22
Comments: Hoi Sharky...Cool page man, it really shows how much you love what you do...keep it up my friend... : )
Name: carmen gusman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1998-10-24 08:41:47
Comments: well done..keep up the good work!
Name: Elizabeth Walker
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Rising Star, TX
Time: 1998-10-21 17:55:54
Comments: I and my youngest son are really interested in sharks. We will be back.
Name: cupcake_36
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Indiana, USA
Time: 1998-10-18 01:16:51
Comments: Hello you , have missed you . I really like your new homepage is very kewl...and I enjoyed looking at it. Sure do miss you, you take care..Susan
Name: Penny
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Toronto, Ontario
Time: 1998-10-17 21:53:22
Comments: Hey baby, excellent page!!! It was great meeting you and keep up the good work. I really enjoyed reading all the information. I like your pic and your voice too!!! Talk to you later sexy!! xo Penny (sexyfem) icq#9688968
Name: Cindy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Indiana
Time: 1998-10-17 19:39:33
Comments: great page my boys like sharks
Name: Sarah Muscat
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1998-10-14 20:40:55
Comments: I believe that no creature belongs to any of us on this earth therefore we have no right to exploit them, but instead they deserve all our respect for what they are.
Name: Kenneth Buhagiar
Website: Wasted Away Again in Boohazhurville
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: South San Francisco, California, USA
Time: 1998-10-14 01:03:53
Comments: Hey, Cousin! Your page looks better than fact, it looks so good, I put a link to it on my home page ( Keep up the good work, Alex. Ciao, baby!
Name: Lorraine
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malta
Time: 1998-10-13 21:54:21
Comments: Haven't talked to you in ages !!!! Hope you and everyone is to you soon. Take Care.
Name: sunrise_d
Website: Loving You Comes Easy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: IL
Time: 1998-10-13 15:27:46
Comments: Nice job Sharkman....real cool graphics~
Name: Suzy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Illinois
Time: 1998-10-13 13:10:08
Comments: Dear Sharkman, Thanks for the interesting site. Smile. Suzy
Name: DDPeggySue
Referred by: From a Friend
From: WV
Time: 1998-10-12 22:21:46
Comments: Great page.....loved it!!!.....Grow that hair back...haha
Name: Jeanette Russo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Chicago
Time: 1998-10-11 15:55:03
Comments: Kewl page
Name: L.K.Ransome
Website: Comanche Coyote
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Louisiana
Time: 1998-10-11 08:26:19
Comments: I understand your passion for the shark. I am passionate for the American bison and the wolves. We need to save our wildlife, not kill what We do not understand, it is all We have. When it is gone so are We An old Indian once said, what befalls the beast, so befalls man. We are killing ourselves. It must stop. Much luck my brother friend. Nice site
Name: Loralee Nepoose
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Alberta Canada
Time: 1998-10-11 05:46:33
Comments: nice page
Name: LOBO7
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-10-11 02:09:59
Comments: Excellent Web Page !..As a former free lung spearfisher & Scuba diver, it brings a lot of memories ! Enjoyed my visit! LOBO7
Name: Ann-Christin
Website: Ann-Christin's Butterfly Garden
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Oslo, Norway
Time: 1998-10-11 00:55:39
Comments: You have made a great shark page. I enjoyed reading it. Sharks are fascinating creatures.
Name: Uffdaa
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Illinois
Time: 1998-10-10 23:55:36
Comments: Good Luck.
Name: Julie
Website: ZIGGY'S PUB
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Virginia
Time: 1998-10-10 23:07:33
GREAT SITE!! Come see me!! :o)
Name:Simon Delicata
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1998-10-10 21:42:06
Comments: Nice web page Sharkman, I would like to see some pictures of actual shark attack victims or photos from investigations of shark attacks, also have a special report on the shark attack that happened in Malta in the 1950`s where that English guy was eaten and was thought that the Maltese guy who was swimming with him killed him, it was in discovery station`s sharkweek
Name: Joe Slackie
Website: Welcome to my cyber home
Referred by: From a Friend
From: California USA
Time: 1998-10-10 17:44:45
Comments: Hi Got a note from Kristin to come take a look. Joe
Name: Kristin Nybrott
Website: Kristin´s homepage
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Norway
Time: 1998-10-10 17:10:48
Comments: You have done a GREAT job both with your Website and the research ....Keep on like this!!! By the are a very good friend....Thank you for being what you are!
Name: Vampire WASP
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Malta
Time: 1998-10-10 13:06:55
Comments: at last! someone doesn't hate sharks! good work! we'll be loving WASP's soon!hehe
Name: enzo gusman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: qawra......malta
Time: 1998-10-10 08:04:58
Name: Sheena
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Montana
Time: 1998-10-10 04:36:19
Comments: Hi! Loved your page, it was very interesting.
Name: Teresa Lauretic
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wisconsin. USA
Time: 1998-10-10 03:51:16
Comments: Alex, I just loved reading and listening to your web page. I found it so interesting. I know my children will also love to look at it. They are fascinated with all sea creatures. Keep up the good work. :) You friend Teresa. (evergreen0) I'm also glad I got to hear what You sound like. :)
Name: cashmire
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Canada
Time: 1998-10-10 03:22:49
Comments: hey my friend real nice...I look forward to seeing more..Thanks for giving me your ya soon around the net... Keep up good work.
Name: Janet
Referred by: From a Friend
From: montana
Time: 1998-10-10 02:48:36
Comments: thanks Alex for sending me the url......very nice page
Name: Turab Sheikh
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1998-10-10 01:11:12
Comments: HI, A very nice page...Keep it up....try and dive with VINDALLO sometime.......SEE YA
Name: Emanuel
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Sydney
Time: 1998-10-10 01:05:46
Comments: Good Page Sharkman. Very interesting especially the photo about the one caught in Malta Will be logging on for more updates.
Name: Siren Seabreeze -))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: PENNA :)) good ol' USA!!!!
Time: 1998-10-10 00:58:22
Comments: {Private Message}
Name: Amy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Florida
Time: 1998-10-10 00:56:20
Comments: Looks great hun. Keep up the good work. ö¿ö
Name: Johnnie JJ-CA
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Sweden, living in San Diego area
Time: 1998-10-10 00:29:30
Comments: Sandra from Malta (dnsa) sent me your URL to check out, it's a very interesting page, good work!! JJ
Referred by: From a Friend
From: USA
Time: 1998-10-10 00:27:27
Comments: Hi there,it's me Atrasure from VP.....I like your page : ) the back ground could not be any more appropriate : ) ....Talk to You soon..... : ) bye...
Name: Jen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kansas
Time: 1998-10-10 00:13:47
Comments: I love your new page you're the best *kiss* hope to talk to You soon Jen.
Name: Sandy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA>>>>>>Michigan
Time: 1998-10-10 00:11:15
Comments: Hey Alex.........looks very nice......will send it to all my friends.
Name: Vapor
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ohio
Time: 1998-10-10 00:07:55
Comments: Nice page Shark looks like You have put a lot of work on it.I bookmarked it and sent to friends..thank You for sending it..Vap
Name: Debbie
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Florida,
Time: 1998-10-10 00:03:59
Comments: I have really enjoyed your page. Thank You
Name: Sandra -dnsa-
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malta
Time: 1998-10-09 00:05:00
Comments: Hello Sharkman, Here I am again, one of the most dedicated fans of this page. Just visited your newly updated sites. This is definitely one of the BEST web pages I have ever visited. Very informative and it shows the great love and passion You have for the SHARKS. Well done SHARKMAN, keep up this exceptional good work. I will be visiting regularly.....As Always. Your friend, Sandra. P.S. I also loved the poem You wrote.
Name: Linda Getts
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-10-05 02:38:39
Comments: fantastic site!!
Name: happybrooks
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-09-28 03:37:30
Comments: really enjoyed the tour
Name: Jodie Thomas
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lady Lake ,Fla
Time: 1998-09-26 04:14:38
Comments: The shark man brought me here and its a wonderful place to visit as long as your with someone You enjoy
Name: Sandy
Website: Sandy's Place
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Florida
Time: 1998-09-02 18:50:16
Comments: Very well done! I find the subject of sharks very interesting and will check out your site periodically. I commend You on the way You set up your pages and the easiness of being able to read them. The colors, graphics and setup are very appealing ... nice work!
Name: cupcake_36
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Indiana, USA
Time: 1998-08-22 06:12:32
Comments: Hey sharkman...i was here just wanted to let u know cupcake
Name: Jen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wichita, KS
Time: 1998-08-17 01:53:35
Comments: Hey Sharky....i really like your page :) I don't know a whole lot about sharks (We don't have too many here in Kansas lol) I think the closest I've ever come to one was when my husband and I were at the beach in Galveston, TX and my husband was out in the water, about to his waist, and he saw a fin coming towards him.....and then it jumped out of the water right in front of him.....he started screaming and ran back towards the turned out to be just a have never laughed so hard in my life........Thanks for being such a great friend...hope to talk to You soon :)
Name: Barb
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kansas
Time: 1998-08-16 22:07:44
Comments: nice page.....nice
Name: Susan Hall
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Tampa, FL
Time: 1998-08-11 05:43:25
Comments: Like yourself, I love sharks. I read, watch, and collect anything and everything about sharks. My interest predates "Jaws". I have dived with sharks in the Gulf of Mexico and volunteered at 2 local aquariums.
Name: Maxine
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ontario, Canada
Time: 1998-08-09 23:30:55
Comments: Hi Sharkman. We have chatted before (at Malta chat), but that was some time ago. Very cool site ya have here. Sharks have always fascinated me, too. Ever since I first watched "Jaws", which scared the living tar out of me!! Is it true that most shark attacks are due to "mistaken identity", i.e., the shark thinking the human is a fish, etc? Well thanks for putting together such an interesting "page", see ya later
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1998-08-09 20:03:11
Name: some guy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: California
Time: 1998-08-06 12:46:41
Comments: first of all, when did You start LEARNING about sharks? Second, do You dive with sharks? if so,where, when and how much? E-mail me
Name: Peggy Sue Harner
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: WV
Time: 1998-08-04 20:07:45
Comments: Enjoyed it very much....
Name: mc trak
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Germany
Time: 1998-08-04 10:35:06
Comments: I just found your Homepage! greetings Jan and Susi
Name: Christian Redinger
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Austria /Vienna
Time: 1998-08-02 19:09:44
Comments: Great diving with You Alex! See ya next year!
Name: Dr.Rochenfeld ( Klaus Marienfeld )
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Germany - Bochum
Time: 1998-08-02 18:55:02
Comments: Hello Shark-Alex!!!!! Viele Grüße aus dem verregneten Deutschland. Wir denken oft an Euch.Du kanst uns ja mal eine I-Mail schicken.Viele Grüße an die ganze Manschaft von Klaus, Iris, Patrick und Andre.
Name: Henning Strube
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Germany
Time: 1998-07-31 17:16:09
Comments: Hi Alex currently I show Birgit your page in the singnon You´ll find my new address Greetings Birgit & Henning from Hamburg
Name: Beck
Website: Beck's Great White Shark Page!!!!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Kansas
Time: 1998-07-29 00:57:09
Comments: Hey Sharkman. You have a great site!!! Check out mine and be sure to sign the guestbook. I will add your link to my page if You do the same.
Name: Daan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Holland
Time: 1998-07-25 17:55:03
Comments: Glad I finally visited your website, but I didn´t hear any voice. I´m going to check on the computer and try again. Very curious what You say. The cover for the underwater novel is set: it must be a (smiling) shark, Mail You, Bye, Daan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-07-24 00:21:23
Comments: {Private Message}.
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: The Netherlands
Time: 1998-07-23 21:14:41
Comments: High Alex!! Nice page, I especially like the little "comic"-shark! Cheers, Birgit!
Name: Andre
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hamburg
Time: 1998-07-17 01:28:31
Comments: Hi Alex- crazy sharkbaby- You wanted me to be no. 50- so take that ! Give me the e-mail address of Kim h. (the best videographer from Malta) if You can. I want to send him some regards. Many hello´ s to all my friends over there. Bye A.
Name: Kim
Website: The Guardian
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada
Time: 1998-07-16 02:17:59
Comments: Real nice page, but I never got to hear your voice *smile*
Name: Simon Delicata
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Canada
Time: 1998-07-12 14:58:16
Comments: I always have had a fascination with sharks, and this website is good for learning about them and seeing some nice pictures of them. The GREAT WHITE SHARK is truly the perfect killing machine and I would like to see more photos of it in action, doing what it does best. PS. Is there a possibility I can get an account of all the shark attacks that happened in Malta? Thanks, keep this site tops, sharks rule!!!!! DON'T GET EVEN WITH JAWS, DO NOT EAT A FISH!!!!!!!! Simon
Name: Diane
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Georgia, United States
Time: 1998-07-12 14:51:58
Comments: Hello.......Love the page! Talk soon I hope. Diane
Name: Sharon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Virginia - ICQ
Time: 1998-07-08 22:59:37
Comments: Hi Alex guess You already know that I enjoy your page looking forward to future updates. Your ICQ friend, Sharon
Name: Ariel
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Middle of No Where -
Time: 1998-07-06 04:44:41
Comments: Well Well ... and who would of thought such an intersting fellow would be found amongst my chatter friends that I have met only briefly and in a country that I have only visited 5 times in less than 2 years :) ... I love your page - it is bookmarked .. but then again I have your number also in my "little black book" ... see you in Malta (with or without the dessert) ... remember though ... I'm partial to Vanilla *LOL*
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Malta !!!!!!!!
Time: 1998-07-06 04:02:44
Comments: TNX for being a friend...your the best...and tnx for helping me out when i needed you !! Keep smiling and take care. Much luv.
Name: Claudia & Frank
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mannheim-Germany
Time: 1998-07-05 18:27:27
Comments: Hello Alex, thanks for good diving and informations about sharks. Take care on the med.sea. We contact you by e-mail. see you
Name: Janette aka Blondy
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: North Carolina USA
Time: 1998-07-01 01:56:17
Comments: Hi Alex , You have done a great job on this page and I am very proud of you . I really like the addition of your voice dear . Please keep up the great job that you are doing . People should be told the truth about Sharks , and you ARE the man to do it . Take Care !!
Name: Lisa Harris (cookie)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: San Antonio, TX
Time: 1998-06-29 02:50:45
Comments: cool homepage sharkman!!!
Name: Henning Strube
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Germany
Time: 1998-06-28 21:06:49
Comments: Hi Alex things are difficult in this days. Hope you´ll feel fine. Sorry but I didn´t reached the eval I promised you currently. I´m very interested what´s up in your page Greetings from Germany .... to Udo and Mathias too Henning
Name:Patrick Buhagiar
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1998-06-27 19:55:54
Comments: Greetings from San Jose, California, U.S.A.! Home of the San Jose Sharks National Hockey Team!! Great page, cousin. Keep it up!
Name: Kenneth Buhagiar
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: South San Francisco, California, USA
Time: 1998-06-22 20:47:24
Comments: Hello, Alex...Cousin Ken here from California, USA! Nice to see that someone else in our family is computer literate. Nice Web page. Keep up the good work. -KB-
Name: Andy Latham
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: California
Time: 1998-06-22 10:40:22
Comments: Do you know of any web sites that sell Frame Quality shark prints?
Name: Sarah
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Michigan. USA
Time: 1998-06-21 06:05:02
Comments: We met on Sunday morning very early. You liked my av photo on the virtual places. Love your homepage. Thanks for the ICQ. Sarah
Name: Babydoll
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Trinidad
Time: 1998-06-18 04:07:36
Comments: hey there sharkman, see i finally took the dive into your world,it`s cool!!!!
Name: Thomas Unterhuber
Website: The real hp follows in summer98
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Hohenlohe/Germany
Time: 1998-06-15 17:25:00
Comments: Hi Alex. A trout in Lake Constance told me that you're having her husband's pic in your homepage. See you soon!
Name: Kristin Nybrott
Website: My homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Norway
Time: 1998-06-14 01:04:57
Comments: Hello to yo my special friend.... You have made a very interesting page....both about the shark in living under water....and those living above. Hope to see you online soon. K. Kristin
Name: diana
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: good ol' PA! :))
Time: 1998-06-13 22:24:05
Comments: {Private Message}
Name: Carmen
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Toronto and Malta/Paola
Time: 1998-06-13 21:50:44
Comments: Sharkman, you have a great site. I hope you don't annoy any sharks when you go diving. All the best Carmen (Sab)
Name: diana
Website: ME Myself and I
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Good ol' USA!!!! :)) there is NO place like it,,,, or so they say !:))
Time: 1998-06-13 21:11:40
Comments: {Private Message}
can you see my comment! :))))))) *k* diana (siren seabreeze) PS I loved your page,,,, it is very IMFORMATIVE and nicely done!!! stay sweet and dreamy !:)))
Name: Sandy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Michigan.........USA
Time: 1998-06-13 20:59:58
Comments: Hey there......this is the BEST sight I have EVER SEEN !!!!!!!! Sandy
Name: Andrea Koch
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Frankfurt
Time: 1998-06-13 00:38:09
Comments: Kif inti, Alex? Nice web site. I hope the Mediterranean sea will always be as blue as your homepage. Take care and see you soon!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: UK
Time: 1998-06-11 03:54:12
Comments: Kool Page sharkman, keep up the good work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Bella
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Malta
Time: 1998-06-09 22:27:37
Comments: Hey Sharky !!!!!!!!........I like your page....I like the music....I like your pic.......
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-06-09 01:17:49
Name: *D*
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Malta
Time: 1998-06-08 20:58:10
Comments: {Private Message}
Name: enzo gusman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: qawra, malta
Time: 1998-06-03 08:10:28
Comments: Hey........this page is getting to be more exciting each time I visit. Keep it up !
Name: Shirley McLemore
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Iowa, USA
Time: 1998-06-01 04:09:34
Comments: Very nice and informative. I'll check back often. Keep up the good work.
Name: Anita Cos
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Holland
Time: 1998-05-20 23:01:23
Comments: Dear Alex Nice to see you on the net!! Thanks for your E-mail. Ronald is sitting right next to me, he is working very hard. Rik and Mirjam are sleeping so I have some time to write you a little note. We are all doing very fine. A real family life. Rik is very sweet. He hardly cries. Mirjam is groing up very fast, but I guess you know how that goes. How are your kids, and how is Jo? I hope you are still hapily together. I am feeling a bit jaleous of you, because of all the dives you can make. I haven't dived since we were on Malta. A pitty, isn't it? Have to quit now, Rik is starting to cry, maybe he's hungry again. I had to give Ronald's regards, he will write to you soon. Hope to hear from you soon, Anita
Name: Raimo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Frankfurt
Time: 1998-05-19 23:55:30
Comments: HAI Sharkman! Here I am ! Your page looks very blue. CU in September!
Name: Shonna
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Utah
Time: 1998-05-17 23:33:25
Comments: Hey Sharkman!!! Great Page!!!! It was very interesting and good links as well.
Name: Raymond Camilleri
Website: Malta as you see it !
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Malta Naxxar
Time: 1998-05-17 21:13:40
Comments: this is my 7 th time signing this guest book after each message I find from you on icq i hope it is the last . Try and find out what is happening to your messages ------ but again i wonder if you will read this message or if it will go lost like the previous 6 messages. regards Raymond Camilleri i hope you will read this !!! *lol*
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Corinth, Mississippi...USA
Time: 1998-05-17 14:51:44
Comments: Hey...i finally signed your guest book...its a great page....
Name: Diana
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Indiana U.S.A.
Time: 1998-05-17 12:48:52
Comments: MMMMMMMMMMMMMM Very Very Interesting!!! Thanks for sharing.. Diana....
Name: Bodo Trieb
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Germany
Time: 1998-05-13 22:13:37
Comments: Hi Alex, nice work. It must have kept you pretty busy. Just keep it up and show the world what a man can do ... except diving. Remember: The best place to be . . . See you soon. Take care! Bodo
Name: Anne
Website: Spree
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: ontario
Time: 1998-05-13 00:17:58
Comments: I have always liked watching documentries on sharks, but have to admit would never go and try to make friends with them LOL
Name: Gilbert better known as
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Rheinfelden CH
Time: 1998-05-12 07:49:18
Comments: Greetings to all guests and specially to Sharkman: "From the top of the Swiss mountains to the bottom of the maltese Sea"
Name:Eric J. Steiger
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wildwood Crest NJ
Time: 1998-05-05 01:53:38
Comments: Great page man!! very informative !!
Name: Nikolai Micallef
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Zebbug
Time: 1998-05-03 01:50:01
Comments: Hey habib....prosit my friend, you surely show your passion in's very interesting and i hope you'll be able to gain out much from it my friend
Name: Arnold Raup
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bremen / Germany
Time: 1998-04-30 07:58:03
Comments: Hello Alex,the best greetings from Bremen.It was a nice time on malta.I think on your sreensaver.
Name: Jeff Norman
Website: na
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: ohio
Time: 1998-04-29 00:50:52
Comments: Not a bad site informitive-pretty cool!
Name: Corinna und Jens Zimmermann
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Germany / Bremen
Time: 1998-04-24 19:00:46
Comments: Hi Alex, many greetings from the oldest people in Bremen. Look in our face, then you now what I meen. We are only on Malta young and fresh. If you like, send me a mail with destination to Elke. We see us next time. See you, Corinna and Jens
Name: Cherie
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Florida
Time: 1998-04-23 05:33:09
Comments: Hi Alex! It's your mystery woman! I told you I would sign your guest book! It's really very good! You should be very proud of it! I hope to learn more about the sharks and you! Talk to you soon!
Name: (Alexis) Kathy Morgan
Website: Alekat's Lair (I'm working on it!))
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: San Diego USA
Time: 1998-04-21 04:42:57
Comments: Hi Alex. See I told you I would drop by! I've always loved the water and diving since I was little. the closet I've ever been is on the island of pohnpei on the return trip from Truk lagoon. there were a dozen blacktip reef sharks but I was more scared of the 300+ baracuda!Great site...I'll come back soon! Kathy
Name: Carmen Gusman
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada
Time: 1998-04-16 19:43:57
Comments: Keep up the good work my friend.....your page gets better every time I look at it!!!
Name: Janette Cobb
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: North Carolina , USA
Time: 1998-04-16 15:36:50
Comments: Great Page !! I am very proud of you Sharkman !!
Name: Sandra Sammut Alessi
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Swieqi
Time: 1998-04-14 20:25:11
Comments: Sharkman, This is an exceptional page. Very interersting. Keep up the goodwork.